The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 186: Get off the horse

"Yes, yes, there are four newcomers Wang Cai, one Ye Suxin, one Zifeng, one overnight lone star, and one you."

Bai Huatian, Long Yao and others have not yet come out.

Other fighters have also said it.

Li Nandao smiled strangely: "They can't get out."

Xu Zailong said coldly, "What do you mean?"

Li Nan said: "They are all dead. How do they get out?"


"They are all dead!"

Did so many new kings die in this trial?

Many soldiers said in surprise.

"Did you kill them?" Xu Zailong roared.

Dao shrugged and said helplessly, "I think too, but I don't have such a great ability. You have to ask Zifeng, these people are all dead in his hands!"


This sentence of leaving the knife in the south is like a bolt from the blue!

Zifeng killed six new kings!

The news is really shocking.

All the soldiers looked at Zifeng with surprised expressions.

One man slaughtered six new kings. What a fighting force is needed!

Xu Zailong said angrily, "Zifeng, my brother Xu Shangjie, where is Xu Rui?"

Zifeng sneered: "Your brother offered a reward of 20,000 pounds for my head in the trial, and I will give him. Unfortunately, his life is not good. I killed him before he got my head. "

"Can I be blamed?"

"How is Xu Rui?" Xu Zailong asked.

"Kill them together." Zi Feng replied casually.


Xu Zailong looked at Zi Feng with a ferocious face and his teeth rattled.

If it weren't for this place, Xu Zailong wanted to fly and trample Zifeng to death.

"Okay, okay, Zifeng, you dare to fight me on the stage of life and death!"

Xu Zailong was angry for a long time, and said angrily.

As soon as he spoke, everyone found him biting his mouth full of teeth, vomiting blood, and looking at the white forest with hatred.

"Well, see you on stage in three months!" Zifeng said.

"I'm going to kill you personally to avenge my brother!" Xu Zailong roared.

"As I said, your brother offered a reward for killing me. He **** it!" Zi Feng said coldly.

At this time, Jibei yelled: "Don't make a noise, all the disciples who passed the exam will follow me to the disciple distribution center!"

"Take Ye Suxin back to rest in the morning."

Jibei said.

If he was dissatisfied with the Qi North Pole at the moment of Tianyi, if it hadn't been blocked by Qi Bei, or Qi Bei hadn't seen it, Zifeng would die at this moment.

It is a pity that Jibei is the core of protecting Zifeng. Xiang Tian was also very helpless, he couldn't defeat Ji Bei.

"In three months, I will report this to Sovereign Shao!

"Elder Jibei, I hope you don't regret what you did today!"

With Ye Suxin and Xu Zailong, Tian Xiang left.

If you tell Sect Master Shao to Tianyi now, his fiancee will be killed, and that person is still at large.

It is estimated that Young Sect Master is furious, and may be killed directly into the sky.

But after three months it will be different.

Three months later, when it came time to file a complaint with Commander Zifeng, it was time for Young Sect Master to give an explanation.

Maybe the punishment will be lighter!

Jibei drank Xu Zailong and Tian Xiang and came back.

Ye Suxin was also taken away by them, and did not participate in the subsequent assembly.

The disciple set is the practice of outstanding disciples selected by the elders of the Lexus Sword Sect.

Jibei brought a group of surviving fighters, about 300 people, to the main hall of the disciples.

More than 700 people took the exam, but only 300 survived.

The survival rate is very low. Zifeng didn't actually kill many people, except for the new king.

In the hall where the disciples are received.

The inner door elder of the Spirit Sword Sect is already waiting here.

Seeing Ji Bei bringing the soldiers in, they also laughed.

Among the crowd, Zifeng stood with Qi, Tie Dan and others.

"He is Emperor Ling!"

Jibei said to Zifeng.

Zifeng looked back at a shawl with long hair standing at the end of the Elder's Hall, a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a strong heroic spirit. His heart was shocked.

Ling Tianzi didn't notice Zifeng, but his eyes were slightly closed, and his eyes were also closed.

"More than 700 people live more than 300 people, which is not bad."

Jibei came in with the soldiers, and the elder of the elder pavilion said with a smile.

Please ask Elder Jibei to announce the ranking of this review and give you some reference opinions.

The elder said with a smile.


Jibei answered and announced the ranking.

10 people are very good and won many points in this review quiz.

Starting from the 10th, Sun Wang's 31 ordinary tokens.

The old man looked intently: "Who is Sun Wang? Stand up."

"The disciple is here!"

At this time, a thin young man stood beside Jibei, shaking and a little nervous.

Show off your military spirit level. Said the elder.


Sun Wang's answer was a bright light, and seven yellow circles appeared beside him.

Huang Qipin's spirit is not bad.

How much are the elderly grateful? Do you elders want to accept Sun Wang as a disciple?

Sun Wang stood in the room, nervous and looking forward.

If you were accepted as a disciple by the elders today, it would be equivalent to flying to the Spirit Sword Sect.

With the support of an elder, Jibei seems to have kept the purple wind all the time. Even if this is a sacred alliance, it must give three meager emotions.

Therefore, this trick is very important for new fighters. In the main hall where the disciples were received, more than 100 elders all looked at Sun Wang.

"Since everyone is silent, then I am here."

An old man waited for a long time, but no one spoke. He smiled and came out and said.

Old Kong Shuang, Sun Wang, would you like to worship me as a teacher? The old man walked out and said to Zifeng Dia.

Kong Shuang has a good position among the elderly.

Hearing that Kong Shuang was about to accept apprentices, the other elders also laughed and did not try to grab Kong Shuang.

"I am willing." Sun Wang replied and knelt down and said: "Go and beat Master."

"Get up, you wait by the side, when the harvest is over, you follow me back to the top to practice."

Each elder is divided into different peaks and does not have to be crowded with other people.

At this time, Jibei continued: "No. 8, Zhang Xunlong, 35 ordinary tokens."

"Zhang Xunlong? The young elder of the Zhang family looked at a black-haired old man not far away and said with a smile.

"The great elder is indeed the successor of the Zhang family. Find the dragon and find the second uncle."

The black-haired old man stood up and smiled.

"Yes." Zhang Xunlong replied, walking behind the black-haired old man.

Jibei continues to announce its ranking.

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