The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 120: Mission Objectives

During the scramble, Lubbock was still unable to withstand the threat of firearms, so he was on the spot and left the kitchen silently. However, as he left, the incident of Zifeng Hot Pot and Dragon Meat Pot immediately spread to many people in the night raid headquarters. Flocked to the base, surrounded Ma Yin one after another, staring at the dragon meat pot in Ma Yin's arms with eyes like a hungry wolf.

In the end, Ma Yin was outnumbered, the Dragon Meat Pot was divided up, and a farce was over.

However, to everyone's appetite, the dragon meat pot is just an appetizer before the meal. After breakfast, everyone sits in the conference room with big bellies.

"Ahem... well, we have a new task again."

Najeta touched her swollen belly, and after two embarrassing coughs, her face immediately became serious. The speed of this face change made Zifeng a stunned, thinking, "As expected of a woman, this speed of face change ..."

Although he murmured again in his heart, Zifeng also became serious as Najetta said, and asked faintly, "Mission goal?"

"Aristocrat of the imperial capital, Alston." It was Brand who was speaking. Brand had a clear haze on his face at this time. He accepted the mission this time, and he also carried out the exploration mission in the early stage of the mission. Obviously, something bad happened when investigating the target person.

"The client was a retired soldier who was killed by Alston. He was half-struck, and his wife and daughter were also taken away by Alston. The time of reappearing was really panic three days later. Two mummified corpses, with obvious scratches on their bodies, they were obviously humiliated before death!" At this point, Brand's face became gloomy to the extreme and continued, "Mother is 32, daughter is only 8 years old!"

"Huh... the target is confirmed! Guilty!" After listening to Brand's introduction, Najeta exhaled deeply and said, "This mission will not be arranged for Ma Yin because of the injury. In addition, Hill stays to take care of Ma Yin. ..."

"Boss, I can participate in this mission!" Ma Yin said persistently before Najeta's words were finished.

"No, your condition is following us out of the task, that is to delay it again!"

Chi Tong said mercilessly, there was no mercy between the words, and Ma Yin was also blocked by Chi Tong's words, she didn't know what to say, but her eyes widened, staring at Chi Tong with anger on her face. And a strange bright red appeared.

And seeing Ma Yin who was annoyed, Zifeng touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, patted Ma Yin on the head and said, "Well, okay, Ma Yin, this time you will listen to Sister Najeta's words carefully. Headquarters will rest, and I will bring you a gift when the time comes."

"Hmm..." Feeling Zifeng's movement, Mayin's face turned ruddy unconvincingly, and then quickly turned her head aside, her eyes began to drift around, and she said absently, "Yes...Is that okay? Bar……"

"It's over, another one has begun to fall..."

Looking at Ma Yin's appearance, Najetta and others covered their heads with a headache, and a faint resentment appeared in their eyes towards Zifeng.

Ma Yin was ‘solved’ by Zifeng very easily, so Najta didn’t talk nonsense, and continued, “Well, I’m going to the Revolutionary Army headquarters later, and I will leave the task arrangement to Xiaofeng.”

"Go to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army? What's the matter?" Zifeng frowned unconsciously when he heard Najetta's words. Obviously, the attack on the base gave Zifeng a bad impression of the Revolutionary Army.

Seeing Zifeng’s concern, Najetta rolled her eyes and said, “Don’t worry, the revolutionary army is divided into two levels. People who volunteered their lives, this time it was these people who summoned me to participate in an important memory in the past."

"Really..." After listening to Najetta's words, Zifeng still had obvious anxiety. Then he took out a piece of golden rune paper from his purse and handed it to Najetta and said, "This rune paper must be carried next to you. If you encounter danger, tear it off immediately, and someone will help you at that time."

"Yeah, thank you." For Zifeng's kindness, Najetta did not refuse. Besides, Najetta has seen the magic of Zifeng more than once. With this talisman paper, it means more. An insurance was provided, so it was natural to put it away.

But what Najeta didn’t know was that Zifeng’s heart was dripping blood at this time. This talisman was exchanged by Zifeng at a 20W exchange point. The name of the talisman is "Bing from the sky" and can be summoned. A person with fighting power equivalent to that of Zifeng came to fight for half an hour.

"Okay, the next thing is left to you, I'll go to pack my luggage and get ready to go." After receiving the talisman paper presented by Zifeng, Najetta put it in her purse and said. Then he nodded slightly at the crowd and left the meeting room.

Looking at the back of Najeta leaving, Zifeng could only shook his head with a wry smile, then coughed twice and then said, "Uh, okay, Brand, how much information did you find about Alston?" "

"Well, Auston's family is a military family. There have been six generals in history. They have indelible authority in the imperial army. However, he has only become lonely from his father's generation. But even so, he is in the imperial army. The right to speak in the army is also extremely high.

They live at Villa No. 16 in the Western District, the nearest to the troops. They are heavily guarded. There are 53 defensive members, 13 of whom are from the King of Fighters Temple. It is said that 13 of them are like the four ghosts of the Rakshasa, and each of them can kill the emperor alone. make. "

"Wow, it seems that this mission is not easy." After hearing Brand's introduction, Lubbock exaggeratedly yelled, while the weaker Tsukushi looked at Zifeng with worry on his face. Said, "Captain, nothing will happen, right."

"Don't worry, just follow my arrangement at that time, and I will try my best to ensure the safety of each of you." Zifeng gently squeezed Zhuzi's pink cheeks, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

As for Zifeng's words, everyone believed it very much, did not say much, just nodded.

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