In the past two years, the imperial capital has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Many officials who opposed the ministers were assassinated and framed, or were assigned to remote areas to manage territories. As a result, there have been fewer and fewer voices against the ministers in the DPRK. Although it is not impossible, it is not enough to cause any harm to him.

As a general of a country, Bud, although he has a strong strength, he believes that military commanders cannot interfere in politics according to the ancestral precepts. Therefore, although he is aware of the corruption of ministers and others, he did not interfere. He just used his authority to protect the conscience faction. Official.

Originally there was the existence of General Bud, and the minister did not dare to act rashly, but after a year ago, after the genocide tragedy, Asides finally came to the imperial capital like the original book, and soon showed his newness in the army with his outstanding strength. Head, and was discovered by the minister.

After the minister bestowed the blood-type imperial demon quintessence, Asides, who had always been stuck at the peak of Rakshasa, made a breakthrough, and successfully broke through to the general level. Then, after six months of accumulation of military merits, Aside With the help of the ministers, Si eventually became the second general in the imperial capital, and his strength was equal to or even slightly stronger than Bude.

Of course, with Esthers restraining Budd, the minister unscrupulously excluded the officials and nobles of the conscientious faction who were against his own.

As for the minister’s use, Esders did not care too much, or did not care at all. On the contrary, she only cared about the agreement with Zifeng two years ago. After everything was settled, She began to look for the figure of Zifeng in the imperial capital, but to her disappointment, after searching for several months, there was no news about Zifeng.

Of course, this is just a problem with the direction Esther is looking for. Esther has not heard of the name of Doctor Prodigy, but in Esther’s cognition, Zifeng does not know any medical skills. , So the first one is to get rid of this, which I have to say is a very funny coincidence.

"Let's talk about it, this time because of what came here again."

In the interrogation room of the Imperial Guard Department, Zifeng looked calmly at Leo Nai, who was blushing because of his shame.

Seeing Zifeng's appearance, Leo Nai was like a little cat who had been frightened. He hurriedly shrank his body to the corner of the wall, hugged his legs, looked at Zifeng with a pitiful expression and said, "Little wind... You look terrible like this."

Leo Nai’s voice seemed very weak. After listening to it, people felt that even their bones would soften, and when speaking, a crystal clear teardrop was forced out of the corner of his eyes, which made people feel painful after seeing it. Pity it.

However, in the face of Leo Nai’s appearance, Zi Feng has always remained flat, and the expression on his face has not changed in any way. He said in a flat voice that seems like a flame that can’t melt Don't even think about leaving the hospital for half a step."

"Xiaofeng, people are wrong, don't be like this."

Hearing Zifeng's words, Leo Nai was really panicked now. Needless to say the extra training at night, since her strength has improved, the amount of training has also increased to the point where she will feel chilly when she sees it. She won't die, but at least she will kill her. Besides, Leo Nai's active character that day would definitely make her go crazy if she didn't go out for half a month.

Zifeng already had great resistance to Leo Nai's pitiful appearance, but Sion on the side was different.

Saien, whose full name is Saien Yubikitas, is the captain of the Imperial Guards and the father of the dog girl Seleu Yubikitas in the original book. At the same time, he is also the freshman training of Green and Nahasiu. The fighting instructor at the time, although the strength was only four-level and one-hundred-skilled, he was indeed a master in the garrison.

Regarding Sion’s situation, Zifeng also learned about Leo Nai’s first grasp of the Security Department. The first image given to people is a very simple and honest uncle, who is very kind to people and has his own justice. View, of course, in Zifeng's eyes, this is an idiot who talks about justice all day long.

But for Sion, Zifeng doesn't hate him. On the contrary, Sion is a very good person who has little relationship with the imperial power.

So when the good old man Sion saw Leonai's pitiful appearance, he felt a little unbearable. He patted Zifeng on the shoulder and said, "Doctor Prodigy, I think it's fine this time, Leonai should be sincere. I regret it."

"Really regretting it? Did you see her sincerely regretting it?"

Seeing Sion who gave in so easily, Zifeng couldn't help but spit out in his heart, rolled his eyes helplessly at him, and then said to Leo Nai, "Forget it this time, next time it will be like this, see how I teach you ."

"Hey, Uncle Saien is the best..."

Sion's help made Leo Nai escape, which made Leo Nai breathe a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly hid behind Sion and made a grimace at Zi Feng.

For Leo Nai’s childish deeds, Zifeng just responded with a helpless wry smile. At this time, Sion coughed embarrassingly after seeing the matter finished, and said to Zifeng, "That... Doctor Prodigy , I want to trouble you with something, I don’t know..."

"Huh? What's the matter? Just tell me, Leonay has let you take care of it so many times, I have to thank you."

Seeing Saien's embarrassment, Zifeng shrugged his shoulders indifferently. When he heard Zifeng's words, Saien thought for a while and said, "This... my daughter has a cold and has many red spots on her body. , I originally wanted to find you directly, but I happened to encounter Leonai..."

"Cold? Red spots? Okay, it just happened that I was carrying medical items, so I'll go with you." With that, Zifeng turned his attention to Leonard's body and continued, "Leonet, you just Go back to the hospital first and tell Chelsea that I will not go back to the hospital for lunch at noon, and you two will settle the lunch by yourself."

"Oh... I got it."

Hearing Zifeng's words, Leo Nai couldn't help but replied with some interest. To be honest, both Chelsea and Leo Nai's appetites have been fed by Zi Feng in the past two years. Regarding food Very picky, and never eat a meal outside, only eat dishes made by Zifeng.

But this time Zifeng said to let them solve it by themselves, which could not help but troubled Leo Nai, but he also knew that Zifeng was working, so after a weak sigh, he took a heavy step towards the hospital.

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