The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 112: Fierce battle between the red pupil and the black pupil!

"Ding...Activate special mission: Proof of strength."

As soon as Najeta's voice fell, a long-lost system reminder sounded in Zifeng's mind.

Zifeng was stunned when he heard the prompt, and quickly opened the mission system. When he saw the introduction of the mission, his face immediately turned black.

"The mission "Proof of Strength": A man can't say no, he fights and wins the trio of Nadetta, Red Eye and Black Eye, and requires that he cannot use weapons, elemental fruits and weapons, and fight with his bare hands.

Task reward: 1000 redemption points.

Punishment: One marshal can't beat 3 generals. What do you want you to do? The younger brother shortened by 10 centimeters. "

"I...grass..." are almost two words squeezed out of Zifeng's teeth. Now Zifeng has already begun to consider whether he should pull out this system and whip the corpse 1,000 times.

Of course, this is just thinking about it, because he currently has no way of doing anything about the system. In the end, he can only take a deep breath and say to Nadjata, "Okay, I accept it!"

"Um... are you fighting with the captain... I see!"

After getting Zifeng's answer, Heitong took a serious look at Zifeng, and the orange box in her hand released a burst of orange light. With just a blink of an eye, an inky black sword appeared in her hand.

And the red pupil, like the black pupil, opened his slightly closed eyes in an instant, his aura exploded in an instant, and the red alchemy steel in his hand also turned into a white sword.

Obviously, fighting against the former captain, the person they admired so much, they have taken seriously.

Discovering the abnormality of the two, Lubbock couldn't help but joked at Zi Feng, "Well, such red and black pupils are not common."

"Cut, is it necessary? Isn't it just a small test? Why are you so serious? It will be deadly!"

Looking at the two swords that reflected the cold light, a few drops of cold sweat were already leaking from Zifeng's head.

"Cough cough, okay, let's go to the martial arts field, it can't be used here." Najeta glanced at Chi and Hei, who were already eager to do it, and said quickly.

Hearing what Najeta said, everyone did not object, but Zifeng covered his head with a headache and muttered, "It looks like it's trouble this time..."

Saying it is a martial arts field, it is better to say that it is a desolate mountain area. In this area of ​​10 miles, there is no vegetation, only bare mountains and rocks. Fighting here, Zifeng does not have to worry about causing too much damage.

After Zifeng walked slowly to the opposite side of Najita, Chitong and Heitong, he said with a serious face, "You have to be careful later!"

Click... Click...

Zifeng didn't get any answer to what he said, only the cracking sound of the ground, the dry ground cracked like a spider web, and then a pitch-black palm suddenly protruded from the ground.

"A dead body..." Seeing this phenomenon, Zi Feng's eyes sank instantly, and his eyes turned to Black pupil.

Controlling dead bodies, this is the ability of the black pupil's Taidao'Blood Sect', which has a similar effect to the original Tegu's'March of the Dead', but the difference is that the control of the'Blood Sect' only requires the knife holder.' 'Mind' is enough. During the battle, the ability of the knife holder's body will not be further reduced, and at the same time, it also has the ability to split and cut the wound that cannot be healed.

I have to say that Black Eye’s Taito is more powerful than the Emperor in the original work. However, unlike the original, she did not get the “March of the Dead”. According to Zifeng’s judgment, the “March of the Dead” should still be in the Empire. In the treasure house.

After all, Tegu has its own criteria for choosing a master, and it is not just that one person can be recognized by Tegu.

"Hei Tongjiang, she was so serious when she came up, really..." Just when Zifeng started to molested Heitiao, her pupils suddenly shrank before she finished speaking, and then a sudden force came from her feet. The person rose into the air, rolled back 360°, and landed on the ground not far away beautifully. In the position he occupied just now, the dark palm of his hand stretched out from the ground without warning.

Zifeng looked at the black hand that suddenly appeared on the ground, and couldn't help showing a trace of relief and said, "Black Eye Sauce, it seems that you have completely controlled the blood sect in the past few years."

"Yeah." Hei Tong's answer was very brief, and then leaning forward, the whole person instantly turned into a straight black shadow and leaped towards the purple wind.

Draw a knife, flash!

A blade of light flashed, and the black pupil's figure was already behind Zifeng when it reappeared, and Zifeng seemed to have been hit by the blade, and the waist of his body began to break apart.


Feeling the touch from the slash just now, the black pupil's pupils shrank suddenly, and immediately rolled to the left without the slightest pause. At the same time, there appeared a red armor in the area where the black pupil had just occupied, and his skin appeared. Gray'people'.

This is one of the eight dead corpses controlled by Black Eye's Taito "Blood Sect". It is a leader of the Empire against the Revolutionary Army. In the late Rakshasa period, he was refined into a dead corpse after being assassinated by Black Eye. .

However, at the moment he just appeared, Zifeng's figure had appeared in front of him. Before he had any reaction, Zifeng's fist engulfed the golden air current and instantly smashed him with a hammer.

"External Force is Impulse·Raixun!"

"Captain, I will only fight with Heitong, I will be jealous!" Before Zifeng could breathe a sigh of relief, Chitong's voice instantly entered his ears from behind him.

"Slash, kill with one blow! Ruin!"

Chi pupil's blade was fast, as fast as lightning, almost as soon as the sound appeared, her blade had reached Zifeng's face.

However, even though Chitong’s figure resembles a ghost, Zifeng was already prepared in her heart. It can be said that Zifeng seemed to have been attracted by the black pupil’s feint just now, but it was not the case, Chitong and Najeta. Zifeng's movements were very clear.

Therefore, just when the cutting edge of the red pupil was about to cut on Zifeng's face, suddenly **** appeared in front of the blade, like a pair of iron tongs, firmly gripping the cutting edge of the sword.

In this regard, Chitong was not surprised, just preparing to evacuate quickly, but when she was about to draw a knife to retreat, she found that she was caught by the **** of Zifeng, she could not extract it at all, and at the same time she also found Zi. A flash of joke in Feng's eyes.

"Damn captain... molesting me again!" Chi Tong couldn't help but feel annoyed, and then suddenly grasped the hilt of Murakami on his right waist with his left hand.

"Buried..." Before the word'send' was spoken, Chi Tong felt her left hand being held by a warm palm. charm

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