"Die for me!"

Zheng Yuqing rushed forward and hit Zifeng's chest with a punch, just like the power of a real god.

"not good!"

"Cold-blooded sword!"

The meteor falls, the moon slashes!

"Heaven kills the lone star!"

"Across the stars!"

In the face of Zheng Yuqing's fierce attack, Zifeng cut out four sword auras and greeted him.

"Hahaha, in front of my big brother, your swordsmanship is already weak enough to fall apart!"

Zheng Yuhua smiled triumphantly: "Zi Feng, don't resist, you will definitely die today!"

I dare to show off my little skill in carving worms!

Zheng Yuqing sneered disdainfully, and bombarded Zifeng's four swords indiscriminately, and then this punch also fell heavily on Zifeng's chest.


Zifeng spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and there was a deep depression one inch deep fist mark on his chest.

The terrible fist rushed into Zifeng, causing Zifeng's internal organs to split and almost died on the spot.

"Zhen Wu is Kunou!"

Zifeng flew more than a hundred meters out and hit the ape corpse on the mountain, his eyes said in horror.


"not dead?"

Zheng Yuqing dropped a punch and was surprised to see that Zifeng was not dead.

Zhenwu Jiuzhong's blow did not kill a Zhenwu third-level martial artist, and Zheng Yuqing felt a little angry! "Then give another punch!"

With a slightly angry face, Zheng Yuqing flew forward and rushed forward, hitting Zifeng again with a fist.

"I have written down today's revenge, Zifeng. I will have enough achievements in the future. I will definitely take revenge!"

Zifeng still knew that he was not Zheng Yuqing's opponent. Without a word, he turned and ran.

The shadow of extreme goes to extreme. Zifeng's figure turned into an afterimage and slipped from Zheng Yuqing's fist.

Zheng Yuqing looked back, and Zifeng walked towards the exit of the canyon.

"Stop him for me!"

Zheng Yuqing roared.

"Hahaha, there is a way you can't go to heaven, and there is no way you can break into hell."

"Brothers, kill him for me!"

Zheng Yuhua and the other soldiers of the Alliance of God blocked the exit. At this moment, seeing Zifeng rushing over, they immediately laughed wildly.

The warriors of the Holy Alliance laughed wildly, ran away from their weapons, and rushed to the edge.


Worm-like things dare to provoke our holy alliance!

"I can't help myself! I deserve to be killed!"

A bug like you should be trampled under our feet!

As soon as Zifeng came to the front, the soldiers of the Alliance of Gods rushed up!

"Get out!"

"Sword Intent! Over the stars!"

Zifeng didn't give them any chance, and directly urged the sword, the strongest move of the Star Slashing Sword Art, crashed to the ground.

An unparalleled shock wave fell from the sky and shook the earth. A sword flew out. The shock wave made a sword mark about one meter wide on the ground.

"What a terrible power!"

"Oh my God, this sword can almost be compared with Zhen Wu's six-point full blow!"

"No, don't kill me!"


Sword rushed in angrily, and shot all the soldiers of the Alliance of Gods to death!

One sword killed more than 20 martial artists of the God Alliance. Such power is enough to shock the spirit sword!

"No, brother, save me!"

Zheng Yuhua was injured by this shock wave and fell into a pool of blood.

"Go to hell! Sword Intent, Meteor Falling to the Moon!"

The sword stormed over and split Zheng Yuhua in half!

After killing Zheng Yuhua, Zifeng rushed out of the canyon before he could get his bag.

"No!" Zheng Yuqing saw his brother dying under Zifeng's sword, shouting grimly, "Zifeng, even if you escape to the end of the world today, I will definitely kill you!"

Zheng Yuqing roared and followed Zifeng out.

Killed more than 20 Zhenwu five-strength fighters with one sword.

This sword directly frightened Sun Gan and others.

Zifeng's current strength is completely fighting the previous Ape King, which is two realms.

A hand is a card that has no room for maneuver. It is very powerful.

"No! Yuhua!"

Zheng Yuqing saw Zheng Yuhua lying in a pool of blood with red eyes and furious: "Zi Feng, even if you escape to the end of the world today, I will definitely take your head and pay tribute to my brother!"

"Whoever kills will be killed. Since you are here to kill me, you should be prepared to be killed by me!"

Zifeng and Zheng Yuqing rushed out of the canyon one after another.

"Brother Sun Gan, what should we do now?" Zifeng saved his life for the other two swordsmen. Now that they see Zifeng being hunted down, their hearts are also very anxious.

Sun Dao said: "Zheng Yuqing is one of the top ten disciples of the Outer Sect. We are not opponents!"

Zifeng, I am afraid that this time the situation is not good for us.

Sun Gan can almost imagine Zifeng being overtaken by Zheng Yuqing and then brutally killed.

Now is the time.

An energetic woman came to the canyon with a pair of horses.

"Leader, why are you here?" Sun Gan cried out in surprise as soon as he saw this woman.

The person here is Li Qingxuan, the leader of the Jianmeng.

Li Qingxuan saw that the entire canyon was covered with the corpses of monsters, and the scene looked particularly bloody.

"Just now, the elder in the mission hall notified me that the data of the explosive ape demon group was wrong. There are not 50 demon groups, but more than 100."

I am very worried about your accident, that's why I came to you.

"I didn't expect you. Kill all demonic groups!"

Li Qingxuan was surprised to see the blood flow into the valley.

Sun Gan smiled bitterly: "We didn't kill this..."

"Huh?" Li Qingxuan looked at Sun Gan suspiciously.

"It's Zifeng!"

Sun Gan told Li Qingxuan about Zifeng in the valley. Of course, Sun Gan also told Li Qingxuan of Huang Feng's betrayal.

"Huang Feng! So dead!"

Li Qingxuan said coldly.

So Zheng Yuqing went to Zifeng.

Li Qingxuan asked in surprise.

"Yes." Sun Gan said.

Li Qingxuan heard it and his eyes went dark: "Zheng Yuqing is one of the tenth disciples of Zhenwu Middle School and the Outer Sect. He is very strong. I'm afraid Zifeng is in danger this time."


"Old dog, when will you catch up!"

Zi Feng cast the next shadow and quickly taught in the forest, avoiding a series of punches behind Zheng Yuqing.

Although Zifeng ran very fast, he was hit by Zheng Yuqing's several strokes and his mouth was full of blood.

"Zifeng, you killed my brother, I won't let you leave Yanshan today!"

Zheng Yuqing was behind, and they practiced shouting at Zifeng.

"Damn it!" Zifeng whispered angrily, his face was clouded.

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