The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 9 Chapter 17: Leisure Time (Part 1)

The BoB contest qualifiers have gone through two rounds so far. Some players with insufficient strength have been eliminated, and the next is the real contest between the strong. The difficulty of the duel has increased a lot.

However, there was no difference at all for Zifeng. With an absolute advantage, he quickly ended the next three rounds of battle and successfully advanced to the finals.

Of course, through this qualifier, Zifeng’s strength has gradually been revealed to many players, even in the entire GGO game has set off a wave of enthusiasm, and at the end of the qualifiers, Zifeng The participating videos of the competition and the first four rounds of the qualifiers appeared on the Internet, and the click-through rate instantly exceeded 1000W.

"Ha, the result was even smoother than expected."

After logging out of the game, Zifeng sat in front of the computer and watched the whole process of the game. The corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a wicked smile, and the most on the chuang side was cross-legged, but the martial arts without the slightest femininity could not help but curl his lips. "Really, is it really the wolf-greedy guy this time... After she comes out, you have to be alert to her, that guy..."

As he said, there was a trace of disgust on Wu Qu's face. Obviously Greed Wolf was not very fond of martial arts. But when he heard Wu Qu's words, Zi Feng couldn't help being taken aback. He moved his gaze to Wu Qu's body, revealing a trace of his face. Doubt asked, "Alert? Why?"

Hearing Zifeng's question, Wu Qu twisted his head aside and snorted coldly, "Huh, just listen to me anyway, don't worry about that much!"

"Um... I don't understand at all... Forget it, no matter how much, according to this situation, I should be able to complete the task tomorrow."

Thinking like this, Zifeng turned off the computer and raised his eyebrows at Wu Qu and said, "Okay, I'm going to sleep, don't you plan to go back?"

"Huh, I'm not interested in sleeping with you, idiot!"

Zifeng's words made Wu Qu's face blush. After making a face at Zifeng, he immediately turned into a red streamer and sank into Zifeng's eyebrows.

And seeing Wu Qu's movements so fast, Zi Feng couldn't help touching his nose awkwardly, and said as if to himself, "Really, I didn't say let you sleep with me, Sister Wu Qu is really arrogant. "

Since it is a weekend, the school does not have classes, so today Zifeng rarely slept for a while, and when he opened his eyes, it was already more than ten in the morning.

"Ah... so comfortable..."

After stretching for a while, Zifeng sat up, looked at the time he was on the bed, rubbed his eyes and said, "It's already so late, let's get up first..."

"Ding Ding Ding..."

As soon as Zifeng's voice fell, the mobile phone placed under the needle suddenly heard a pleasant ringing. Picking up the phone, looking at an unfamiliar phone number displayed on it, Zifeng couldn't help showing a trace of doubt on his face.

"Whose phone number belongs to..." After hesitating, Zifeng pressed the answer button, frowning and asked, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"That...Excuse me...Are you Zifeng?"

Zifeng's phone heard the soft voice of Asada Shino, and hearing this familiar voice, Zifeng couldn't help raising his eyebrows and saying, "What, you are Sinon... Why do you have my phone number? ?"

"It's really you, great, I thought it wasn't." Asada Shino seemed to be relieved when he heard Zifeng's words, and then said embarrassingly, "Well... because I have a rest today, so can you? Looking for you... come out together for a stroll?"

"Wandering? This..." Zifeng couldn't help but hesitate a little at the invitation of Asada Shino. He couldn't help recalling the tragic experience of shopping with Elisa, Wendy, Feili and others.

Although Asada Shino didn’t know Zifeng’s expression on this matter, she hesitated when she heard Zifeng didn’t immediately agree. His face couldn’t help showing a trace of disappointment, and a bitter smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, thinking, “Sure enough... Is it the same as before..."

Thinking like this, Asada Shino couldn't help sighing and said, "It's okay, if you still have something...then you don't have to..."

Asada Shino’s words revealed a loss that could not be hidden, and when she heard her words, Zifeng quickly said, “No, I have nothing to do. Where are you now? I’ll look for you right away!”

"Uh...oh? Really...really? Great, let's meet at Qingyu Shopping Center!"

After Asada Shino finished speaking, she immediately hung up the phone, and listening to the "beep" on the phone, Zifeng couldn't help covering her head, and sighed in her heart, "Today...I'm dead..."

Sapphire Mall is the largest commercial market in Saitama Prefecture. It has everything in it, whether it is household appliances, food materials, clothes, jewelry, and jewelry.

There is a huge dungeon in the underground city of Qingyu Shopping Mall, which contains all kinds of video game devices. It is completely a place for young people to play. There are also various restaurants around the dungeon. The meeting place between Asada Shino and Shino was at a nearby cafe called'cosplay'.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, the girl named Asada Shino hasn't come yet... It's really slow!"

In the coffee shop, Wu Qu sat next to Zifeng, holding his arms, showing a trace of impatience on his face. When he heard Wu Qu's words, Zifeng couldn't help but roll his eyes and said, "Sister Wu Qu... Don't follow me."

Originally, Zifeng planned to come alone, but before going out, Wu Qu suddenly emerged from the space of the King’s Temple. When he heard that Zifeng was going to the mall, he clamored to come out with him. Going together, eventually couldn't bear the noisy Wuqu, Zi Feng had to let her out...

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