The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 56: Leonard's request

"Uncle, don't worry, leave it to me next, you won't be disappointed!"

Zifeng's face was very serious. While speaking, Zifeng's right thumb and index finger emitted a high temperature, and quickly pulled out a silver needle from the cloth strip, and then plunged it into Vassar's right leg, and while letting go, With a pinch of thumb and index finger, the silver needle spun clockwise on Vassar's right leg.

Seeing that Zifeng started to inject the needle without even saying hello, Vaasa and Yamei couldn't help but grow their mouths, especially Vaasa, closing their eyes in fright.

But after he closed his eyes for a long time, he didn't feel any tingling sensation from his right leg. On the contrary, his right leg seemed to be soaked in hot water, and a burst of heat flowed out of the cells of his right leg. This feeling not only made Vassar very comfortable. Groaned.

"Wow... so comfortable! How come... uh..."

After opening his eyes, before Vasa finished speaking, he found a dozen silver needles of various lengths on his right leg. The whole person couldn't help being stunned. At this moment, he even had a kind of "this leg is not His own illusion, looking at the silver needles on the legs that were constantly spinning and breathing white air, Vaasa couldn't help swallowing fiercely, then moved his gaze to Zifeng and said, "This... is finished. ?"

"Well, it's finished, it will take two minutes to close the needle."

Zifeng's answer was very plain, and then he looked at the silver needle that was constantly rotating clockwise and thought, "It is good to have the ability to control the elements, and even the step of heating the silver needle is omitted."

Yamei, who was watching the whole process of Zifeng's injection, couldn't help swallowing severely, and stammered at Vassar and asked, "You... don't you hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt, I can't help but feel very comfortable! It seems Xiaofeng is really good at healing!"

As he said, Vaasa couldn't help but let out a sigh. He thought that Zifeng opened the medical hall just for fun for a while, but after experiencing Zifeng's almost magical medical skills, Vaasa knew that he was wrong and wrong. It's very outrageous.

With regard to Vassar's feelings, Zifeng just rolled his eyes slightly. After looking at the time for a while, he found that the needle was almost ready to be closed. Then he pulled out the silver needles from Vassar's right leg and wrapped them in cloth strips. I got up and said at the same time, "It's over. Just put it on a hot towel for half an hour every night."

"Uh...Is that all right?"

Seeing Zifeng who was sorting his tools, Vasa couldn't help but was taken aback, with a trace of doubt on his face. When he heard Vaasa's question, Zifeng couldn't help rolling his eyes and saying, "Of course, your legs are just ordinary rheumatic bones. The disease is not a poisonous insect bite, and there is no need to take it off. Just be careful not to let your right leg get cold."

"But, that hospital didn't mean to..."

"Is it right? The cost of leg sawing is higher than the cost of ordinary treatment?"

Vasa was interrupted by Zifeng before he finished speaking. Zifeng could not help but sigh softly and said, "The kind of doctors in the hospital are just for profit, even if you are not sick, they will go in. I will also find you a kind of illness, and like those nobles, people in slums like us will not be treated as human beings."

Slightly moved his right leg, and realized that the tingling sensation in the right leg had completely disappeared, Vaasa believed Zifeng's words, and could not help clenching his fist, with a trace of indignation on his face and said, "Damn... It turned out to be like this!"

"Okay, my uncle is okay, so I will go back first. The door of my medical hall is still open." With that, Zifeng carried the wooden box on his back, left Vassar's house, and returned to the medical hall. middle.

"Ding...Start a side mission: the magical doctor of the world, using his own medical skills to treat 100,000 patients, unlimited time, unlimited means, complete reward: start professional priesthood."

As soon as he returned to the hospital, before Zifeng had time to put down the wooden box, the prompt of the Wangshendian suddenly appeared in his mind. Hearing the prompt, Zifeng couldn't help but stunned and said, "Ni. Ma, 100,000 yuan." People? Isn't this exhausting...but fortunately, there is no time limit, and there is no penalty for failure."

Thinking of this, Zifeng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and then wondered to himself, "The means are not limited? What does this mean?"

"Hey, Zifeng, what are you doing, standing motionless in the hall."

And when Zifeng was in deep thought, a very hearty female voice suddenly came from behind. Hearing the female voice, Zifeng couldn't help turning his head in doubt, and found that Leo Nai didn't know when he had been standing behind him, so he couldn't help but pick. He raised his eyebrows and said, "No, it's you, why did you come here?"

"This...Sram's side, my house... was smashed by that nobleman. I didn't want to trouble you, but... this..."

Speaking of this, Leonai couldn't help showing a trace of embarrassment on his face. After provoking the Earl of Stalia yesterday, although he managed to escape with the help of Zifeng, he found her in the evening when she returned to Slam. The small bungalow had collapsed, and Leo Nai was originally a child, and he grew up in a slum, so naturally there was no money, and no neighbors in the neighborhood were willing to take her in, so he was helpless to find Zifeng.

And seeing Leo Nai’s embarrassed look, Zi Feng couldn’t help rolling his eyes, and said helplessly, “You’ll live here temporarily, but there are only two rooms. You can make do with Chelsea at night. ."

"Ha...really? Great, thank you!"

Hearing Zifeng's words, Leo Nai's face showed a trace of excitement, but then the whole person seemed to lose strength and fell directly into Zifeng's arms.

Holding Leo Nai, Zi Feng frowned slightly, and after touching Leo Nai's somewhat hot forehead, she couldn't help but said helplessly, "Uh...has a fever? Isn't this girl out yesterday? Sleep well..."

With that said, Zifeng glanced out the door slightly. Although the sun was shining at this time, it was already winter. At night, the temperature was terribly low. With Leo Nai’s body that has not undergone any exercise, it’s strange if you don’t catch a cold. NS.

Thinking of this, Zifeng sighed slightly, and returned to the room with Leonai in his arms...

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