The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 126: surprise

Zifeng opened five bags and carefully checked the number of seeds. The seeds are nothing special. At least Zifeng couldn't see what was special about these five bags.

Laura looked at Zifeng and explained with a smile: "Sir, these five bags are the seeds of five magical vegetables. They are potato chips, sweet peppers, carrots, green fruits and green chicory."

Zifeng nodded, put down five bags, turned to Laura, and said with a smile: "Let Miss Laura laugh. I hope Miss Laura can continue to search. As long as she finds magical vegetables or magical plants, next time she will Can accept them. Warcraft can also be used."

Laura smiled and said, "You are welcome, sir. It is still Laura’s shame to speak out. Recently, I have been too busy to help Mr. Wang find these magical plants. I hope Mr. Wang will forgive me, but please rest assured, Lao Ra will try his best to help Mr. Wang find these magical plants."

Zifeng laughed softly, "Miss Laura is serious. This will require more help from her in the future." Just then Selma came in again from the outside, but this time he was holding a big box. This box is more than one meter long, more than half a meter wide, and about 40 centimeters thick. Selma held it in her hand very carefully, as if it were a newborn baby. Zifeng looked at Searle curiously, and then turned to Laura puzzled. "Miss Laura, is this?"

Laura smiled and said, "This is a gift for your husband." At this time Selma had easily put the box on the coffee table, and then slowly opened the lid.

Zifeng looked in the box and found some hay in the box. There are five large eggs on the hay. The five eggs are about 40 cm long and more than 10 cm in diameter. The strangest thing is that each egg has a different color. They are yellow, blue, red, green and purple.

Zifeng looked at the five eggs in a puzzled manner, but Green cried out in surprise: "The seven magical beasts!"

Zifeng paused, and said, "Warcraft egg? What is this?"

Green looked at the five eggs and said, "The magic beast is a very special kind of beast, which is rarely seen. This beast itself has no attack ability, but it has a very special ability, that is, assistance. As long as people get They can hatch them slowly, and then sign a contract with the monster, so that this monster can be used by people, and he can help his master attract magic elements to fight. Adult magic beasts can even become weapons, armors Or magic wands to help their owners fight. This is mainly determined by the wishes of their owners. Therefore, there are also biological magic wands or living armor on them."

Zifeng was taken aback. He really didn't expect that there would be such a thing. He couldn't help but stare at the egg with bright eyes, while Laura looked at Green in a daze. You have to know that the monster egg is not something that ordinary people can know. Even the identities of low-level warriors and wizards do not know the existence of this thing, but she did not expect to be revealed by Green, which made her more curious about Green’s identity. .

Green looked at the egg carefully and sighed, "Yes, this is a magical egg. The magical egg is different from other monster eggs. The magical egg is born with the color of its own life. These eggs should be native, thunder and lightning, and aquatic soil. Long, wind-born and fire-born, these are rare good things. The total value of these eggs is even more than 50,000 gold coins, and there is no market."

Zifeng was stunned. He really didn't expect these eggs to be so valuable, no wonder Selma was so careful. If this is really broken, it will throw 50,000 gold coins into the sea.

Zifeng closed the box gently, closed his eyes slowly, and leaned on the chair. Laura hasn't spoken for a long time. When she looked at Zifeng's appearance, her heart felt nervous. After this period of contact, she has already understood Zifeng. This gift is really valuable. Zifeng may not accept it. Even if accepted, she will give her some gifts. Seeing Zifeng's appearance, she was very satisfied with this gift. Now she may be considering returning the gift. If he feels that the gift he sent back is not equivalent to these magical animal eggs. Laura didn't dare to disturb Zifeng. She knew Zifeng's temper, and knew that if Zifeng didn't want to accept it, even if she broke the sky, Zifeng would not accept it.

After a while, Zifeng breathed a sigh of relief, opened his eyes, turned to Laura and said, "Miss Laura, your gift is really too expensive. I don't want to accept it, but it is important to me, so I accept it. NS."

Zifeng recognized that Laura’s tone was wrong, and said with a smile: "This is a pet pearl, not a pet pig. This thing can help Miss Laura collect a pet. No matter what level or size, as long as he is caught by Laura Miss uniform, Miss Laura can use this little thing to comfort him. This method is very simple. As long as the lady drops a drop of blood on the pet pearl, you can drop the blood of Warcraft you want to collect on the pet pearl. Usually, the lady can Collect the pet in the pet pearl. When fighting, take out the pet he received. He can communicate with the young lady, which is convenient for the young lady to command. Unless he dies in the battle, even if he is seriously injured, as long as he receives People who are familiar with the pet bead can recover automatically after a period of time."

Laura was stunned. The familiar one is more precious than Warcraft. Although Warcraft is very convenient to use, it can be turned into armor and weapons, but Warcraft needs to be eaten, and he does not eat ordinary things, but also warrior spirit. Or the magic of the sorcerer.

The most important thing is that the weapons produced by magic beasts are not the best. The weapons produced by the low-level magic beasts are not even as powerful as the first-class warriors forged by humans themselves. The only advantage is that they can exchange magic elements so that your weapons can become magic weapons.

However, WoW is different. The higher the level of Warcraft, the stronger it is. If you can accept a dragon as a pet, it is almost equal to invincible in the world.

In addition, this kind of thing also has the advantage of restoring the damage of the monster and allowing the monster to communicate with its owner. For a knight, there is no need to exchange five beast eggs, even if it is ten, they will exchange it without hesitation.

Laura was holding the magic peach pit foolishly. Of course, she didn't know that it was just a peach pit, but she really regarded it as an ancient magic item. There are too few such miraculous things, and they are spread too miraculously. This is why Laura believes so easily.

On the other hand, Green wanted to laugh. He really didn't expect Zifeng to say that. He also uses ancient magic products. Haha, it is so talented, no one would suspect that it actually grew from a tree.

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