The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 10 Chapter 8: unusual phenomenon

"Wang Shen has returned...huh, it's been six times, let you escape six times, this time, I'm about to catch you!"

A very gloomy sound suddenly came out in a dim and non-light space. After the sound came out, dozens of blue flames abruptly lit in the space, and in the middle of the flame, there was a black stick with a wooden staff. A mysterious blue six-pointed star cluster suddenly flashed under the old man's feet, and then the whole person disappeared into this space together with the flame.

But not long after the old man left, a gap was silently cracked in the space, and a mermaid holding a trident came out of the crack, watching only dozens of groups of blue flames surrounded by circles, frowned and said, "I have left. Already, it seems that they have already begun to do something...Anyway, this is his last chance and he must not fail!"

The mermaid’s voice is extremely light, but it’s a pity that there is no one in the space. The five people appreciate her voice that seems to be able to purify people’s souls. They glanced again at the place surrounded by the floating blue flames, and then three-pointed their hands. The halberd lightly pointed to the front, and in an instant, all the water elements in the entire space converged on the tip of the trident.

The gradually gathered water element is continuously compressed, and its density can't bear even the entire space, it begins to assimilate, and finally forms a round hole with a height of one person.

Although I don't know what the strength of this mermaid is, but seeing her arbitrarily create space cracks, this kind of power can tell that her strength is far beyond Zifeng's cognition.

In the space cracks, the violent energy is far from what Zifeng can imagine. Even Zifeng with abyss-level strength would not dare to step into it easily, but this mermaid seemed to have no idea at all, and jumped into it. It disappeared in this dim space, and at the same time that the mermaid disappeared, the space cracks disappeared without a trace.

Zifeng spent the whole day with everyone in the swimming pool. When Zifeng, Wuqu, and Greed Wolf returned home, the sky was already dimmed, but after today’s practice, Suguha also A little bit of water... at least he won't drown instantly after being in the water.

"It's really slow. If we don't hurry, we're all ready to go."

After a night's rest, Zifeng entered the game again, and as soon as Zifeng recovered, Wu Qu's slightly dissatisfied complaint came out of her ears.

Hearing Wu Qu's complaint, Zifeng touched the tip of his nose awkwardly and said, "Sorry, sorry for being late, are you all ready?"

"Of course, Xiaofeng, you are really not interesting enough. If you don't call me for this kind of task, you can still be a brother."

Just after Zifeng’s words were spoken, Klein suddenly jumped out from the side and hooked Zifeng’s shoulders. Since Zifeng had just entered the game, he was first attracted by Wu Qu’s words, and he didn’t notice it at all. Klein, so Klein's shoulder was suddenly hooked, and an almost instinctive reaction instantly slashed Klein's head with a grappling hand and a hand knife.

"Oh...Hey, what are you doing, do you want to kill me?"

Suddenly attacked by the purple wind, Klein couldn't help but screamed, but then he complained dissatisfiedly after not feeling any pain at all.

After hearing Klein’s words, Zifeng reacted. After looking at Tongzi and the others who had already been sitting here waiting, and Agil, who was standing by and holding his arms and watching the play, Zifeng A trace of embarrassment appeared on his face and said, "Sorry, instinctive reaction, who made you hook my shoulder suddenly, besides, this is in the protection area of ​​the town, attacking you will not reduce your HP, and Haven't you already minimized the pain system."

Hearing what Zifeng said, Klein nodded as if feeling very reasonable, and then quickly changed the subject and said, "Uh...that's what it said, by the way, let's hurry up and go to the beach!"

"Well, now that everyone is here, let's go!"

With that, everyone left the hotel together, and the Suylu wind vane was not too far from the sea. At the speed of everyone, it reached the destination in less than an hour.

However, during the flight, something happened that made Zifeng more concerned. Wuqu, who had been talking about it with everyone, became silent after he suddenly logged out of the game.

Of course, this kind of sudden offline Zifeng doesn’t need to guess that it is Greedy Wolf who suddenly unplugged Wuqu’s game connection terminal. Based on Zifeng’s understanding of Wuqu, this kind of thing would definitely be noisy. She wanted to teach the wolf to be greedy, but her performance really exceeded Zifeng's expectations. Not only did she become silent, her face was also full of seriousness.

"Sister Wu Qu, what's the matter?"

After arriving at the destination, Zifeng quickly grabbed Wu Qu's arm and asked, and Tongzi and others were more concerned about the anomaly of Wu Qu, so they all pricked their ears and started listening.

Hearing Zifeng's question, Wu Qu just showed a very reluctant smile on his face and said, "No...nothing, ah, by the way, it's just a little angry at the greedy wolf's unreasonable trouble."


Zifeng is not an idiot. Looking at the reluctant smile on Wu Qu's face, she can guess that her silence has absolutely nothing to do with the matter, but she did not continue to ask questions because Zifeng knew Wu Qu well and knew her. What I didn’t want to say, no matter how I asked, I wouldn’t say it, so I just shrugged helplessly and said, “Well, sister Greed Wolf... Uh, don’t be angry with her.”

"Well, I see, there is still a while before the mission begins. I'll leave first. You can stay with Tongzi and the others."

With that, Wu Qu quit the game, and for Wu Qu's sudden withdrawal from the game, Tongzi and the others were also very puzzled. They immediately surrounded Zifeng and began to inquire.

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