The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 38: Leave the snowfield

"Zifeng, I am coming..."

According to past habits, Esdes came to the cave where Zifeng and others were located early, but as soon as he entered the cave, looking at the empty cave, he couldn't help but be in a daze.

"Damn bastard, did you transfer again, huh, no matter how many transfers, I can take you..."

Before Esdes had finished speaking, he found a note on the ground, with a hint of doubt on his face. After walking in and reading the note, Esdes's face instantly became gloomy. Jiao shouted, "Asshole Zifeng, don't let me run into you... next time... next time you will never let you run away."

Dear little witch Asdes, of course, this is just what Green and Nahasiu call you. When you read this letter, we should have already left the snowy field.

Sorry, I didn't have time to tell you when I left, but if I ran to tell you, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave. In the past six months, I can see your feelings. It's not a joke, but the character between us is really not suitable.

However, if you still keep this feeling towards me next time you meet, and you can catch me, I won't be running away. Of course, you must remember the premise, catch me, and don't let go.

by Zifeng

After reading the content of the note, Esdes was very angry on his face, but somehow a hint of sweetness suddenly rose in his heart, and then he turned a circle of star-like eye pupils and folded the note. When he reached his chest, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and said, "Emperor... Next time I meet, I will definitely not let you run away, absolutely..."

Thinking about this, Esthers left the cave, but because of the departure of Zifeng and others, Esthers was unhappy. Naturally, the dangerous species around the cave naturally suffered, ushering Esthers as if An angry massacre.

"Wow, what a big city, boss, shall we rest here today?"

After walking south for half a month, Zifeng took Cornelia and the others out of the icy snowfield and saw the first city.

"Yes, we will rest here today..."

Regarding Green’s words, Zifeng just nodded and focused all of his attention on the city wall. To be honest, it was the first time that Zifeng grew up to see the city. It felt very strange.

Cities in ancient times refer to walls and moats, and can also refer to cities in general. The city, also known as the fortress, was an ancient military defense structure in East Asian countries such as China and South Korea.

This city has obviously gone through many wars, and there are obvious scratches on the wall that is more than ten meters high. Although it looks very old, it is still hard.

"Huh... let's go, go into the city!"

After a light sigh of relief, Zifeng slightly glanced at Chitong and others who were also looking at the city and said, and then walked towards the city.

"Stop, the entrance fee is 10 silver coins per person."

Just as Zifeng and the others were about to enter the city, a city defense soldier suddenly stopped them. Hearing what the city defense soldier said, Zifeng raised his eyebrows, and pretended not to hear clearly, and said, "Sorry," I'm a little confused, please say it again."

While speaking, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes. In the half-year time in the snowy field, the murderous intent accumulated by Zifeng and others continuously killing dangerous species is unknown. Just releasing a trace will make the city defense soldiers. There was a feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake in his heart, and a trace of cold sweat slowly flowed from his head in an instant.

"These little ghosts...not easy!"

Feeling the murderous aura released by Zifeng, the city defense captain on the side thought to himself, and then hurriedly walked up and said, "Nothing, nothing, this kid is just here to scare you, please, you go in."

"Huh..." Seeing the captain of the city defense soldier come forward, Zi Feng snorted coldly, and then gave him a look of ‘you count’ and walked into the city.

"Xiaofeng, isn't it 10 silver coins? Just give it to him. What's the matter."

Following Zifeng, Cornelia asked with a puzzled face, and Zifeng shrugged and said, "Although it was very easy for us to make money in Longxi Village before, those fish are dangerous for selling. It’s a kind of meat from a high-level dangerous species, so it’s very valuable. In fact, 10 silver coins can make an ordinary family of three spend a week."

Hearing Zifeng's explanation, Chi Tong couldn't help but frowned and asked, "Is that so, but why is the admission fee so high?"

"Because we seem to be bullying, just like just now, the boss let out a little murderous intent and the group immediately let us in."

As he said, Green shrugged his shoulders indifferently, a helpless expression appeared on his face, and when he heard Green's words, Chi Tong and others did not go into silence.

"Don't talk about this, you first go find an inn, I'll find a blacksmith's shop, and borrow the stove."

Feeling that the atmosphere between the people was a little dull, Zi Feng couldn't help but hurriedly said, and then looked for a direction to leave, and when he heard Zi Feng's words, everyone looked at each other and went looking for the hotel. Do not worry that Zifeng will get lost, because of the contract, as long as the distance is not very far, Zifeng will be able to know their clear location.

"Not simple kid, interesting, really interesting...hehehehe..."

After Zifeng left, an old woman wearing a white lens, a white cloak, and a very weird dress suddenly appeared to the side, watching Chitong and the others with a weird smile on their faces, and a short black hair beside her. After hearing her laughter, the girl couldn't help but asked out loud, "Instructor, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, Taeko, we split up, collect intelligence, and complete this mission as soon as possible."

The voice control of the old woman’s speech was very delicate, almost forced her voice into a straight line, directly into the girl’s ears, and did not let the rest of the people hear it, but when she heard the old woman’s words, the girl’s face showed nothingness. The concerned expression returns to "I see it." in the same way.

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