"It's close, I feel it, it's already very close! It's him...is he going back."

In the medical hall of the slum, Chelsea, who was grabbing medicine, was suddenly taken aback, then quickly put down the medicine bag in his hand and rushed out of the medical hall, standing at the door of the medical hall, staring at the gate of the imperial capital. .

Not only Chelsea, but Leonay, who was still sleeping on the bed, and Esders, who were testing the new move in the basement, did the same.

At this time, the seven Nadetta, Crimson Eye, Pawnee, Tsukushi, Cornelia, Black Eye and Taeko, who were still attacking the headquarters at night, were all slightly aware, and all of their eyes were at the gate of the Imperial City.

"Finally... I can see him..." This was the same thought in their hearts at this time. Thinking of this, their faces showed a hint of impatience.

As for all of this, Zifeng didn't notice it, just clasped his fingers with Sha You, and looked at the city gate that exuded the vicissitudes of ancient times and whispered, "Is it the capital...I'm back!"

"We are back!"

Sha You was obviously upset about Zifeng’s slip of the tongue. She pouted her mouth and turned her head aside and snorted dissatisfiedly, and then said with a disgusted face, "But I haven’t found it before. I came back to find out this time. It has decayed to such a degree, all the people are almost no different from the walking dead."

Walking through the city gate and seeing the residents with no brilliance on their faces, Sha You couldn't help but frowned tightly. During this year, Sha You followed Zifeng around, not only has her strength improved a lot. , His xinxing has also matured a lot, and he can see the plight of the residents of the imperial capital at a glance.

"After thousands of years of development, the empire seems to be very prosperous on the surface, with the generals Budd and Esders sitting in the town, but in fact, the interior has long been rotten, and today's little emperor only listens to the treacherous words of Minister Ornest. Many officials of the conscience faction have suffered the poisonous hands of the ministers. By now, the entire imperial capital has been completely under the control of the ministers."

Zifeng walked towards the city while holding Shayou's hand while giving an explanation, but when Zifeng just walked to the gate of the city, suddenly a soldier wearing silver-gray armor stopped Zifeng's path. .

"Hey, boy, is it the first time to come to the imperial capital? Don't you know that it costs 10 gold coins to enter the city?"

"Ten gold coins to enter the city? You..." When she heard the soldier's words, Sha You couldn't help but yelled at first, but before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Zifeng.

"Ah... the entrance fee is ten gold coins."

I have to say that Zifeng’s acting skills are very superb, especially the surprise sound, as if he was really bluffed by the soldier, but then he touched the back of his head very honestly and said, "This... brother, I’m so sorry. , I came from the country, and I didn’t know that there was such a rule. I came to the Imperial Capital just to have a good future. Ten gold coins..."

Speaking of this, Zifeng pretended to fumble on her body, and after seeing the appearance of Zifeng’s character, Sha You, who was familiar with Zifeng’s character, couldn’t help but glanced at the soldier with pity, and said in her heart, "Look. Someone is going to be unlucky..."

Sha You just sighed in her heart, Zifeng suddenly took out a small cloth bag from her pocket and weighed it twice in her hand. After making a crisp sound of'jingle jingle', he said, "Here are ten gold coins, you counting."

When the soldier saw that Zifeng took out the cloth bag, his eyes flashed a burst of light, and he grabbed the cloth bag and opened a small opening. After watching the gold coins quietly placed inside, he nodded in satisfaction and said, "Oh. , Boy, not bad, I admire you very much! Okay, you can pass."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Hearing what the soldier said, Zifeng nodded hurriedly, and then took Sha You's hand and walked past the soldier. The moment he passed by the soldier, Zifeng's mouth slightly protruded.


Zifeng’s words are like a curse. Just after exiting, a thick black smoke suddenly emerged from the cloth bag. If you look closely, you can find that the black smoke is still wrapped in unknown pink dust and completely wiped the soldier. Shrouded in it.

Covered by black smoke and pink dust, the soldier did not even react at all. After he recovered, the smoke and dust had disappeared without a trace, as if nothing had happened, but then, a The itching sensation came from the heart and spread to the whole body in the blink of an eye. At the same time, the cloth bag held in the hand was instantly as heavy as a 10,000-ton boulder, and its weight was still increasing exponentially.

"Bang!" In just a blink of an eye, the cloth bag fell from the soldier's hand to the ground, and there was a dull roar. At the same time, with the cloth bag as the center, irregular cracks appeared in a one-meter radius. .

After the cloth bag fell, the soldier finally couldn't bear the itching all over his body, lying on the ground and rolling over, and at the same time wailed in his mouth constantly, "Ah...itchy...itchy...itchy!"

"Hmph, this is how greed for money ends, so you can enjoy the pain." Zi Feng just looked at the soldier's wailing coldly, and then took Sha You's hand and continued walking towards the city.

Such a big movement at the gate of the city naturally attracted the attention of many people. Seeing Zifeng and Shayou's backs gradually leaving, many people recognized Zifeng at a glance and pointed to Zifeng. His back said excitedly, "He...he...isn't he a child prodigy doctor? After a year away from the imperial capital, he is back!"


As soon as these words came out, the people around him immediately began to boil, and the news of Zifeng's return also spread in the imperial capital in an instant.

"Feng, I didn't expect that after a year of absence, your reputation is still quite large."

Enjoying the reverent gazes of the people around, Sha You couldn’t help showing a hint of naughty on her face, but Sha You’s words made Zifeng’s face embarrassed, and she rolled her eyes helplessly and said, "You Nizi, hurry up." Go back to the hospital, Chelsea and the others can't wait."

"Well, I haven't seen each other for a year, I miss them too..."

Hearing Zi Feng's words, Sha You showed a charming smile on her face that was completely different from her temperament, and then she bounced towards the hospital with her arms in her arms.

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