The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 61: Variegated poison

This kind of poison may be considered a very advanced poison in this world, but for people like Zifeng with master-level medical skills, it is not incurable, at best it is more difficult to cure.

"Just use the simplest method to treat it."

He looked carefully and lay down on the bed. Zifeng immediately made a decision after going to Sai Liu. Then his eyes flashed and a silver stream flashed in his hands. In the blink of an eye, Sai Liu's back was covered with dense silver needles of different lengths.

The densely packed silver needles vibrated lightly on Seliu’s back. The frequency of vibration was very small, but as time passed, the amplitude of the vibration became larger and the frequency became more and more frequent. With the vibration, the needle started. Dark green gas came out.

"Huh, gossip and gossip felt!"

When the last silver needle in Zifeng's hand fell, the silver needle on Sai Liu's back seemed to form a yin-yang gossip picture, and it began to rotate on her back. At the same time, the dark green gas that was constantly emerging was also As the yin and yang gossip diagram rotates, it finally converges on the top of the gossip diagram, forming a fist-sized sphere.

With the passage of time, the fist-sized sphere gradually became larger. After more than ten minutes, there was no more green gas coming out of the silver needle, but at this time, the sphere almost had a football laugh.

"Wow, this kind of poison is quite toxic."

Looking at the green sphere floating in the air, Zifeng couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, and then with a wave of his hand, the sphere was instantly put into the storage space by him, and then moved his gaze to Sai Liu, but frowned again. Secretly thought, "Most of the toxins in the body have been sent out, and the next thing is which residual toxins have penetrated into the internal organs... This... If you use acupuncture... That part is really... Uh..."

Thinking of this, Zifeng quickly threw out the thoughts in his mind, and then pulled out the silver needles on Sai Liu's back one by one. During the whole process of Zi Feng applying the needles, Sai Liu was in a deep sleep and was not awake. , Looking at the chuang. On, fruit. With the upper body exposed, Zi Feng sighed slightly and said in a low voice, "Well, it's just a little girl anyway, there should be no problem."

Thinking about this, Zifeng turned Sai Liu up and laid her flat on the bed, and then slowly pulled down her loose pajamas a little, revealing a cute pink fat.

"Uh... it turned out to be pink! It's still a bear!"

Look at Seleu's fatness. Second, Zifeng couldn't help but screamed in her heart. Two blood dragons almost spurted out of her nostrils. At this moment, a slightly embarrassing cough suddenly sounded from the door.

"Uh-huh... Uh, Doctor Prodigy, I brought the steel basin you mentioned, and put it at the door."

"Ah...oh, yes! Got it!" Hearing Saien's voice, Zi Feng felt an inexplicable excitement in her heart. This feeling was stealing with someone's daughter. The feeling of being caught by his father on the spot made Zifeng feel very weird, and he couldn’t help but complain to himself, “Hey, hey, what’s wrong with me? I’m just treating other people’s daughters, no Wrong! It’s a cure! I have this kind of rush for Mao! Ni. Ma is unscientific!"

Seeing Zifeng startled a little, Saien looked at him with extremely weird eyes, then turned and left, and went back to the kitchen to boil water.

When Sion left, Zifeng breathed a sigh of relief. After bringing the steel basin to the bed, Zifeng closed his eyes and re-adjusted his mentality.

This time, there are only four needles in three places. The first place is the cold xue, which is located above the breastbone and below the throat; the second place is the root point, which is located in the lower abdomen, about an inch below the belly button. The third place is also the place where Zifeng feels the most difficult. There is the meditation acupuncture point, located between the legs...

"Huh... okay, start the needle!"

After a light sigh of relief, Zifeng opened his eyes, but it was obvious that Zifeng's attention was extremely high at this time, and he did not produce any reaction to Seleu's body, pinching the needle with two fingers, quickly and again. Accurately penetrated into every xue position of Sailiu.

The long needle entered the body, Seliu's eyebrows were frowning, and there was a hint of sweat on the upturned little Qiong's nose. Obviously, after Zifeng applied the needle, not only did she not relieve her any pain, but it also strengthened her. Kind of painful feeling.

However, these purple winds had long expected, and did not pay attention to it, but the fingers kept flicking on the four silver needles, keeping the silver needles vibrating at a high speed.

In this way, it lasted nearly a quarter of an hour, and finally, Sai Liu seemed to endure to the limit, groaned softly, and opened his small mouth slightly.

"Huh... it's now!"

Seeing the strangeness of Sai Liu, Zi Feng let out a sigh of breath and helped her sit up, then put the steel basin on the side in front of her, and at the same time patted her back heavily with his right hand.

"Pl..." After a crisp applause, after hearing only Sai Liu's "wow", a spit of green liquid was spit out from his mouth. After the green liquid entered the steel basin, there was a series of "hissing" sounds. Obviously, it was corroded. Very strong.

And seeing Sai Liu spit out the green liquid, Zi Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Then he pulled out the silver needle, walked out of the room, and shouted at the kitchen, "Captain Saien, it's over, let the game Liu can soak in the hot water just now for an hour, and the steel basin you brought just now is no longer usable, and the sheets and bedding on the bed must be replaced. I'll leave first!"

"Ah, are you leaving now? Wait a minute, I still have... Uh, where's the man?"

Hearing the voice of Zifeng, Sion rushed out of the kitchen, but when he arrived in the living room, he found that the door of the house had been opened, and there was no scent of Zifeng in the house. I couldn't help but thought of angrily, "This stinky boy, although he is saving people, he just showed my daughter to the eye... Hmph, anyway, I'm not afraid that I won't be able to catch you, your medical clinic is still there!"

Thinking of this, Saien showed a mean smile on his face, but this expression appeared on his face that looked extremely simple and honest, but it looked extremely weird.

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