The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 204: The silence before the rain

When the explosive ape submerged Zifeng's body, a sword light rushed into the sky, breaking all the explosive apes around him to pieces!

This sword killed more than 20 explosive apes!



When the ape saw this scene, his eyes became redder and more angry.

With the roar of Zifeng.

"Do you only know how to scream? Come down and fight!"

Zifeng sneered, holding the sword and continuing to explode the Ape King!

Along the way, all the explosive great apes were killed by Zifeng, and the blood essence was immediately refined into the power of qi and blood, which was absorbed by Zifeng.

Twenty blew apes died of the sword of the purple wind.

Thirty blew apes died of the sword of the purple wind.

Fifty blew apes died under the sword of Zifeng!

"My, Big Brother Sun Gan, everyone says monsters are horrible, how do I think this person is more terrifying than monsters!"

"Yes, it is a human monster!"

The two surviving sword fighters said to Sun Gan with a look of surprise.

"I didn't expect him to be so strong!" Sun Gan was very excited. The stronger the purple wind, the greater the chance for them to leave this place!

At this moment, an explosive ape who looked like an adult hit Zifeng's face with a punch.

"Zhenwu is the fifth layer, huh, this state is not enough for me now!"

The sword flew out, the sword gas swept the world, and the explosion made it smash into the void of the real power five-layer ape's head.

The diameter of the shock wave cut him in half!


Seeing this ape dying under the sword of Zifeng, the roar of the violent ape king brought boundless anger and desolation.

Finally, it can no longer remain indifferent!

The Monkey King jumped from the top of the mountain and landed in front of Zifeng. His eyes showed great anger.

Zifeng sneered when he saw King Ape come down. Looking back, the entire canyon was full of the corpse of King Ape.

There were more than a hundred apes in this group of ape monsters, almost all of them were killed by Zifeng!

"After killing so many Explosive Apes, none of them has broken through to the fourth level of Zhenwu!"

Does Devouring Sword Soul have so many requirements for the power of qi and blood?

"I don't know if I can break through to four times the martial arts after killing the Ape King in front of me!"

Zifeng raised his sword aura and rushed to the King of Burst Ape.

Lin Beike shows no mercy to the Ape King.

Zifeng and Ape King looked at each other, both eyes were angry.

Zifeng killed so many monsters in the Ape King clan, and the Ape King would definitely not let Zifeng go.

It is impossible for Zifeng to leave the canyon without killing the Ape King!

One wants revenge, the other wants to survive!

"Cold-blooded sword!"

With the first shot of Zifeng, the scarlet sword light condensed into a blood-colored star, quickly hitting the Ape King. Roar.

The Ape King could not speak, but a loud roar could express his anger.

With a punch, Zifeng's sword light broke open.

After smashing the sword fern, the monkey king moved his steps, picked up a 10,000 kg stone and threw it at Zifeng.


With a cold glow in Zifeng's eyes, he cut it off with a sword, blasting the 10,000 catties of boulders attacked in front of him into fragments.

The 10,000 catties boulder was blasted off in front of Zifeng. Before the gravel fell to the ground, a monster appeared in front of Zifeng, and hit Zifeng's chest with a punch from the gravel.

"Not good! Extreme Shadow Step!"

When Zifeng's body moved back ten meters, an afterimage remained in place.

Bang, the air exploded, deafening.

The sudden blow of the Ape King shattered the remnants of Zifeng.

"This is the very moment, but before I came to Yanshan, I discovered a kind of martial arts martial arts. Otherwise, I would not be able to avoid the Ape King."

If this blow really hits my body, it will definitely break my internal organs.

"Six-layer true essence power monster beast, really is much stronger than the six-layer true essence power warrior!"

"You can't take it lightly!"

Zifeng whispered in his heart like this.

For the Ape King, this might be the second head that Zifeng encountered in his life, the power of the monster beast.

The first is Lei Ze's Thunder Frog.

The meteor falls, the moon slashes!

When the Ape King fell with a punch and his power spread, Zi Feng immediately cast a next shadow, turning into a few remaining shadows, and quickly approached the Ape King.

The sword rushed to the clouds and stormed down.

The meteor that fell on the moon fell again, and the terrifying power was boundless, just like the end of the world.


The Ape King was chopped on his chest by Zifeng's sword. The scars of the sword cut through the flesh and blood, and the bones are clearly visible.


The Ape King was furious, waving his iron fist, and rushing towards Zi Feng in anger.

Each hit hit the rock wall and made a big hole three inches deep. The hard rock face was shattered like tofu.

"Heaven kills the lone star!"

After being fiercely attacked by the Ape King, Zifeng's sword suddenly struck the Ape King's left arm.


This sword qi slash, the diameter will explode the left arm of the Ape King.

The Ape King howled repeatedly and backed away in pain.

"Good opportunity, it's my turn!"

When the Ape King turned around, Zifeng was overjoyed and rushed up with his sword angrily.

Lightsaber, the background of the earth.

The power of terror shattered the surrounding air, and the void seemed to tremble.

The third star-splitting sword cuts through the starry sky!


The sword is down, disaster is coming!

When the Ape King looked very angry, he looked up and saw the sword fall, the anger on his face disappeared and turned into a frightened expression.


The sword fell, and half of the Ape King's head was cut off!


The Ape King roared again.

Call up--

Suddenly at this moment, the surrounding aura exploded uncontrollably and rushed into the body like an ape king.

"What's going on?" Zifeng was surprised.

Beware of Zifeng, Ape King is going to blew himself up!

Sun Gan screamed and warned aside at this moment.

"Self-destruct abdomen?"

Zifeng said in surprise.

The belly of a monster beast is different from that of a soldier. In addition to condensing the power of the devil, the abdomen of the monster beast can also explode.

The power of self-detonation is terrible.

With the current explosive power of the Ape King, the power is enough to razor the canyon to the ground!

Have you asked me if you want to blew yourself up?

Zifeng snorted coldly.

At this time, a little bit of Ruoyouruowu's will overflowed from Zifeng.

At this moment, every dust, every weed, every flower and every piece of air around us has become a sword!

"Sword Intent, Meteor Luoyue Slash!"

After casting a shadow, Zifeng quickly approached the ape king who was hoarding aura from the explosion.

The sword fell heavily.

This sword fell on the Ape King like the power of the gods, bursting the Ape King from head to toe in diameter, and cut it in half!

"Sword Intent, with the blessing of martial skills, really shows more than twice the strength than usual!"

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