The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 210: you are mine

One month later, Zifeng woke up again.

This time, Zifeng completely fixed the realm at the peak stage of Zhenwu Sixth Layer, and could break through at any time.

The body of thirteen dragon power sword qi, control whatever you want.

Jiying step has reached the stage of completion.

The swordsmanship of cutting stars has reached its peak.

Everything is ready!

"Well, it's three months now. I'll be back tomorrow morning."

Zifeng is now preparing to convene a tribal meeting, because there is only one month left within the three-month period agreed with Tianyi.

"If we take the eight-winged dragon python to the treasure house and sell it, we should be able to sell it at a good price."

"I am buying some potions suitable for real martial arts and breaking through to a new level, so that I can have enough strength to fight for the First World War!"

After hiding in Yanshan for more than a month, Zifeng raised his cultivation base to the sixth level of Zhenwu and walked out of the cave again.

Now, after a month of searching, many disciples have not found Zifeng, so they have to give up and return to the outer door.

Although it is very dangerous this time, it is worth the risk.

The six achievements of Zhenwu and the dragon power of thirteen sword qi have given Zifeng enough in return.

Out of the cave, Zifeng went straight to Ling Jianzong.

In Yanshan today, Zifeng also saw the soldiers looking for him in the forest one by one.

"I heard that Brother Yuan Jia was really furious this time. He offered a reward of one hundred thousand spiritual stones, sixth-rank Xuan-level martial arts, and second-rank spiritual weapons. He wanted to catch Zifeng

"Yes, the most important thing is that if you provide the location of Zifeng, you can get 10,000 spirit stones."

Unfortunately, this purple wind looked like a mouse, and disappeared when it sneaked into the geese.

Zifeng walked into the forest and heard five or six martial arts fighters talking in low voices in the forest from a distance. "If I get one hundred thousand spiritual stones, I can also have the sixth level of profound martial arts and the second level of aura. Within a year, I will definitely become one of the top ten disciples of the outer sect!"

A young man with piercing eyes said, "Zifeng, where are you?"

"Warriors, stop for me!"

The young man, his eyes swept away like an eagle in the forest, and he saw the purple wind passing by.

Have you seen the man in the photo?

The young man and five other martial arts practitioners Qi Qi stepped forward and unfolded a picture behind Zifeng.

Zifeng turned around and looked at the man on the picture scroll. He was distraught, his face was terrifying, his face was pocky, his fingers were digging his nose!


"The Alliance of Gods is too despicable!"

Can I have a good picture of Lao Tzu?

Zifeng shouted immediately.

"Is I so ugly?"

"Look, I'm so ugly?"

Zifeng stared at the five or six soldiers in front of him, and asked angrily.

Five or six fighters clearly saw Zifeng's face. Their eyes were surprised and happy immediately, and their eyes gleamed: "You are, you are, you are Zifeng!"

"Hahaha, we are going to be rich, we are going to be rich."

"One hundred thousand spiritual stones, the mysterious sixth art, and second-grade spiritual weapons are all ours."

Five or six soldiers shouted excitedly.

"Hey, hey, what are you excited about?"

A few people gave him a glance, and said with disdain.

These six martial artists are all seventh-level martial arts, and now this kind of strength is no longer in the eyes of Zifeng.

You can attack with a sword.

"Of course we will arrest you and get a reward."

"If you don't say anything and kill him, all rewards will be given to you."

The six soldiers roared one after another. The weapon in his hand immediately disappeared from his body. Fists, palms, knives and swords all rushed towards Zifeng.

"With you, you are no longer qualified!"

Zifeng didn't even have a sword, and smashed out with a punch, smashing several offensives, and smashing all six people out.


"Is it so strong?"

"Very good!"

Six people fell to the ground, vomiting blood in their mouths.

"You want to use my head for 100,000 spiritual stones. It is impossible to use the sixth-rank martial arts of the mysterious rank and the second-rank spiritual weapons."

"But you can exchange my position for ten thousand spirit stones!"

Go tell Tian Yi and Xu Zailong that I am Zifeng and return to the Spirit Sword School.

One month later, waiting for them on the stage of life and death!

Zi Feng said coldly: "At that time, we will have revenge, and we will return hatred with hatred!"

"Get out!"

Zifeng said, six people drank it back.

At first the six people thought that Zifeng would kill them on the spot, but they didn't expect Zifeng would let them go.

These six people didn't say a word, and rolled away.

Before leaving, he said fiercely to Zifeng: "Hahaha, Zifeng, you are such a reckless thing. You dare to challenge brothers Tian Yi and Xu Zailong. You are too much. In another month, you will definitely be They killed it!"

After speaking, six people quickly disappeared into the forest.

Who eats feces is still uncertain. Zifeng turned around, walked into the gate of Spirit Sword Sect, and returned to the new courtyard.

After returning to the New People's Hospital, I found that only Zhao Tiedan was practicing in the room.

"However, in two months, Tiedan broke through to Zhenwu.

Zifeng glanced at Tie Dan, and smiled satisfied:

Tie Dan woke up from the room, feeling a familiar smell in the yard, and hurried out: "Brother Zifeng, you are back."

Congratulations, Tidan, your grades are getting better and better.

Zifeng smiled sincerely:

Tidan smiled and touched his head, and said, "I'm very lucky. Big Brother Zifeng, your cultivation level has been broken through. The real power is six times heavier!"

"I am also very lucky."

Zifeng smiled.

Tiedan looked distressed, thinking that he had been practicing hard these two times, and then he broke through to the first level of true vitality. As a result, Zifeng was two months old, and after returning, he was directly at the sixth level of true vitality!

This is a dumb eating coptis, and there is hardship to tell.

"By the way, where is Shao Long?"

Zifeng asked.

Tidan said: "Brother Shao Long has been out for half a month to complete a very difficult task."

"Mission?" Zifeng asked in a puzzled manner.

Tidan said: "Yes, every disciple of the foreign race must complete the task of the foreign race once a month. One is to train his disciples, but to test their achievements."

Zhenwu was fine, and Brother Shao Long went to pick it up. . The elder gave him a two-star intermediate mission, so he has been out for half a month. "

In the mission hall of the Spirit Sword faction, missions are distributed by the elders.

The elders will explain some experimental tasks based on the comprehensive strength of each disciple who accepts the task.

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