The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 54: ‘Robbing the rich and helping the poor’

"Ray...Leonai! It turned out to be her!"

Hearing Leo Nai’s introduction, Zi Feng couldn’t help showing a trace of consternation. He thought to herself, “Leo Nai should live in Slam, a slum to the west of the imperial capital. Why did he come here?”

Zifeng’s consternation passed by, Chelsea and Leo Nai did not notice. After Leo Nai’s introduction, Chelsea rolled her eyes and said, "My name is Chelsea, then The **** on the side is called Zifeng."

Chelsea didn't mean to shake hands with Leonard, which made Leonard a little embarrassed. He retracted his right hand and scratched his cheek gently and said, "Thank you all for today."

"It's nothing, but you, how did you get into that nobleman."

With that, Zifeng's face couldn't help showing a trace of doubt, it was Zifeng, even Chelsea looked at Leo Nai curiously.

Seeing the doubts on the faces of Zifeng and Chelsea, Leo Nai couldn't help but sighed slightly and said, "This...I am a resident of the slum Slam. I saw that damned noble bully this morning. So I was so angry that I threw a few stones at him..."

"Uh... and then you were chased all the way to here?"

Hearing Leo Nai's words, Chelsea couldn't help showing a weirdness, and the corners of Zi Feng's mouth twitched fiercely.

And Leo Nai didn't seem to see the expressions on their faces, and he nodded proudly and said, "Yes, but I made them suffer a lot along the way, hehe..."

"Really, but you guys are really messing around and provoke the nobles. If someone is caught by them accidentally, you don't know how you died."

As he said, Zifeng rolled his eyes fiercely at Leo Nai, and then looked at the quiet street outside the door and said, "You can hide here for now. I just went out to confirm that the private army of the nobleman has paid for it. Keep it outside."

"This...then bother."

Hearing Zifeng's words, Leo Nai couldn't help scratching his cheek in embarrassment. Next, Leo Nai hid in Zi Feng's medical hall all day, and did not leave until night fell when the nobles' private army evacuated. .

After Leo Nai left, Zifeng took out the mother stone again and whispered, "The target of this evening, Count Staria."

"Boss... I said there are too many tasks recently..."

As soon as Zifeng’s voice fell, Green’s complaining voice came from the mother stone. Over the past month, Green and Nahasiu have performed no less than 15 assassination missions, and they will receive it in almost 2 days. An assassination order from Zifeng made Green, who was still a freshman in the garrison, a little crazy.

When he heard Green’s complaint, Zifeng raised his eyebrows lightly and said, "Why? Don't you want to go?"

"Uh... No, I know, I will act at night."

Green's words were very quick. After speaking, he quickly cut off the contact with Zifeng, and feeling that the contact was interrupted, Zifeng couldn't help but roll his eyes and threw the mother stone back into the storage space again.

When Chelsea on the side saw Zifeng's movements, she couldn't help showing a helpless expression and said, "Hey, bastard, Green and Nahasiu are already in the security team. They are inconvenient to move. Why do they always let them out? The mission won't let me go?"

"You? Save it, and wait until your strength reaches level six with ten thousand enemies. It's too early for you to start a mission now!"

Zifeng rolled his eyes while sitting on a chair and looked at the ceiling and said, "Really, I have been busy all day, and I don't have any income... I'm really hungry afterwards."

"Let's... just kidding..." After hearing Zi Feng's words, Chelsea couldn't help feeling a feeling of crying without tears, her eyes were a little dull and she looked forward and said, "Why... why did I follow? Together you bastard."

Late at night, the imperial capital gradually fell into a peaceful sleep, and in the noble area of ​​the imperial capital, a ghost-like figure constantly shuttled on the roof.

"Although I don't really want to do things about robbing the rich and helping the poor, but for the poor little belly of Chelsea and me, I should do it once in a while."

With that in mind, Zifeng’s speed is accelerating. This time the target is a businessman. A few days ago, this businessman fell in love with the women and children on the street where Zifeng lives and wanted to abduct them to work in a brothel. Of course, Zifeng When he received this news, he had already killed himself, but the businessman was very vigilant. Basically, he was surrounded by guards. If Green and Nahasiu were to be assassinated, they would definitely make a lot of noise.

Originally, Zifeng’s plan was to wait for a few days to figure out the life habits of the businessman before letting Green and Nahasiu be assassinated, but due to financial troubles, Zifeng finally decided to do it himself after a lot of deliberation. Better.

After a short time, Zifeng quickly sneaked into the merchant’s mansion. As for Zifeng who could elementize itself, the assassination was undoubtedly easy. Just after entering the mansion, Zifeng’s body instantly turned into a pool. Muddy, sinking into the ground.

And shortly after Zifeng’s figure disappeared, there was a terrifying scream from the mansion. When the guards rushed past, they found that a few soil thorns protruded from the ground at some point and passed through the merchant’s body. He was firmly nailed to the wall, and at the same time, the room was in chaos, as if someone had searched for it.

However, the guards can be sure that the door of the merchant's room was locked from the room without any trace of being opened, but no matter how they looked for it, they could not find the assassin who killed the merchant.

Zifeng’s assassination took less than 10 minutes. After killing the merchant, he not only emptied all the valuable items in his room, but also took the time to go to his small vault, and took the countless gold coins, silver coins and After the copper coins were emptied one by one, they sneaked into the ground again and left the noble district.

At the same time as the businessman's death, Green and Nahasiu also completed the assassination work brilliantly and returned to the security team.

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