The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 231: complete?

After listening, they said, "Zifeng, I and Tiedan divide 50 million yuan. You donate the most, and you get 60 million yuan!"

"It's okay." Zifeng shook his head silently.

"That's it, we must now find a way to sell the elixir! Change it to a spirit stone!"

Qi Shaolong said.

"Don't sell it in the Spirit Sword faction. We have too many enemies here." Zi Feng said deeply. "Yeah, yeah, in case it is sold in the Spirit Sword Sect, and the news leaks out, we will be over." Qi Shaolong also expressed his deep agreement.

"So Zifeng, you and I will go down the mountain. My home is in Longcheng, which is also a big city! There is also a treasure house in the city, so I sell medicine there."

Shao Qi suggested.

"It's okay to go to Longcheng by plane, but where can 160 million spirit stones be produced at the same time?"

Zifeng asked.

"This shouldn't be a problem." Qi Shaolong thought for a while and said.

"Well, then fly to Dragon City. Don't go to Tidan. Practice in the Spirit Sword Sect until we come back."

Zifeng said with a smile.

The three of them took a rest for a day, and after Zifeng raised his cultivation to the seventh level of the Xuanwu Realm, they left the Spirit Sword Sect with Qi Shaolong.

The two competed for five days before returning to Longfei City.

Qi's family is the largest family.

"Dad, I'm back!"

Qi Shaolong and Zifeng returned to their home together.

Qi's father is a burly middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and a kind face.

Take a closer look, Qi Lin actually possesses powerful military territorial capabilities.

"Xiaolong, didn't you get the spirit sword? Why did you come back suddenly?" Qi Lin asked curiously.

"Dad, this time Zifeng and I are back, we have a big thing to do!" Qi Shaolong said blushing. Everyone immediately became excited when thinking of more than 100 million spiritual stones.

Zifeng met his uncle.

Zifeng clasped his fists and saluted.

I heard that Zifeng is a good friend of Qi, and enthusiastically greeted Zifeng to sit down.

Soon, the other elders in the family came out to meet Zi Feng and had a meal together.

"Zifeng, let's take a rest for one night, and tomorrow we will go to the treasure house to sell psychotropic drugs," Qi Shaolong said.

"No problem, it's just too tired these days."

Zifeng laughed haha ​​and went back to his room to rest for a while.

Back to the room, Zifeng sat cross-legged and lay down.

At this time, Zifeng suddenly felt a little dark green energy in his abdomen. These energies went crazy in the abdomen, swallowed Zifeng's true energy, and then disappeared.


Zifeng was surprised.

The toxin quickly engulfed Zifeng's abdomen, causing Zifeng's realm to drop rapidly.

"What's going on? I didn't bring anything along the way, nor did I breathe in any poisonous gas. Why is there poison in my body?"

Is it because Wen Yuanjia and Qi Xuan manipulated me in the place of origin?

Zifeng first thought of Qi Xuan and Wen Yuanjia.

Because Zifeng felt that this toxin seemed very strong and precious, and ordinary fighters couldn't get it out.

Zifeng ran out of the room quickly, sweating profusely, Qi Xiaolong shouted:

"What's wrong, Zifeng!"

Qi Shaolong and Zifeng live not far away. Hearing Zifeng's cry, he immediately ran out.

"I don't know when I was poisoned. Now the poison is engulfing my abdomen!"

Do you have an antidote here?

Zifeng asked.

"Huh, poisoning is right!"


When Qi heard this, a cruel smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth. Unprepared by Zifeng, a sword was taken out of Zifeng's back barrel and passed through his chest, sprinkling blood in the yard.

"Little Dragon! You!"

Zi Feng was furious and looked at Qi incredulously.

"You poisoned me!"

Zifeng vigorously shook Qi Shaolong out.

Qi Shaolong is the double material of the basalt realm. Zifeng slapped him and knocked him out. He vomited blood and stood up from the ground with a sneer.

"If I kill you, I will kill Zhao Tiedan. These sixty million spiritual stones belong to me only."

Qi Shaolong laughed wildly.

"Just for these 160 million spirit stones, will you start? We are brothers!"

Zifeng roared angrily.

"Brother? Hahaha, Zifeng, you are too naive. There are only eternal interests in this, no eternal brothers!"

"Besides, if you offend the Holy Alliance, you will die in the hands of the Holy Alliance sooner or later. I'll send you to reincarnation first!"

Qi Shaolong laughed cruelly.

"Damn! You really thought you could kill me!"

Zifeng roared.

"If you were in your heyday, let alone me, even Qi Xuan would have to evade you temporarily, but now you are scattered in the'power of death', your cultivation level will continue to reverse until after your dantian is broken. , I killed you easily!

Qi Shaolong sneered.

"Ha ha."

Zifeng sneered and looked at Qi.

I remember how Zifeng formed an alliance with Shao Long in the Spirit Sword Sect, and how he believed him in his origin.

Therefore, Zifeng did not leave any guard against Shaolong, and gave Qi Shaolong all the potions.

After the Qi family was poisoned to death, Zifeng thought of He Wen Yuanjia for the first time. He didn't even expect to be poisoned to death by Qi.

"Hehe, heart! The heart is the sharpest sword!"

Zifeng shook his head somewhat lonely and said.

Suddenly, a group of soldiers walked into the courtyard.

Qi Lin, the master of the Qi family, brought a group of warriors to the courtyard and surrounded the purple wind.

"Dad, kill him!" Qi said to Lin.

"All right!"

Qi Lin grinned: "Little thing, if you dare to come to my house, you will kill yourself!"

"Do it!"

Qi Lin gave an order, and more than a hundred Qi Qi cavalry went to encircle the forest.


Xuanwu territory is triple!

Zifeng's achievements have dropped by another percentage point.

Zifeng is extremely ugly.

First betrayed by the brothers, now trapped in a heavy siege.

Surrounded by the soldiers of Zifeng, they are all the masters of Zhenwu's nine heavy weapons, and Qi Lin, the master of the land and territory with the heavy weapons, is watching. Zifeng is now surrounded.


"Little thing, go to hell!"

Hundreds of soldiers surrounded Qi Qi Tuan Tuan, holding weapons in their hands, and rushing towards Zi Feng.

"Get out!"

Zifeng's anger was like an angry beast. With a wave of Yin Feng, all offensive weapons were shaken off.

Qilin step showed that Zifeng's figure turned into an afterimage and went straight to the house.

"Do you still want to run ahead of me?"

Seeing Zifeng's strange posture, Qi Lin immediately caught up with Zifeng step by step, punching Zifeng on the back.


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