The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 233: problem solved?

Falling from the cliff of thousands of feet, Zifeng hit a rotten rock under the cliff.

Under the moonlight, two words can be seen on this rotting stone: "God of War".

Lying on the stone, the blood of Zifeng flows like a river on the stone.


The blood sank into the stone, and the stone shimmered, sweeping away Zifeng's body.

After catching up, Qi Lin only saw the blood on the broken stone, but did not see any traces of the purple wind.

Then Qi Lin searched for three hours and returned to Longfei City.

"Crazy man, after waiting so long, there is still a dead man waiting."

"The bones of the whole body are fragile, the meridians are broken, the abdomen is completely destroyed, and there is a toxin in the body."

Oh, it's a miracle that this boy lives to this day.

In the dark space, an old man muttered to himself.

"Forget it, forget it, Ares Palace waited a long time for someone to come, and then give you a chance."

"Let me save you."

Zifeng lost consciousness after jumping off the cliff and hitting the ground.

Soon, Zifeng suddenly felt a faint warmth all over his body, like a person who had been tortured for a long time in the cold winter, holding a torch when he was dying.

After half an hour.

Zifeng opened his eyes in a daze.

Here is a cave, a weak old man, looking at him with strange eyes.

The old man's eyes looked like he hadn't seen anyone in hundreds of years.

"you're awake."

"Hahaha, Lao Tzu is still so strong. After so many years, Lao Tzu is still so strong."

"Why? I can save the person you want to save from hell."

Seeing Zifeng open his eyes, the old man laughed wildly, dancing and dancing, as if to win the whole.

When Zi Feng heard it, he realized that it was the old man who had saved him.

"Thank you for saving my life. The younger generation has nothing to offer."

Zifeng clasped his fists and was deeply grateful.

From the inside, the toxins in his body had been completely removed, and the bones that had been broken by Qi Lin had recovered.

The cultivation base has returned to the peak, the seventh realm of Xuanwu.

"Hahaha, little brother, you don't need to thank me. Since you can come here, it means that you and my Palace of War are related.

Suddenly, in the darkness, lights illuminated the surroundings one by one.

Zifeng discovered that this place turned out to be a huge scorched earth battlefield, just like a battle that just ended, the wolf did not go out.

Zifeng, have you seen the stele in front of you?

This stone tablet records the first-level skills of ``God of War'' to practice physical and mental skills.

If you can successfully practice the first level within three hours, you will be able to pass the exam.

Old Man Ares said to Zifeng faintly.

"Three hours of practice becomes the first level, that's it?"

Zifeng walked over and took a look, and immediately remembered the words on the stone tablet in his mind.

War magic formula, the first layer, the bronze battle body!

The old man of war said: "Bronze warfare is the lowest warfare among God of War tactics. In addition, there are silver wars, golden wars, and imperial wars.

"The tactics of God of War are divided into two parts, one part is fighting style, the other part is God's tactics!"

"The fighting style is the basis for practicing the magic trick. If you want to practice the magic trick, you must become a fighting style!"

"You have become a bronze combat body. In the same field, you can be invincible."

Have you written down your mental skills and formulas?

The old man of war asked.

"I wrote it down." Zifeng replied.

"Well, I will give up the spirit of war." The old man of war said.

"What spirit of war?"

Zi Feng asked curiously.

"The spirit of war was used by the Palace of Ares to test the disciples at that time. Killing the spirit of war can gain divine power and accelerate the practice of God of War tactics." Old Man Ares slowly explained.

"Oh, that is to say, the more the spirit of war is stifled, the faster the tactics of war will be implemented, right?" Zifeng asked with a smile.

"This is also a fact." The old man of war said.

"are you ready?"

The old man of war asked.

"Come on, let me see how terrible the proving grounds of the super clans were millions of years ago!"

Zifeng grinned, drew out the Yinfeng sword, and looked around warily.

"I will never let you down!"

The spirit of war, get out!

The old man of war roared from a distance, and the whole young man was shocked. The earth cracked, and black smoke came out of the cracks.

Zifeng frowned tightly.

The black smoke fell to the ground and turned into a warrior in armor with a sword in his hand. He roared to kill Zifeng.

These soldiers have no armor, they are supported by black smoke.

"Is this the spirit of war?"

Zifeng screamed. Suddenly, a wave of warfare approaching Zifeng, a knife fell suddenly, and the knife gang stirred the air, strangling it horizontally and horizontally. Although Zifeng avoided it, the knife also made a ten-meter-long line on the ground. Cracks.

"I'm afraid this is a good idea. The power of this move hardly falls on Xuanwu's nine-fold fist!"

Zifeng avoided the attack of the war spirit and made a simple assessment of the power of the war spirit.

"You must be careful. If you die here, then you are really dead. If you want to give up, just say it out loud and I will pull you out of the testing ground immediately."

The old man Qin Shi reminded. "Hahaha, these fighting spirits are not enough to make me give up!"

Zifeng's face shone with cold, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"look at me."

Zifeng held the sword and walked up. The Yinfeng Sword cut out a bright sword light, reaching the sky and splitting the ground. It dispelled the strong wind and landed on a war spirit rushing in front of him.

a little bit.

The mental power of this battle was suddenly shattered by Zifeng's long sword, the armor shattered, and the black smoke dispersed.

When the darkness dissipated, a white light appeared and poured into Zifeng's eyebrows.

Is this magical power obtained through the spirit of killing war?

Zifeng was surprised.

When the divine power entered the body, Zifeng really felt the strength of his body. Whether it was bones, meridians, or blood, his body became extremely tough at this moment.

"good stuff!"

Zifeng sensed the changes in his body and was immediately ecstatic, holding the sword and killing him.

Shoo, swoop, swoop!

One sword after another fell from Zifeng's sword. Each sword has the power of Conan the Destroyer, dragging a sword mark about 100 meters long on the ground and hitting the body of a war soul.

Bang, bang, bang!

A sword hit more than a dozen war souls, smashing them all, and the light flew out and shot at Zifeng's body.

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