The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 73: Greedy Wolf's Guidance


Zifeng couldn't help feeling a bit ashamed about Najta's words, and quickly broke the subject and said, "Well, it's too early now, I'm going to rest. If anything happens... tomorrow is..."

"Are you afraid? What are you avoiding?"

Zifeng was interrupted by Najeta's question before he finished speaking. He walked to Zifeng's bed and kept his face closer to Zifeng.

"Why should you be afraid? Why should you avoid it?"

After questioning again, looking at Zifeng, who dared not to look at him, a triumphant smile appeared on Nadetta's face.

"Fear... avoid... afraid..."

At this moment, Zifeng was completely in chaos, and ‘fear’ and ‘escape’ echoed in his ears. When Zifeng came back to his senses again, he found that he was already in a dim space.

"Here is...where..."

The pitch-black space revealed infinite peace, like a strange silence, which could not help but maximize the fear in Zi Feng's heart, and at this moment, an extremely soft female voice suddenly echoed in the entire space.

"Why should you be afraid? Why can't you accept it? Do you still want to be completely destroyed in the hands of ‘family’..."

As the soft female voice fell, a girl with long purple hair just like Zifeng suddenly appeared in front of Zifeng.

The girl does not seem to be very old. She is 14 or 5 years old. She has an extremely cute baby face and very thin lips. She also has a pair of purple onyx-like purple double-passes. She wears a wolf-shaped figure on her body. With the patterned purple robe, the whole person looks like walking out of the painting.

"You...who are you?"

The appearance of the young girl made Zifeng feel familiar for a while, but she couldn't remember who she was at all. This strange phenomenon couldn't help but frown Zifeng tightly.

However, facing Zifeng’s question, the girl just raised her eyebrows and whispered, “Before you become the real are not qualified to know my name, and if the agreement between us is not fulfilled, I will Kill you!"

Speaking of this, a strong killing intent suddenly emerged from the girl's body. Even the purple wind could not help but feel a suffocation for this killing intent, but then, the murderous intent disappeared without a trace, but it was a suffocation. Looking at Zifeng tenderly, he said, "However, I still remind you not to refuse this affection. It is useless to is useless. In the end, only destruction will be attracted. Don't step into the dust!"

The girl's voice fell, and the scenery in front of Zifeng's eyes suddenly changed. It was still the wooden house, still the same person, that Najetta who was to be his sister, everything that happened before seemed illusory.

"Sister...Sister..." Although she didn't know what the purple-clothed girl's words meant, Zi Feng decided to accept it, frowning, and shouting at Nadetta unnaturally.

When she heard Zifeng's yelling, Nadetta couldn't help raising her eyebrows, as if she didn't believe her ears, and asked again, "What did you... just call me?"

Seeing Najita's appearance, Zifeng couldn't help rolling his eyes fiercely and said, "Sister...Sister, I'm called your sister!"

"That said, you agree, so that I will have a cute and capable younger brother?"

This time, Najeta confirmed Zifeng’s words. Although she did not understand, the joy in her heart had filled her heart. Then Zifeng was stunned and took off her shoes, and suddenly jumped to Zifeng. Feng said on the bed, "Lovely brother, let's sleep."

"Hey...hey, what are you doing, I'm a man, this is my room, I want to go to your room and go to sleep!"

After confirming Nadeta’s intentions, Zifeng couldn’t help jumping up from the bed quickly, but then she was pulled by Nadeta and forced to press on the bed, saying “Yes What's the relationship? Anyway, you are my younger brother now. My sister and younger brother sleep in the same bed. What's so strange? Besides, you are a little troublesome now. Okay, go to bed soon, it's getting late."

"What's the matter? It's a big deal!" Hearing Najita's words, Zi Feng couldn't help but spit in her heart, but then felt the temperature coming from her side, she couldn't help but stop struggling, and thought of "family affection" in her heart. …That’s it? It feels so good…"

"Legacy, are you worried about her?"

In the Temple of Kings, the girl with red double ponytails looked at the purple-haired girl in front of her jokingly and said that if Zifeng was here, she would definitely be able to recognize it immediately. The purple-haired girl just now was exactly this person.

"Stop talking nonsense, I said, whether it’s him before or now, before I get that back, even if I sign an eternal contract with me, I won’t recognize him...but you, Wu Qu, if Will you recognize him before he finds anger?"

With that, the purple-haired girl...that is, the wolf greedy snorted with disdain, and Wu Qu was stunned by the wolf’s words, and she shook her head with a wry smile and said, "No matter what, he is him, even if he doesn’t. If I find anger, I will also recognize it. After all... no one can replace him. He is a unique existence to me... to us. As for you, I just hate you!"

"Whether you hate it or like it, I am like this...I will never recognize him like this!"

Although Greedy’s words sounded merciless, there were obvious fluctuations in her eyes, and when Wuqu wanted to continue arguing with Greedy Wolf, Asuna suddenly pressed Wuqu’s shoulder from the side. Repeatedly said, "Sister Greed Wolf is like this, don't care, if she really doesn't care about Xiaofeng, I'm afraid she won't show up just now."

"Who...who cares about that idiot, asshole, and why did you come here? Didn't I arrange the task for you? The strength has not been raised to the level of Saint Ten, who will allow you to come out! Don't you want to continue to improve? strength!"

Asuna's words couldn't help making the greedy wolf panic inexplicably, and yelled at her repeatedly, and as for the behavior of the greedy wolf, Asuna just smirked and said, "I know, I know, then I Just continue to kill monsters."

With that, Asuna got up and leaped and disappeared into the dark space.

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