The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 52: Blonde loli

"Hey, bastard, aren't you training today?"

In the early morning, Chelsea sat in the lobby of the medical hall with a bored look, and asked in confusion. Since the last time she improved her strength, it has been a full month since today. In this month, Zifeng cut her off. The training arranged by Ersi can be said to be of the purgatory level on earth, so the natural strength has increased a lot.

However, although the potential of human beings is unlimited, blindly development will eventually cause some harm to the body. Zifeng is very clear about this, so he decided to give Chelsea a good vacation these days and let her take care of it. Rest for a few days.

Of course, there is the most important reason, that is...Zifeng has encountered an unprecedented major crisis! The money... is almost gone.

Although Zifeng has opened a medical center, will anyone visit a medical center opened by a ten-year-old child? It’s impossible to think about it, so Zifeng didn’t make any money in this more than a month, and Chelsea’s daily appetite also gradually increased due to the large amount of training, which invisibly added Zifeng A lot of burden.

So after hearing Chelsea’s words, Zifeng just sighed helplessly and said, “Today...No, let’s put aside the training these few days. In a short time, it will stimulate your potential to the greatest extent. If we continue, I am afraid it will cause some harm to the body, and... if we no longer want to make money, we will probably eat the northwest wind from the day after tomorrow."

"Um... hey! No... no money? How could this be?"

Hearing Zifeng's words, Chelsea was stunned for a moment, and when she reacted, she couldn't help but screamed. Seeing Chelsea's astonished appearance, Zifeng couldn't help but somewhat helplessly cover her head and said, "Anyway... if If there is no income today and tomorrow, the situation will be worse!"

"In other words, I'm going to work? Let's...Obviously, a medical clinic has been opened. Until now, no one has come to treat the disease. Fortunately, you said that the medical skills were absolutely not bad, but the clinic opened for more than a month. No patient is willing to come to see the doctor..."

Of course, Chelsea recovered from the panic of lack of money in an instant, and then looked at Zifeng mockingly with contempt.

Regarding Chelsea's perfect divine make-up knife, Zifeng only felt a ‘pop’ in his heart, as if something was broken, and then he petrified directly on the spot.

A blow, a heavy blow, a heart-wrenching blow. Although I know that the reason for the absence of patients in the hospital is not due to his own medical skills, after hearing Chelsea’s words, Zifeng couldn’t help but fall into a trough. I don’t know behind him. When there is a row of shady scenes, the whole person looks very gloomy.

And seeing the appearance of Zifeng, Chelsea couldn't help but cheer in her heart, and the smile on her face became a lot of sunshine.

Just when Zifeng was petrified, a golden figure suddenly jumped in from the door, very fast, and directly hit Zifeng's arms.

"Ah you are?"

Seeing the blonde loli who plunged into her arms, Zifeng couldn't help showing a trace of doubt on her face, but Chelsea's face standing aside became gloomy unconsciously, and asked vigilantly, "Who are you? !"

"Hey... sorry, let me hide..."

Without directly answering the questions of Zifeng and Chelsea, the blonde loli just stepped back a few steps, retired from Zifeng's arms, and then said with a pitiful expression on her face.

"Where? That **** kid, find it for me, you have to find her if you turn this slum over!"

Just as the blonde loli had just finished speaking, there was a series of noises outside, and then a series of horseshoes sounded from outside the door.

Hearing the noise outside the door, Zifeng couldn't help but roll his eyes helplessly, pointed to the curtain behind him and said, "Go in, there is a basement in the room, go there and hide."

"Thank you!"

When she heard Zifeng's words, the blonde loli couldn't help showing an extremely cute smile at Zifeng, and then hurriedly ran behind the curtain, and when she saw the blonde loli entering the house, Chelsea couldn't help but frowned and said, "Little Feng, her origin is unknown, will we help her like this..."

"If the origin is unknown, then the origin is unknown. I can feel that the girl is not bad at heart. I think... she must have provoke a certain nobleman."

With that, Zifeng will realize that gathered on the guards who passed by outside, and when she heard Zifeng say this, Chelsea couldn't help but let out a cold snort, turned and sat back on the bench, watching Zifeng's back silent. stand up.

To be honest, although she didn't care much, but today when Chelsea saw the blonde loli suddenly plunge into Zifeng's arms, Chelsea couldn't help but feel a void in her heart, and even felt a little scared.

Chelsea, who only escaped from the prefect’s mansion not long ago, now has nothing but Zifeng. Although she always quarrels with Zifeng, she is really afraid of losing Zifeng. The quarrel is just to cause it. Zifeng's attention is nothing more than that. Of course, the same is true for hard-working training. At the same time, Chelsea even wants to get Zifeng's praise in her heart every time she finishes training.

But no, Zifeng has never praised Chelsea once, which can not help but feel a sense of loss in Chelsea's heart, as well as a hint of grievance.

"Why...why you have completed the training so well, but you don't even bother to give alms to praise..."

Thinking about it this way, Chelsea's grievances turned into grief and anger, so she ridiculed Zifeng endlessly in her daily life.

"Chelsea, please, look at the door, I'll go out and see..."

Chelsea's strange purple wind naturally did not notice anything, but turned slightly to say to Chelsea and then rushed out.

"...Huh, what's wrong with me, that bastard! Humph!"

After Zifeng left the hospital, Chelsea sighed deeply, with a self-deprecating smile on her face, and then she slumped on the table in a daze.

And not long after Zifeng left, several guards wearing silver armor suddenly broke in from the door. After taking a look at the furnishings in the medical hall, the leading guard waved his hand and said to the guards behind him, " Search!"

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