The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 149: Xiaofeng debut

He looked up at the sky.

The eyes are as sharp as a sword, staring at the end of the world.

The disaster seemed to have been provoked, and a red thunder broke out again, falling from the sky and hitting Thunder Frog's back.

Thunder Frog was beaten all over, and his eyes showed a trace of loneliness!


The sky was crazy, and six consecutive red Thors hit the Thunder Frog.

For a total of eight days after the disaster, the frog was lying on the ground, dying.

"He is dying." Haitang felt sorry and said, "Why, why do we punish Thunder Frogs in natural disasters?"

"Qinling's thunder frog has never come out to prey on humans like other monsters. He just practiced quietly with Lei Ze with the help of Tian Lei."

Why does the sky use mines to rob and punish thunder frogs?

Tie Haitang is right. Thunder frogs never eat people. He always follows the way of heaven, absorbs the aura of heaven and earth, and combines with the power of thunder and lightning. He will not cause trouble or cannibalism.

"One more cup!" Zifeng's eyes flickered at the dark clouds of nine days, and the red decisive battle condensed again.

If this disaster strikes, Thunder Frog will definitely die! Zifeng shook his head.

Lei Frog raised his head weakly, looked at the last thunder, and put it down helplessly.

It gave up.

It no longer plans to resist.

It has reached its limit.

It lay on the ground and waited alone for the last day to end its life.

"What to do!" Tie Haitang shouted anxiously.

Zifeng's eyes flashed out strangely: "I will help you withstand this disaster!"


When the end of the world came for the last time, Zi Feng quickly ran out of Tie Haitang's side, leaped in the air, and appeared just below the end of the world.

"Zifeng! Be careful!" Tie Haitang called worriedly.

Lei Frog was surprised to see the sudden appearance of human beings, and then closed his eyes. In its view, this person is weaker than it. He cannot resist natural disasters. How could this person be the opponent of natural disasters?

"Swallow the soul of the sword! Watch you perform!"

Zifeng spared no effort to urge everyone to devour the sword soul, and with a roar, the end of the world came to Zifeng.

On the dark body of the sword soul, a huge vortex formed, ready to swallow the sky.


Zifeng felt a devastating force pouring into his mind and tried frantically to destroy his body and soul.

For an instant, Zifeng felt that he had stepped into the hall of **** with half of his leg.

But in the next second, the power of the terrifying doomsday disappeared instantly.

Zifeng fell on the ground, vomiting blood, and his body split open wounds, blood gushing out from it, making Zifeng instantly transformed into a blood man.

Although Devouring Sword Soul swallowed a large amount of thunder and lightning, Zifeng still participated. "There are nine levels of martial arts!"

"Hahaha, I'm not dead!" Zifeng stood up from the ground, looked up at the slowly disappearing Heavenly Tribulation, and smiled crazily: "Come on, come on, you kill Laozi!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zifeng laughed wildly. Not only did the decisive battle fail to kill Zifeng, but it also allowed Zifeng to break through to the nine levels of martial arts!

At this time, the Thunder Frog slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the disappearing doomsday, with a trace of horror looking at Zifeng in his eyes.

"Zifeng, are you okay? You scared me to death." Tie Haitang ran over crying.

"Nothing, nothing." Zi Feng was ecstatic.

His arduous battle overthrew an ancient doomsday legend, but he did not die, which made Zifeng so happy.

"Hey, Thunder Frog, are you okay?" Tie Haitang asked, standing in front of the frog's huge body.

Lei Frog was not interested in Haitang at all, and lay on the ground, closing his eyes.

Ancient books record that thunder frogs are lazy and do not like to move. Today, when he saw it, he did it.

"Let's go. He has just experienced a natural disaster and needs a good rest." Zi Feng took Haitang and was about to leave Lei Ze.

Tie Haitang did not mess around this time, and left with Zifeng.


When Zifeng was about to leave, Lei Frog opened his eyes and called out. He opened his mouth, spit out a thunderball, and landed on Zifeng's wrist.

"What is this?" Zifeng looked curious. A thunderous rune was engraved on Zifeng's right arm.

I think this rune contains such terrible power!

Zifeng said in horror.

"Is this your thanks?" Zifeng asked curiously.

Lei Frog's huge head lightened slightly, and suddenly a voice came out: "The Thunder God Seal, under the sacred pill, use one palm to kill people!"

"You, you, you can talk!" Zi Feng said in surprise.

In Zifeng's cognition, only the monsters and pill in the realm of God can unlock spiritual wisdom and become an adult at the same time.

In Dan's environment, is the thunder frog in front of us really a supernatural monster?

"God pill, kill it with one palm!"

thank you very much.

Zifeng clasped his fists gratefully and apologized.

Now Zifeng knew that the rune given to him by Thunder Frog was a very powerful life-saving incarnation.

Thor Seal has only one chance to use it.

But this time, a master **** pill must die on the spot under the control of the situation.

This is Zifeng's biggest card!

Lei Frog nodded slightly, slowly crawling to the depths of Lei Ze, motionless.

Watching the Thunder Frog leave, Zifeng took Tie Haitang and left.

Returning to the Demon Slashing Alliance, Tie Feng had just cleared the toxins in his body, and he was summoning experts from the Demon Slashing Alliance to surround and suppress the fighters of Optimus Prime.

"Leader, can I help you?" Zi Feng asked Tie Feng.

Tie Feng said: "This kind of alliance does not abide by Qinling's rules throughout the year. It bullies the weak and fears the strong and robs others. Now is the time to break up with them."

"Zifeng, since you want to contribute, then you should stay and deal with the alliance."

I took people to see Optimus Prime and gathered them together. "Leader, let me go to Optimus Prime. You have just cleaned up the toxins and need more training." Zifeng suggested.

"Then you must be more careful."

Tie Feng warned.

Immediately, Tie Feng arranged a pair of men and horses for Zifeng. He shuttled continuously through the Qinling Mountains, passing through the Qinling Mountains, and reaching the place where Optimus Prime was.

Qi Sheng escaped the disaster of the previous war.

When Zifeng came to kill Optimus Prime, he got up and returned to Optimus Prime.

"Old leader, old leader, no, the leader was killed" Qi Sheng returned to the Optimus Prime Alliance, crying and ran to the old leader's retreat.

Qin Meng, the old leader of the Optimus Prime Alliance, is a real martial arts master.

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