The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 110: gay brand

"here is……"

Looking at the unfamiliar ceiling, Zi Feng couldn't help feeling a little lost. He seemed to have had a dream just now, a very long dream. In the dream, he gradually grew from a worthless mortal, close to a **** war knife. All the way to kill the gods and slaughter the demons, but finally wake up suddenly when he is about to log in to the **** seat.

Although it was a dream, everything in the dream seemed so real, which made Zifeng an illusion in her heart, as if everything were real.

"Great, you finally woke up."

However, just as Zifeng was thinking about it, a familiar voice suddenly rang in Zifeng's ears.

There was a hint of unexpected surprise in this voice. Following the voice, Zifeng found that Pony was standing by the door with a basin of clear water.

"Uh... Bonnie? How long did I sleep?"

Seeing the surprise on Bonnie's face, Zifeng only awakened, and said in his heart, "It turned out to be a dream, a strange dream."

When Pony heard Zifeng's question, he couldn't help but quickly put the iron basin in his hand aside, and then rushed into Zifeng's arms and said, "You finally woke up, great, it's really... Great……"

Poney, who was not good at expressing himself, seemed to have not heard Zi Feng's questioning. He kept repeating the words just now, and at the same time, a trace of swelling began to appear in his eye sockets.

Zifeng's sudden attack was obviously not expected. Zifeng felt the incense shoulders into his arms, and Zifeng's body stiffened suddenly, but then his hands hung in the air awkwardly were slowly placed on Bonnie's back. , Patted it lightly, and whispered, "Okay, I'm fine."

"Well, I know, the captain must be fine, by the way, I have to tell Chitong and the others!"

Feeling the warmth from his back, Bonnie discovered the ambiguous posture between him and Zifeng, his face turned red involuntarily, and then suddenly struggling out of Zifeng’s arms without waiting for Zifeng’s answer. , Ran out of the room in a panic.

Seeing Pony's panic leaving behind, Zifeng couldn't help but was stunned, then touched his nose awkwardly and thought helplessly, "This girl is always a daredevil."

Thinking about this, Zifeng turned over and got out of bed, and he made a ‘cracking’ sound like firecrackers, and then walked towards the hall.

"In other words...Is the headquarters really moved? Why hasn't there been any change in the architectural style or the decorative environment? Even some subtle details are exactly the same as the previous place!" Walking all the way to the lobby, Observing the unfamiliar and familiar environment around the hall all the way, this made Zi Feng's heart full of complaints.

Zifeng watched and complained all the way, and walked into the lobby without knowing it. It was still the brightly lit lobby covered with bright red red carpets. Zifeng had just stepped into the lobby and heard it before he could say hello. Two sounds of'bang bang' came.

"Welcome back!"

Crimson and Black are standing on the left and right sides of the entrance of the hall, holding a salute that has been let off in each hand, while the golden color patches of the sky are constantly flying down from the sky, standing in the middle of the hall. Looking at Zifeng's face, Najita and others showed the most sincere smiles.

Seeing this scene, Zi Feng couldn't help feeling warmth in his heart, and the word ‘home’ came out from the deepest part of Zi Feng’s brain.

"This... is the family I want to save, my family!" Zifeng said silently in his heart, and at the same time said "thank you" very sincerely to everyone.

"Well, I'm moved like this, but it's a pity that Xiaofeng is not a beauty, otherwise he would definitely embrace this uncle, wow haha..."

It's a pity that the atmosphere that everyone was brewing was completely destroyed by Lubbock, and when he heard his words, Zifeng couldn't help but curled his mouth and said with extreme contempt, "I'm not a beautiful woman, so I'm really sorry."

"It doesn't matter if it's not a beauty, after all, Xiaofeng is so beautiful, maybe Lubbock is catching your attention." Hill tilted his head, looking cute and cute, and the corners of his mouth also twitched out. A spring-like smile.

"It's dark abdomen, it must be dark abdomen, no, it must be the way I opened it!" Hearing that the naturally stunned Hill said such a dark abdomen, Zi Feng only felt that the sky was about to collapse. Come down.

Obviously, seeing Zifeng's deflated appearance, Leo Nai was also delighted, and said with a loud voice, "Yes, yes, I think it's not just Lubbock, but Brand must also want to get close to you."

God make up!

Leonai’s words directly drove Zifeng into the abyss. Before entering this world in the future, Zifeng always thought that Brand’s **** attributes had always been fabricated. In Zifeng’s heart, Brand was against scum Zami's care is only a care for the newcomer, nothing more, it's just that he misunderstood everyone because of his enthusiasm.

After all, Brand used to be a general and was a beautiful man himself. I have never heard of any other rumors about **** in the original book. I only learned this from the introduction to Leonard, so Zifeng has always thought that the brand that Leonai said was **** is just a small joke, similar to the kind of joke between brothers and sisters.

But after two months of getting along, Zifeng has clearly realized Brand’s **** attributes. For example, on the first day, in the wild ecological natural hot spring in the forest, Brand’s eyes have been scanning Zifeng early. With the golden ratio figure on her body, two hearts were involuntarily revealed in her eyes.

The next day, Zifeng was confessed by Brand. Since then, Zifeng has also fully realized the attributes of Brand’s gay, so for two months, Zifeng has insisted on never getting along with Brand alone. At that time, there will always be Lubbock, Red Eye, Black Eye and others around him.

So after hearing Leonard's words, Zifeng only felt the goose bumps all over his body, and he took two steps back quickly, staring at Brand with a vigilant look on his face.

When Brand heard Leone’s words, he touched his forehead ‘shyly’ and said embarrassingly, "Don’t worry, Xiaofeng, I will practice hard, and then I will protect you."

While speaking, he cast a glamorous eye at Zifeng.

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