The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 201: Burst of enthusiasm

Qinggang is a common smelting material, which is widely distributed. This kind of rock has extraordinary hardness. It is impossible for ordinary second-class spirit weapons to break such a large green ridge in an instant!

Qinggang is usually used to forge works of art.

"Get out and let me come!"

Huang Feng also ran over at this moment very anxious.

He also wanted to go out and saw the stone wall blocking the exit. He shouted angrily.

Huang Feng's sword, true vitality, was six times stronger than Zifeng's strength, but it hit the wall with only a few more cracks than Zifeng, but it failed to break the wall.

"This is Qinggang!"

"It's over. Even if Zhenwu's weight is nine, such a large green ridge can be shattered within ten steps."

"We are dead. Is this a good ambush against apes?"

"How did the apes know we're coming? Has anyone told me?"

A group of soldiers found that they could no longer leave the canyon, and they immediately said anxiously.

Huang Feng looked at Zifeng with pitiful eyes: "It's you!"

"What's wrong with me?" Zi Feng asked coldly.

Huang Feng said angrily, "This is your fault! We were ambushed as soon as you appeared. You and these monsters must unite to attack us!"

"Hehe, nonsense, how can I deal with monsters alone?"

"As I said earlier, there are some weird things in this canyon. I told you to leave here soon. Not only did you not listen, you also hurt others."

"Who should be blamed?"

Zi Feng said coldly.

"What a thief! I will kill you first!" Huang Feng was furious and rushed towards Zi Feng with a sword.

Sun Gan hurriedly shouted, "Brother Huang Feng, can we figure out a way to get out first?"

At this time, Sun Gan saw an explosive ape, which had jumped from the top of the mountain.

"Okay! After I go out, I will settle the account with you!"

"Brothers, we originally came to clean up the dynamite ape's lair. Now these monsters have run away on their own, it is rare for us to find them."

"Brothers, come and kill with me!"


Huang Feng roared and raised his sword.

"Brother Huang Feng is right. We were here to kill monsters at first. Will it be right to kill in the near future?"

"Yes, although a few juniors fell just now, as long as Senior Brother Huang Feng is here, we still have the hope of winning!"

"Kill back, kill these animals!"

Encouraged by Huang Feng, a group of swordsmen drew out their swords one by one and rushed towards the jumping apes and monsters.

In the canyon, there are more than 100 explosive ape monsters.

Among them, more than 70 Explosive Apes are martial arts attainments, more than 20 are only threefold, 7 is only fourfold, 3 is only fivefold, and there is another Explosive Ape King, standing on the top of the mountain, staring at the besieged sword fighter. .

Seeing the monkey blocking the retreat, Zifeng hurriedly jumped down to kill the soldier.

"Well, since we can't go out, we must work hard."

Zifeng also silently held the sword to cut the spirit.

Huang Feng killed an ape in front of him with a sword. He looked up and saw the ape king exploding on the top of the mountain, and rushed up like flying.

"Catch the thief first! I will kill you first!"


From under Huang Feng's sword, a terrifying sword aura was cut out, carrying the power of Conan the Destroyer, and a long sword mark was cut from the top of the mountain, hitting the Ape King.

Ape King saw Huang Feng shooting at him, with a trace of shame on his face. He jumped up and hit his arm with a heavy hammer.


There was a loud noise.

Huang Feng was punched by the Ape King and fell into the canyon, smashing a three-meter deep hole.

Huang Feng fell into a big hole, covered in blood, his eyes were terrified and his chest was deeply sunken. He was almost killed by a single blow from the Ape King.


The Ape King failed to kill Huang Feng with a punch, immediately roared, and fell from the sky, with a punch that would hit Huang Feng again.

If this blow hit Huang Feng, it would surely split Huang Feng.

"Monkey King, don't kill me, don't kill me, listen to me, listen to me"

"As long as you don't kill me, I can promise you to bring a team of soldiers to feed you every month."

Our Spirit Sword Sect has many warriors, and they are very delicious.

"As long as you don't kill me, I can fulfill all your wishes. Don't you all like to eat people? I will catch you for dinner every month, okay?" Huang Feng looked at the Ape King with horror in his eyes.

Upon hearing this, King Ape stopped his fist three inches in front of Huang Feng, and a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes.

"In order to show my sincerity, I can mutilate these fighters and give you food."

"As long as you don't kill me."

Huang Feng said.

As soon as the monkey king heard it, his burly body stood up with a thump, and after a roar, all the monkey king Qiqi retreated to one side.

The Ape King gave Huang Feng a wink and motioned to Huang Feng to kill the swordsman.

"Well, I will kill them now, but you must promise not to kill me!" Huang Feng was determined to live.

Explosive Ape Wang Weiwei nodded, agreeing.

Explosive ape king Wu Liuzhong, not low in spiritual wisdom, can naturally understand Huang Feng.

Huang Feng climbed out of the big hole, raised his sword, and walked towards the sword fighter.

The king of monkeys ordered all the monkeys to step back.

The soldiers of the Sword Guild gathered together and looked at the apes on their backs blankly.

"How is this going?"

Why did these explosive great apes suddenly stop attacking?


All the soldiers looked puzzled.

Zi Feng was also very depressed. The Warriors of the Sword Alliance were originally disadvantaged. As long as these apes were killed, they could not resist.

Why stop at this moment?

At this moment, Huang Feng was holding his sword, thinking about the team quickly.

"Brother Huang Feng, are you okay? Come here!"

Senior brother Huang Feng, who didn't know what happened to these explosive great apes, suddenly stopped.

The practitioner said to Huang Feng.

Because here, Huang Feng is their mainstay, Zhenwu's six-fold achievements have brought tremendous pressure to the entire stadium.

If the soldiers of the Sword Alliance want to go back alive, they must rely on Huang Feng's power!

"Hehe, don't you know? Then I will tell you."

Huang Feng walked to a young man. A smirk suddenly appeared on his calm face. A sword pierced this man's heart!

Before dying, this person asked suspiciously: "Brother Huang Feng, why are you killing me?"

"How would I live without you?" Huang Feng sneered and threw the young man's body to the Ape King.

The Ape King grabbed it, opened his big mouth, bit it with sharp teeth, tore off the young man's upper body, chewed it with his mouth, and swallowed it into his stomach.


"Brother Huang Feng, why are you doing this?"

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