The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 269: Fined again

Just as Chen Yu was thinking about how to find Kei Nagai, the voice of conversation happened in front of him. Through the crack of the door, one can see a young man in bandages and a middle-aged man in a beret.

"Sato!" Chen Yu's pupils shrank suddenly. If this guy is here, then it should be Kei who is wrapped in bandages next to him.

Seeing the two talking, Kei Nagai was not at all wary, but Sato's hand on the side had already touched the knife at his waist, and Chen Yu kicked the door open without hesitation.

Load, pull the bolt, launch! These were achieved in an instant, and the anesthetic bullet shot out from the muzzle and rushed towards Sato's temple fiercely.

Flop! This shot did not hit Sato's temple as Chen Yu expected.

At the very close of the shot, Sato grabbed Kei Nagai and blocked him in front of him. With his other hand, he took out a pistol and shot the bullet into Chen Yu's arm.

"Oh yo? I didn't expect it to be you, it's still quite capable." Sato said with a smile, and threw Nagai Kei to the ground. The pistol in his hand has been replaced with a single-shot barrel gun. .

"With you guys here, how can I fall? After all, I am not a demihuman." Chen Yuqiang said with a smile, and directly grabbed the bullet from his arm with one hand.

Bang! Without too much nonsense, Sato fired another shot, moving towards Chen Yu at his feet.

This time, Chen Yu, who was prepared, was not so easy to get shot. The bullet was no longer an incapable trajectory in his eyes, but was very clear, and he dodged it as soon as he moved his feet.

Chen Yu did not flinch from Sato's approach, and also used the injured right hand to pull the bolt of the gun and approach him.

You shot, I shot, and both sides kept firing bullets at each other. This time, neither side did not dodge, but Chen Yu had difficulty pulsating, and Sato was already full of anesthetics, he was decisive. He stabbed the knife into his chest and moved forward again within a few seconds.

"Then let me see what other storms you can dig out now." Sato put the gun on Chen Yu's head and said, "But before that, I want to ask you if the demihuman's head is broken. What will happen to flying?"

"I don't know, I won't die anyway." Chen Yu gritted his teeth and said, but he already had some guesses in his heart.

The principle of the resurrection of the demi-humans is actually very simple. To sum it up briefly, the large pieces of loose meat are beginning to reorganize, but if according to Sato's words, the head is broken, then this piece of meat is probably no longer a head.

Once the brain is reorganized, it means that... as a demihuman, he is no longer him, but a true demihuman.

Sato looked at Chen Yu with a smile, but instead of expressing what Chen Yu was thinking, he said.

"Then let you experience it for yourself."

The gun sounded, but Chen Yu showed a triumphant smile. At some point, there was a grenade on Sato's waist, and the safety plug of the grenade appeared in Chen Yu's hand.

A kick back, the bullet hit his chest, but the whole person flew out. "I'm really curious... if your whole body is blown to pieces, where will you start to reorganize."

Sato's smile stopped abruptly, and before he could react, he was drowned in the fire caused by the explosion.

Although Chen Yu flew upside down quickly, but the part below his chest was also directly blown up, leaving only a small upper body, but he still won.

The black particles began to reorganize his body quickly, and in just a few breaths, Chen Yu returned to his original appearance again, except for the clothes that were still damaged, no injuries were visible anymore.

The sea of ​​flames is still burning, and I haven't seen Sato's figure yet, but Chen Yu hasn't relaxed yet, because the opponent's old and cunning level is absolutely beyond his imagination, and his heart is always stable if he doesn't see him turn into ashes with his own eyes. Come down.

Just as Chen Yu had expected, a black shadow gradually revealed its hideous face in the sea of ​​flames. There is no doubt that the only one who can walk on the ground is Xiao Hei.

Unlike Chen Yu and Kei Nagai's complete personification, Sato's little black head is more like a lizard, with a huge mouth and long, sharp teeth. At this time, it is calling Sato towards them with its body.

"It's true that blue is better than blue, but you all have to die today." Sato opened his eyes infrequently, and his eyes were full of murderous aura.

Xiao Hei, who had just dropped Sato's voice, had already put Sato down and rushed towards Chen Yu quickly, a terrifying cold light gleaming on his hideous teeth. And Kei Nagai who was beside him finally woke up.

"You go first, leave it to me to deal with it, and wait for the rest of the matter to be solved by this guy before explaining it to you." Chen Yu said without turning his head, Satan was already standing in front of him, facing him. Sato’s Kuro.

Immediately after Chen Yu, the whole person rushed out, no longer a pistol in his hand, but the glove that he had put in his backpack before.

Satan put his hands in front of him and blocked Sato's black fist with his arms, while Chen Yu bypassed Satan, leaped vigorously under his feet, and fiercely bombarded Sato's face with his fists.

The huge strength obviously exceeded Sato Kokuro’s expectations. The huge strength made him stagger, and Satan would naturally not turn a blind eye to this opportunity. He immediately turned an elbow towards Sato Kokuro’s head and fiercely. Smashed down.

"Unexpectedly, you have discovered Xiao Hei's weakness, so I can't sit here anymore."

When Sato saw this, he couldn't sit still, he had already held a sniper rifle in his hand and aimed it at Satan's head, and shot it out.

Satan was about to hit Sato Xiaohei’s head, but Sato’s shot was really tricky. In desperation, he could only retract and block in front of Chen Yu, otherwise he would disappear if Chen Yu died. At that time, there was no need to talk about heads or heads. Chen Yu might be really bad luck.

The bullet did not pass through Satan's arm, but hit it and made a metal collision. As for the reason, Chen Yu didn't know why, but this was undoubtedly good news.

Right now, Chen Yu turned back and ran back, while Satan held a grenade in his hand and stuck it on Sato Xiaohei's body. Then disappeared.

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