Now Li Qingxuan said that Zifeng Fangran suddenly realized that the original sword league was backed by the elders' cabinet.

"What are your plans next?"

Li Qingxuan asked Zifeng.

Zifeng smiled: "Now there are about two days before the end of the place of origin, so naturally I have to look for more psychotropic drugs."

"If you still want to go to the mountains, then I advise you not to go."

"Ling Yao has nine mountains in total, three of which are divided by the Shenmeng, three by the Qingtian Emperor, and two by unknown people. This one here is the last one."

Otherwise, do you think Zhao Yuan and I will rob the mountain of medicines without leaving any space?

Li Qingxuan said.

"What! The Holy Alliance won three seats?" Zifeng was surprised.

The value of each mountain is enormous.

The God Alliance got three, which really made Zifeng jealous.

"Haha, there have been many warriors from the Holy League who have entered the Land of Origin. Although they have already obtained three Spirit Medicine Mountains, there are only less than two Spirit Medicine Mountains in each Holy Alliance. Therefore, you don't have to be so surprised. "

Li Qingxuan said.

Zifeng suddenly realized that he nodded.

Although there are many people in the Holy Alliance, there are many resources.

A mountain of elixir, tens of thousands of elixir, were distributed, each cultivator at most three or four elixir, and there are some elixir, it is impossible to give the cultivator.

Then we will wait for the birth of Lingquan.

Zifeng smiled faintly.

The nine Lingyao Mountains were divided up, and then Lingquan appeared.

"Yeah." Li Qingxuan heard Lingquan's words, his bright shirt flashed in his eyes. Obviously, Lingquan is also very attractive to Li Qingxuan.

Let's separate first.

Zifeng smiled.

Then Zifeng took Qi Shaolong and Tiedan away, looking for traces of Lingquan at the place of production.

After half a day.

Zifeng, Qi Shaolong and Tie Dan sat in the forest to rest.

Suddenly one after another fighters flashed past Zifeng and the others like a sharp arrow.

They all ran in one direction.

"Lingquan was born!"

Zifeng turned over and raised his Yinfeng Sword to look in the direction of Musa Dongkoro.

It should be that so many warriors will arrive only when Lingquan is born.

Qi Shaolong also agreed.

"Then let's go too."

Zifeng followed these soldiers and shuttled through the forest.

After a while, Zifeng followed the fighter to a pool with a diameter of 1,000 meters.

The swimming pool is full of aura!

"This is the Spirit Spring? The halo is so rich."

Zifeng exclaimed.

Yes, the aura here is at least ten times that of the outside! Seeing Lingquan when he was angry, his face flushed.

The water in Lingquan is milky white, and the spiritual energy in the water is almost condensed into liquid.

When Zifeng and the others arrived and looked around, hundreds of people gathered around Lingquan, and each of them was at least a master of the Xuanwu Triple.

Among the crowd, Zifeng also saw ten disciples including Wen Yuanjia from the outer door of the Spirit Sword Sect.

This time, beside Wen Yuanjia, there was a handsome man with a calm face and sword-like eyes.

This handsome man gave Zifeng an invisible pressure.

"He is the first person outside, Qi Xuan!"

Qi Shaolong whispered in Zifeng's ear.

"So he is Qi Xuan!" Zi Feng said lightly.

Qi Xuan paid more attention, and Zi Feng discovered that at this moment Qi Xuan's cultivation base had broken through to the sixth level of the Xuanwu realm, and before the outer gate, Qi Xuan's cultivation base was already the fifth level of the Xuanwu realm. It seems that Qi Xuan has reached the place of origin and obtained a large amount of medicine, breaking through the cultivation base.

Except for Qi Xuan and Wen Yuanjia.

A man in a golden robe was also found on the other side, standing aside with a group of blue sky fighters.

Zhang Yuanhao, the first person outside the Qingtian family! Zifengnan said.

Before fighting the Blue Sky fighter, Zifeng had heard of Zhang Yuanhao's reputation.

Qingtian sent Zhang Yuanhao's outer door like a bolt from the blue. The seven achievements of the Xuanwu Sect surpassed all the geniuses of the Qingtian School. Now entering the origin, Zhang Yuanhao's cultivation has broken through to the eighth-level Xuanwu realm.

It is one of the most accomplished peoples in the country of origin.

Qi saw many soldiers coming one after another, but they were all standing on the shore. He asked curiously: "So many people come, why no one comes to Lingquan to absorb the spiritual energy? What are you waiting for?"

Zifeng shook his head indifferently.

This is where Zifeng is most confused.

These people kept coming to Lingquan just to stand on the shore.

One of the warriors close to Zifeng and others said, "You don't understand, whose spiritual spring is so thick that ordinary warriors can't absorb it at all, so the warrior can only absorb it when the spirit spring spit out its aura."

"Have you seen the center of the spirit spring? Where the whirlpool gradually condenses, the spirit energy will gush out from the whirlpool in the future."

The fighter closest to the vortex will get more auras.

In addition, some treasures, such as immortal medicines, rare minerals, etc. gush out from time to time in the spring.

Therefore, they are all waiting for the elven spring to gush out.

The soldiers explained with a faint smile.

"Thank you for telling me, but how long will it take for this spiritual fountain to gush out?" Zi Feng asked curiously.

"Soon, very soon."

The soldiers just said so.

Suddenly the entire Lingquan shook violently, and the soldiers on the shore were startled.


After the Lingquan shook a few times, the vortex in the center burst out, spewing out spiritual energy, spreading out in a circular shape.

The fountain of spirit gushes out!


"Go to Lingquan!"

Seeing Lingquan gushing out, the soldiers stood on the shore, Qi Qi pounced towards Lingquan, Qi Qi ran, stepping on the surface of Lingquan, and quickly rushed towards the center of Lingquan!

"Get out, even if you are a true nine-armed warrior, you dare to grab my aura!"

A black-faced man with a stubborn face shot down a real warrior with one punch.

"No, save me, save me!" The soldier who fell into the Lingquan sank into the Lingquan at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then never appeared again.


Zifeng was surprised.

"Shao Long, Tidan, we will go too, but you must be careful. Once someone attacks you, you must run as soon as possible, okay?" Zifeng said to Qi Xiaolong and Tiedan.

If you fall into the Lingquan, you may die. Zifeng warned gloomily.

Qi Shaolong and Tie Dan nodded.

Many warriors stepped on the surface of Lingquan, but were brought back to the shore by the gushing spiritual energy, and many warriors fell directly into Lingquan and died.

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