The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 36: The provocation of Esther

"I am back……"

Back in the cave, looking at Chitong and the others who were already sitting around the fire and burning on fire, after Zifeng greeted him, he threw the dead body of the dangerous species aside, and reached Cornelia's side.

Nahasiu looked at Zifeng who was beside Cornelia in amazement, and asked aloud, "Captain, I didn't expect you to come back so soon. Didn't that witch haunt you today?"

"Elemental escaped, but it's really strange, why every time we change our base, she will find it in less than a few days."

With that said, Zifeng couldn’t help lowering his head to ponder. If it’s just luck, it would be a coincidence. Once or twice is enough. In the past three months, Zifeng and others have changed their bases no less than a dozen times, but She was easily found every time, and if she was lucky, she wouldn't believe that Zifeng was killed.

"Should it be the traitors among us?"

Green looked at Naha Xiu with a smirk, but his words just evoked Zifeng's iron fist.

It's impossible, the original treaty is not a blank, that witch has found here. "

Zifeng had just finished speaking, and his face couldn't help changing. In his perception, he could clearly feel the unique aura exuded by Esders.

"I said, Captain, you are too shameful, you were being tracked and only found out now, what should I do..."

Hearing Zi Feng's words, Naha Xiu couldn't help but feel bitter. Among the people, he was most afraid of Esdes. After all, he was chased and killed by her the first time he met, and he almost lost his life.

"No way... go out and have a look, otherwise she won't give up."

Feeling the aura getting closer and closer to herself, Zifeng couldn't help but sighed slightly, while Cornelia rolled her eyes helplessly at Zifeng and said, "I said Xiaofeng, what did you do to her? , Why does she pester you like this?"

"I have such a bird in your heart. Is it a beast? It hurts my heart too much, Nelia sauce..."

Hearing Cornelia's words, Zifeng couldn't help making a heartbroken expression, but at this moment, Esdes suddenly walked in from the entrance of the cave.

"Do you live here? But this cave is so big, it looks like it is a super dangerous kind of cave."

"Really, we don't know, but... shouldn't you go back, how did you find this place."

With that said, Zifeng showed helplessness on his face, and then pointed to Chitong and others and said, "Okay, let me introduce you to my friends, Chitong, Black Hitomi, two sisters, Pony, Tsukushi, and me. This one next to me is my girlfriend, Cornelia. As for the two goods over there, I don’t need to introduce them. I have seen them so many times anyway."

After introducing Esther, Zifeng pointed to Esther again and said, "This is the guy who pestered me, Esther."

"Is it just a partner..."

Chi Tong and others did not listen to Zifeng’s words, but lowered his head in a depressed mood. After hearing Zifeng’s introduction, Esdes glanced at Cornelia with a squinting gaze, and couldn’t help but feel light. Raising his eyebrows, he said, "Are you Cornelia? You are indeed very beautiful and strong. It's no wonder that Xiaofeng will be fascinated by you."

"Really, feelings are a very wonderful thing. I believe that even if I don't have such strength and looks, Xiao Feng will like me as well."

The counterattack without hesitation, although the conversation between Esdes and Cornelia seemed very harmonious, but it was full of a kind of silent gunpowder, while silently watching Esdes and Cornelia only After seeing the war, Zifeng was very'interested' and distanced them from them.

However, although Zifeng's approach was quite correct, the flames that the two saw were entirely caused by Zifeng. Naturally, no matter how much Zifeng was, they couldn't avoid it.

"Ha, I originally wanted Zifeng to be me alone, but it obviously doesn't work, but if it's you, you can still think about it."

The tone of Esdes's speech was entirely the tone of the palace. This tone not only made Cornelia slightly frowned, but even the red pupils and others on the side could not help but frown.

Seeing the reaction of Cornelia and others, Zifeng also knew that if he were not born at this time, he would have to cause a big battle here, so he quickly said, "I said Esdes. Long time is enough, I said, I won't like you, you should give up."

"What I said will never change. The purpose of coming here today is just to see my "rival in love" and your partner. Now that the purpose has been achieved, then I will go back first. I hope you can think about it and follow. In my Hui clan, of course, your friends can also go with you. After all, it is not safe to live in this kind of place,’s not too early, I will go back first."

With that said, after looking at the sky outside, Esdes showed a charm towards Zifeng. After a bewildered smile, he turned and left.

"It's no wonder that the captain avoids her like this, the character is really unpleasant." Black pupil, who was eating snacks on his own, said in a flat voice.

The red pupil on the side also nodded in agreement and said, "It's really annoying, but she seems to really like the captain."

"So what, the captain belongs to Sister Cole..."

While Pony spoke, a trace of loneliness appeared on her face. It wasn't that she didn't want to fight for it, but from all aspects, Cornelia was indeed much stronger than Pony, making Pony not confident to fight.

As soon as Bonnie said, Chitong and the others fell silent for an instant, and looking at the appearance of Chitong and others, Cornelia also showed a wry smile on her face. She has lived with them for several years. Even if Cornelia is stupid, they can see their feelings for Zifeng, but Zifeng doesn't seem to have noticed it, but has a soft spot for herself.

Thinking of this, Cornelia couldn't help but glanced at Zifeng with a grievance, and said angrily, "You idiot, are you really not aware of it or can you ignore it? Actually, I don't care how many women are around you." ."

"This... Although I found it, I think it's too unfair to you and to them."

Hearing Cornelia's words, Zifeng knew that he couldn't avoid it, and said with a wry smile on his face.

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