The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 18 Chapter 277: To be sad

"Ueda, be careful."

When Zifeng's sword was about to pierce Shang Tian's throat, Xu Jiangsheng began to remind him.

However, Zifeng's sword was too fast. The crackling sound penetrated Shang Tian's throat, making Xu Jiangsheng and Liu Yiyun unable to save Shang Tian.

"Damn it!"

Xu Jiangsheng hurriedly bent his bow and set arrows. A golden sharp arrow shot from the bowstring and directed towards Zifeng's head.

The sharp arrow burst out, like the wrath of a god, exuding this terrifying power.

Zifeng dodged quickly and drew out the sword that pierced Shang Tian's throat.

Shang Tian's body fell to the ground with a bang.

"Brother Ueda, Brother Ueda." Liu ran out of the crowd at this time, looking at the cold body of Shang Tian in surprise.

Mark Liu looked at Zifeng angrily: "You are dead. If you dare to kill Senior Brother Ueda, my monk family in Yuntai Palace will not let you go!"

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, we have killed a lot of people. There will be no more than one enemy, and no less than one!" Zifeng said with a sneer.

"I ask you, did you kill Xu Zailong?" Xu Jiangsheng asked with a bow and arrow, looking at Zifeng coldly.

At this time Lin Baicai remembered that Xu was the imperial capital Xu Tieqi, and he must have known Xu Zailong and Xu.

"Yes." Zifeng replied calmly.

Hearing Zifeng's answer, he was calm and unapologetic, which made Xu Jiangsheng's cold face even more serious, and asked, "Did you kill Xu Shangjie?"

"Yes, the two of them must anger me and then die!" Zi Feng sneered.

"Hmph, none of the iron knights who dare to kill the Xu family in my imperial capital can survive" Xu Jiangsheng sneered.

"So according to what you said, should I wait for them to kill me?" Zifeng said with a smile.

It is your honor to die in the hands of the Xu family. Xu Jiangsheng said coldly.

"Haha, these words of yours are so ridiculous!"

Zifeng sneered and glanced at Xu with disdain.

Xu Jiangsheng was furious, bent his bow and set arrows, and three golden arrows flew into Zifeng.


Zifeng cut off the golden arrow with a sword: "I have learned to shoot arrows. Since you want to kill me, then I am a little tired. I will send you down to find your good brother."

Lin rushed up, swung his sword coldly, and slashed towards Xu.

In archery, Zifeng encountered a fighter named "Liu Qing" during the review test of Ling Jianzong. He met once, and Zifeng knew that the biggest weakness of archery was close combat.

Once archers do not have enough distance to bend their bows and make arrows, archery will be weak.

Sword Qi whistled and killed, approaching Xu. Zifeng quickly displayed her body skills and quickly approached Xu.

Xu's face changed drastically, and he also saw that Zifeng had known his weakness in archery, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Wu's soul! Come out!"

Xu let out a cry of worry, and from above his head, a golden light rose, and the golden light shone all around, stinging Zifeng's eyes.

Zifeng took a closer look and saw the bow and arrow in the golden light. Golden bow!

Xuan-level seventh-rank martial soul, the sun bow!

Xu Jiangsheng's witch soul is the witch soul of Wu Jingong of the seventh level of the mysterious.

Warriors with the spirit of the solar bow are born to look at bows and arrows. The bows and arrows shot by the solar bow can break down mountains and rivers and knock down the power of the sun.

Wu's soul appeared, and Xu's aura surged in an instant, his hair danced wildly, and a golden light appeared in his eyes.

Shoo, swoop, swoop—

Nine consecutive arrows shot out from the air, towards Zifeng.

At the same time, Xu quickly used his mysterious and profound martial arts pose to distance himself from Zifeng.

Nine golden arrows, burning with golden flames, shot in front of Zifeng.


Zifeng brandished his sword in the First War, trying to chop down nine arrows.

But the sword fell and hit the golden arrow. Not only did it not cut off the arrow, it also left a gap in Zifeng's Yinfeng Sword.

The Yinfeng Sword was damaged and spirituality began to drain!

"not good!"

Seeing that a sword could not cut the Nine Arrows, Zi Feng quickly used a unicorn step and moved away like electricity.

Bang, bang, bang!

Nine arrows shot down and hit the ground. The golden flame immediately burned for a hundred meters and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"This Martial Spirit has such a powerful power!" Zi Feng said a little lost.

Different warriors have different talents.

For example, Zifeng's swallowing of sword soul can greatly enhance Zifeng's perception of kendo, which is why Zifeng can realize the meaning of sword so quickly. It can also double the swordsmanship of Zifeng, which is why Zifeng can easily overcome the challenge.

However, Ye Suxin, who had fought with Zifeng before, said that her martial spirit is one of all animals. When the bells of all the animals rang, all the animals and all the demons obeyed the orders. This is why Ye Suxin was able to easily subdue three monsters in the real martial arts realm in the retest.

And in front of Xu, this Soul Shaman is the Soul Shaman of the Sun Bow. With Soul Shaman, the power of archery is at least doubled, and with this weird golden flame, ordinary spiritual power cannot be poured out.

Whoops, whoops!

While Zifeng was surprised, Xu quickly dropped his bow and arrows, one by one, the golden arrows aimed at Zifeng's flying.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of arrows flew out of Xu's bows and turned into a rain of arrows.

Do you think you can kill me by showing off your military soul?

Strong wind swordsmanship, type 2, wind breath!

Zifeng's eyes opened and closed, a new murder.

With a running posture, Zifeng rushed into the arrow rain, and the boundless storm condensed beside Zifeng, stirring the clouds of heaven and earth, and cut it down with a heavy sword. The shock wave tore through the world, shattered mountains and rivers, hitting arrows and rain.

There was a loud bang.

The diameter of this golden arrow rain was cut off by Zifeng.

"Your swordsmanship. At least the skills of a prefecture-level city!" Xu Jiangsheng was shocked when he saw Zifeng display his swordsmanship.

Even the Xu family has no martial arts skills in prefecture-level cities.

In the house of Emperor Xu, there is only the eighth-rank martial arts of a prefecture-level city. As a treasure of the town's family, only the successive young masters are qualified to practice.

At the same time, the nine-year-old local martial arts skills can only be used in the four major families. In the four major families, they are usually regarded as unparalleled martial arts. They must be very loyal to the tribe, otherwise warriors who have made great contributions to the tribe will be allowed to practice.

So at this moment, Xu was shocked when he saw Zifeng's swordsmanship.

This is a rare treasure of Shenwu.

"I want to be content with this martial arts!" Xu Jiangsheng said ecstatically after being taken aback.

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