"Weird... Why is there no way..."

The girl ran all the way along the street on the right, but it didn't take long before she saw a hard wall in front of her, with a trace of doubt on her face.

And when the girl was puzzled, a very gloomy voice suddenly came out from behind her.

"Jie Jie Jie... there is no way, I think you are such a deceitful girl, now it is really rare to see."

"You... it's you!"

The girl who heard the voice turned her head and looked behind her, only to find that the big man who had been guiding her just now appeared behind her with a smirk, her face couldn't help showing a trace of panic, and her footsteps moved backward unconsciously. ,

"Little sister, don't be afraid, I'm a good person, now you still follow me obediently, and let my eldest brother send you to a rich man's house."

Seeing the girl's retreating figure, the smile on the big man's face became more and more prosperous, and at the same time he kept leaning towards the girl.

"What to do...what to do, who will...help me..."

The girl looked at the figure of the big man approaching, her eyes couldn't help showing a trace of despair. She thought that she would be able to get free and go home if she escaped from Zifeng and others, but she didn't expect that it was less than an hour before she escaped. When she met the trafficker again, besides praying, all she had left in her heart was endless regret.

"Oh, have you lost your struggle, Jie Jie Jie, it seems that you have accepted your fate, then..."

As he said, the big man with a toad face stretched out his hand to the girl with a desperate face, and at this moment, between the big man and the girl, a group of flames, one person tall and several people wide, suddenly appeared between the big man and the girl. Hands are wrapped in it.


A scream instantly sounded in this quiet street. The flame was not false. On the contrary, the temperature was still very high. The hand wrapped in it was instantly burned to ashes. When the flame disappeared, Zifeng , Leo Nai, Chelsea and Seleu suddenly appeared in the place where the flame just appeared.

"Huh, whoever touched me, have you asked me?"

Looking at the big man holding his right arm and his face full of pain, Zi Feng couldn't help but snorted in disdain, and then curled his lips at Chelsea and said, "I've just said yes, this waste will be handed over to you. ,solve quickly."


Receiving Zifeng's instruction, Chelsea nodded silently first, then stood in front of the big man, with a sharp look in her eyes, and said in a cold voice, "Thinking of a scum like you, kill me with a single blow. You are too cheap for you..."

With that said, Chelsea didn’t know where she took out a silver needle and stayed with Zifeng for so long. Although she wouldn’t see a doctor for others, she still had a basic understanding of the acupuncture points of the human body, Chelsea and others. Yes, so after taking out the silver needle, Chelsea plunged into the back of the big man without saying a word.

"Hmph, you can experience this painful sensation, this kind of pain is like an ant bite at first, but as time grows, this kind of pain will gradually enlarge to the whole body, and you know the moment of your death, This pain will never stop."

After speaking, Chelsea did not hesitate to break the silver needle, and then kicked the big man five or six meters away. For Chelsea’s attack, a big man with only the strength of a non-commissioned officer could not withstand her at all. One kick, so on the way to fly backwards, because he couldn't bear the impact, he rolled his eyes and passed out in a coma.

Chelsea’s approach, Leo Nai, Seleu, and Zifeng just watched silently, and did not stop it. Although it seemed a bit cruel, it was a means to torture people to death, but Zifeng and others treated Chelsea. Some of his past experiences are still understood, knowing that Chelsea hates such human traffickers most, and it is entirely in the expectation of Zifeng and others to play such a heavy hand.

After solving the big man, Chelsea sighed slightly, looked at Zifeng with some embarrassment and said, "That...I..."

Although Zifeng and others didn't care about Chelsea's punishment of the big guy, Chelsea was very afraid that Zifeng would look at herself with strange eyes in the future, and for Chelsea's hesitating appearance, Zifeng also immediately guessed her thoughts, and couldn't help feeling a bit amused by touching her head and saying, "It's okay, but I didn't expect that you still have some understanding of acupuncture. This is really beyond my expectation. "

"Um... I have stayed by your side for so long. Although I can't cure the disease, I already know all kinds of acupuncture points on the human body!"

Hearing Zi Feng’s praise-like comfort, Chelsea raised her little tail in an instant, and said very proudly, but then after seeing the girl behind Zi Feng and others, she couldn’t help but frowned and said, “Really. You are really not ordinary stupid. You were cheated not long ago, and now you still don’t remember the lesson and you were cheated again. If we didn’t come in time, I’m afraid you would have to return to the auction house or be sent to the slave market. NS."

"...Yes...in contrast to..."

For the appearance of Zifeng and others, the girl was surprised and happy at this time. What was happy was that her prayer was fulfilled and someone rescued herself, but what was shocked was that the person who saved her bought herself not long ago. Zifeng, worried about how Zifeng would punish herself later, the girl at this time couldn't help looking a little dull in the face of Zifeng.

Obviously, the girl does not hide her emotions. All the fears and worries are written on the face, and after looking at the horrified expression on the girl’s face, Chelsea can’t help but roll his eyes and say, “Really. , Is it necessary to be afraid of being like this? We are not human-eating monsters, and we will not treat you like this."

"That's really disappointing. I'm planning to go shopping on the black market at night, but I only bought this torn belt and chased you out. I think we should go back to the hospital first."

With that said, Leo Nai couldn't help rolling his eyes at Zi Feng, showing a look of exhaustion on his face. Although they were very excited when they played today, they did not look tired at all, but now they stopped, mentally. The exhaustion was gradually conveyed.

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