The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 199: Dissatisfied

The price is still within the tolerance of Zifeng.

Of course, Zifeng is more interested in Meng Jian.

Just when Zhang Qingxuan and Sun Gan said that Jianmeng was a master of kendo, Zifeng also hoped to learn more from these masters of kendo, so as to quickly improve his attainments.

Joining the alliance has other benefits, such as training resources, martial arts and news, which will give priority to the fighters of the alliance.

At the same time, the alliance will regularly hold large-scale missions, all of which will be taken over directly from the mission hall.

For example, the explosion of the Ape Man’s Lair was a message from the Ghost Sword Clan mission hall to the Sword Alliance.

Zifeng and Sun Gan talked with each other, and they had almost a basic understanding of the sword spirit and martial arts cultivation base within the alliance.

The Alliance will say that the Holy Alliance is the only one, followed by the Sword Alliance, the Beast Alliance and so on.

After one hour.

Zifeng and others have been to a canyon before.

This gorge was as majestic and extraordinary as it was cut open by a firm and gentle force.

In front of the canyon, twenty or thirty soldiers gathered.

Behind these warriors, in their hands and waist, there is a sword.

These are swordsmen.

"Sun Gan, what are you doing slowly? We are all waiting for you."

Sun Gan, Zifeng and others have not approached yet. Among the group of fighters, a young man said with an annoyed expression.

"Brother Huang Feng, I'm really sorry. I encountered something when I came, so I was delayed." Sun Gan hurried forward and said.

"Huang Feng?"

Zifeng was familiar with the name.

"Hmph, next time you will linger, and you won't even drink a mouthful of soup." Huang Feng said displeasedly.

Suddenly, Huang Feng rolled his eyes, saw Zifeng, and asked, "Who is this person? Isn't he a soldier of our Sword League?"

"His name is Zifeng, not a fighter of the Sword Alliance, but I think he has a high level of swordsmanship, so I want to draw him to join the Sword Alliance. Therefore, this time I will bring him here first to see his power."

Sun Gan patted Zifeng on the shoulder and said to Huang Feng with a smile on his face.

"What potential does a real heavy fighter have!"

"Forget it, I don't bother to care about you. Now that the deadline has passed, brothers and sisters, let us enter the valley."

Huang Feng shouted with both arms, all the soldiers stretched out their hands, Qi Qi held the hilt of the sword, and walked into the canyon solemnly.

Said to Zifeng, "His name is Huang Feng. Although his martial arts training is only six times that of Zhenwu, his background is very remarkable. His younger brother is Huang Feiye, one of the ten outer disciples!" "Oh, it turns out. It's Huang Fei's younger brother. I just think this person looks familiar."

Zifeng smiled faintly.

Sun Gan said, "Brother Zifeng, your attainments are relatively low. Once you enter the valley, you will follow me closely. If there are lonely apes and they are within your power, you can go."

"Come with me and I will protect you."

Sun Gan said with a smile.

"Haha, well, brother Sun Gan."

Zifeng nodded and smiled:

More than twenty swordsmen quietly walked towards Mimi in the canyon.

Zifeng and Sun Gan walked behind and entered the valley. Zifeng raised his head at first. The surrounding rock walls are very smooth, with vines hanging in the air.

Obviously, this canyon is a sign of long-term life activities.

However, when Zifeng and the others entered the canyon almost completely, they did not find the Demolition Ape.


Zifeng felt a little confused.

Ape is a kind of monster between Zhenwu and Zhenwu. It's grumpy. If an ordinary soldier is less than 100 meters away from him, he will attack.

But now that Zifeng and the others walked into his lair, none of them were found by the blasting ape?

"Brother Sun Gan, I think something is wrong."

Zifeng whispered to Sun Gan.

Sun Gan asked curiously, "Is this wrong? What's wrong?"

"Don't you think it's too quiet here?"

"According to the explosive personality of the great apes, when we step into the canyon, they should rush out and fight us to the death!"

"But we've all been here, and we haven't even seen an ape. Is this normal?"

Zifeng looked around with a solemn expression, and said coldly.

"Yes." When Zifeng reminded him, he immediately remembered.

At this time, Zifeng suddenly felt that someone behind him was looking at him.

"who is it?"

Zifeng suddenly roared and looked back.


Zifeng suddenly felt a look behind him.

Zifeng quickly turned around and saw the entrance of the canyon. The explosive ape quickly hid in the forest.

When Sun Gan and Huang Feng woke up, the explosive ape had disappeared.

After understanding the meaning of the sword, Zifeng clearly felt the aura within 500 meters.

So Zifeng could feel the eyes behind him in an instant.

"What's wrong?"


"Mad, you want to die."

Huang Feng and a group of swordsmen, Qi Qi, were not good at Zifeng.

Huang Feng strode forward angrily and said, "Do you want to die? This is the nest of explosive apes. We'd better kill some explosive apes secretly first. It's best to face them face-to-face."

Are you yelling like this, trying to kill us all?

Huang Feng said angrily at Zifeng.

Zifeng said lightly: "I saw a blasting ape peeping at us in the canyon just now."

"I'm afraid we have fallen into the ring of explosive apes. It is best to retreat quickly." "Bombing apes is prepared. If we attack vigorously in their nests, I am afraid that many people will die."

Zifeng told Huang Feng faintly what he had seen.

There are explosive great apes at the entrance of the canyon, how about them? Huang Feng glanced at the entrance of the canyon, the wind was calm.

Zifeng turned around and said, "It's natural that he is hiding."

"Hahaha, if you are afraid of death, leave here. This is not where you should be."

"You are a real army and a heavy warrior, and following us is also a burden!"

Huang Feng said to Zifeng coldly.

In other words, as a real warrior, not a swordsman, what abilities do you have?

"Huh, you still yell. I think you are a spy sent by the League of God, right? You want to kill us all."

"Get out, you are not welcome here!"

"Get out!"

"Brother Huang Feng, Zhenwu's six achievements will not make you feel that someone is behind you. How can you feel it when you are a real martial arts practitioner?"

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