The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 21: Fight against the five-level king of dangerous species

"Well, today is the last day of jungle life, then use this level 5 dangerous species as the final test!"

Looking at the two-headed tiger in front of him, a smile flashed across Zifeng's face. The two-headed tiger was a fifth-level dangerous species, and it was a king among the fifth-level dangerous species.

Although there are nine levels of danger, each level is divided into three, six or nine. For example, the two-headed tiger in front of Zifeng and others at this time is the king of the five dangers. Its strength is comparable to most ordinary level six dangerous species, and at the same time, among the five level dangerous species, the strength is also the strongest.

And below the king is the division of lords, elites and ordinary, a four-level division, but this division only exists in the dangerous species above level 3.

Generally speaking, the dangerous species of both the lord and the king possess special abilities. For example, the two sixth-level dangerous species encountered by Zifeng last time. The leopard-type dangerous species has strange speed and hidden aura. The wolf-type dangerous species has a super high recovery ability. Although Zifeng didn't know which stratum they were in at the time, at least they were the lord of one dangerous species.

This double-headed tiger has steel-like skin. If two tiger heads can protrude flames and water cannons to attack the enemy at the same time, this is especially tricky for the red eyes and others who are just not as strong as the five-level enemy.

"Really, it's the last day. I didn't expect a big trouble..."

Looking at the hideous two-headed tiger, the vitality girl Bonnie could not help sighing and complaining. Not only Bonnie, the red pupil, the black pupil, the eyes of Nahasio and Cornelia were full of silk. The faint resentment of silk.


Obviously, the king of this fifth-level dangerous species looked at Chi Tong and the others completely without putting himself in his eyes, and could not help but let out a roar, and then a flame suddenly ejected from the big **** mouth of the tiger's head on the left.

"Disperse!" Seeing the two-headed tiger attack without hesitation, Zi Feng hurriedly yelled to everyone around him, and then jumped into the spot.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise when the flame rain collided with the ground. I have to say that the two-headed tiger, as the king of the five dangerous species, is still very powerful. A large scorched pit was knocked out on the ground.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but put away their play mentality, staring at the two-headed tiger with a serious expression, and at this time Zifeng's voice came out again.

"Pony and Nahasiu pretended to attack, attracting the attention of the two-headed tiger, red pupils, black pupils, you two assault from the left and right sides of the two-headed tiger, Cornelia attacked from behind, and Tsukushi was responsible for the long-range containment. The battle is a test for you, so I will not intervene, and I will only be responsible for protecting the security of Chikushi who is attacking from a distance."

As the team leader, Zifeng is very aware of each of their abilities, so he arranged the best lineup very quickly, but Zido wanted to give them enough exercise, so this time if it’s not a critical situation, Zifeng will not make a move.

After these six months of continuous training, everyone's tacit understanding was not trivial, so after hearing Zifeng's arrangement, Pony and Naha Xiu quickly rushed towards the two-headed tiger.

Pawnee’s vassals can increase the speed and foot strength. Although the range is not very large, after a year of training and Pawnee’s talents, Pawnee, who has reached level five thousand enemies, can run at a very fast speed, almost In an instant, Pawnee's figure had arrived directly above the two-headed tiger.

"Look at me, get down! Ha..."

With a sweet cry, Bonnie violently rotated his body 180 degrees in the air, and then slammed his right foot on the right skull of the two-headed tiger.


With a loud noise, the tiger head on the right side of the two-headed tiger slammed down a bit as if it had been hit by a boulder, and hit the ground fiercely. At the same time, Naha Xiu rushed up with the sword of the water dragon.

Although in terms of speed, Nahasiu is not as fast as Boni, who has a library of Yau, he ranks 4th in the elite group of seven, because his minister has the sword of water dragon, and his ability is strengthened within three minutes after use. Combat power, this enhancement is a comprehensive enhancement, but due to time constraints, Nahaxiu is destined to only become a burst output.

Knowing his weakness, Nahaxiu didn't waste any time. The water dragon sword in his right hand suddenly emitted a blue light, and then Nahaxiu's whole body speed increased sharply, turning into a golden streamer and reaching the double. Head in front of the tiger.

"Die, trash!"

As plain as water, but wrapped in endless cold, Naha Xiu spoke at the same time, the sword of the water dragon in his hand slashed on the tiger's head on the left.


The sound of a steel-like impact suddenly uttered, Naha Xiu only felt a violent tremor in his right hand holding the sword, and he almost did not hold it, allowing the water dragon sword to fly out.

"so hard!"

After retreating a little, Nahasio looked at his slightly trembling right hand and thought to himself that it was not only Nahasio, but also Pony on the side. The moment he kicked the tiger's head with his right foot, Pony only felt like he was kicking. Same as above for titanium alloy.


However, the two-headed tiger will not pay attention to the thoughts in the hearts of Pony and Nahasiu. At this time, it has countless anger in its heart that needs to be vented. As the king of the dangerous species, it has never suffered such humiliation. The head was hit one after another, and the intense dizziness completely made the two-headed tiger lose his senses. His eyes were red and he looked at Pony and Nahasiu who attacked him, and there was a terrifying tiger roar in the two big **** mouths. .

Along with the roar of the tigers, the two tigers spit out a pillar of fire and water cannons and slammed them at Pony and Naha Xiu.


Feeling the power of the pillar of fire and the water gun, Pony and Nahasiu quickly dodged and avoided the attack of the two-headed tiger. At this time, they saw that the two-headed tiger was successfully attracted by Pony and Nahasiu. Hitomi and Black Hitomi did not hesitate at all, and instantly shot out from the bushes on both sides of the double-headed tiger, and the double knives in their hands severely slashed on the thick back of the double-headed tiger.


There were still two clashing sounds like steel. Although the two-headed tiger moved slowly, it could completely ignore any sharp-edged attack.


Seeing someone attacking from the side, the two heads of the two-headed giant tiger shook in dissatisfaction, and then violently swept towards the black pupil on its left, like an iron whip's tail.

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