The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 75: Death and resurrection

"Damn... the retreat is blocked, boss, come on..."

Feeling the murderous aura exuding from Linglu's body, Green's head unconsciously wiped away a trace of sweat, but he did not dare to wipe it, because he knew that as long as he changed, the four ghosts of Raksha would immediately take action. Now, all he can do is delay the time and pray silently in his heart.

But even so, the time delay was minimal. The thorn next to Linglu glanced at Green, who looked like fish on a chopping board, frowned in disgust and said, "Go ahead, the minister didn't give it. We have so much time!"

"No problem, this kid will be handed over to me and Matou, you and Zhutian will go to kill Saien!"

Linglu didn’t refute anything when he heard Ji’s words. After nodding refreshingly, his figure rushed towards Green. At the same time, the horse head blocked in front of Green also received a signal from Linglu, and there was a sudden burst of noise underneath. Li disappeared in place, and Ji and Zhutian's figures also turned into an afterimage, rushing towards Saien.

"Damn... You must stop both of them!"

Seeing Ji and Zhutian's movements, Green's pupils shrank suddenly, and then he quickly threw Naha Xiu on the back to the ground, and at the same time a cyan box appeared in his hand.


As Green's voice fell, the cyan box suddenly emitted a burst of emerald green light, and then the box suddenly turned into an emerald green soft whip, and drew it towards Zhutian and Ji.


This was the sound of the whip hitting the wall. It was very clear and loud. Through the sound, Green immediately changed his judgment. This sudden attack did not succeed in hitting Ji and Zhutian, and he couldn't help but burst into his heart. There was a hint of coldness, and at this moment, the attacks of Linglu and Matou had already arrived in front of Green.

"Little devil, rest in peace, the four ghosts of our Rakshasa have no unfinished mission!"

As Linglu's cold voice fell, Green only felt as if his body was hit by a 10,000-ton sledgehammer, and flew upside down. The powerful impact made him break through two thick walls in a row before he could stop. Come down.

"Cut, I didn't expect that to kill you, all of our four Rakshasa ghosts had spent so much effort in dispatching, you should be proud of it!"

After Green was knocked into the air, no one was able to stop Zhu Tian and Ji's actions, and he rushed to Sion in a blink of an eye, and said with disdain.

Seeing Ji and Zhutian's cruel expressions, Saien couldn't help showing a wry smile, and looked at the sky weakly, saying in his heart, "Sailiu...I beg you, brat..."

Just after thinking about it, Saien felt like the world was spinning, and then... he didn't know anything, and Ji was holding Saien's head, and said to Linglu, who was full of joy, "Our mission is complete, immediately retreat!"

"Where are the two of them? Don't you kill them?"

Hearing Ji’s words, Ma’s head frowned, pointed at Nahasiu who was lying on the ground and Green who had been packed into other people’s homes and asked. Ma’s question made Ji roll his eyes fiercely. He said in a very flat voice, "I don't like leaving any danger to myself, especially children with such excellent talents as these two!"

"Damn...Is it too late..."

Through the induction of the treaty, Zifeng rushed all the way, and after reaching the place where Green and the others were, he looked at the pool of blood on the ground, and his face instantly became gloomy. Through the clothes, Zifeng could see the three headless corpses on the ground at a glance. It was Green, Nahasiu and Syan.

When the king became angry, the world changed dramatically. From the origin of the purple wind, a shocking might suddenly spread to the surroundings. Suddenly, a violent wind blew up in the entire imperial capital, and a thunderstorm appeared on the sky at the same time. Created a huge whirlpool.

After the powerful people in the imperial capital felt this unusual breath, a burst of coolness suddenly appeared in their hearts, and they all turned their eyes to the direction of Zi Feng.

"This is... it can't be wrong, it's absolutely not wrong, just like the breath half a year ago, who on earth caused him to make such a big fire!"

In the general's mansion, Bron, who was fast asleep, felt the aura emitted by the purple wind, suddenly got out of bed, looked at the huge vortex of the sky under the pressure, and couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

It's not that it's Bron. The four ghosts of Rakshasa who have just returned to the palace felt their aura, they only felt their bodies sink, and they were directly pressed onto the ground by this aura.

Of course, Chelsea, Leo Nai and Seleu in the medical hall also felt the aura exuded by the purple wind, but this aura did not cause any impact on the three of them.

"What happened to that bastard?"

"Who knows, it was still in the room just now..."

"Brother Zifeng is... okay..."

Feeling the aura of Zifeng, the three quickly gathered together to discuss. Although Chelsea and Leonay did not show any expression on their faces, the words revealed deep concern for Zifeng. Sai Liu didn't hide his emotions at all, looking at the terrifying vortex in the sky with a worried face.

"It's okay, that guy's ability, even if something goes wrong..." X2 This is the thoughts in the hearts of Chelsea and Leo Nai after hearing Seleu's doubts.

"The King's Temple, revive me Green and Nahasiu!"

Standing in place, Zifeng's face was full of calmness. By then, he knew that the astonishing aura emanating from his body was already full of anger.

"Ding...resurrecting Treaty Green and Naha Xiu, it costs 40W in exchange points."

After the mechanical voice sounded, two **** suddenly appeared in front of Zifeng. The white light, and then in the light, the two figures of Nahasiu and Green gradually appeared, appearing in front of Zifeng in a half-kneeling posture.

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