The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 127: Bamen Dunjia

The misunderstanding was solved, but Chitong's eyebrows did not loosen. Although her strength has long become a general, she has no experience in training.

If the goal of training is just a person who has just cultivated, it may be okay, but Brand's strength is infinitely close to that of the general, and the various physical growths have been finalized. So she didn't have any plan to train Brand at all.

After thinking for a long time, Chitong frowned his eyebrows and shook his head, and said regretfully, "I can't do anything about your strength."

"Sure enough." Although Brand had already prepared for Chitong's answer, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed after he heard it.

After all, I have been working with Brand for a while, and the friendship between them is still very behind him. Seeing his disappointed look, Chitong felt a little unbearable in his heart and said, "If you want to improve your strength. , Find the captain, he may have a way."

"Huh? Looking for him..." Brand's eyes lit up when he heard Chitong's suggestion, but then an abnormal red flashed across his face and said, "But... but will he help me?"


"Sure enough, what do you think you shouldn't think of Xiaofeng..." Looking at the shyness flashing across Brand's face after mentioning Zifeng, Lubbock couldn't help but vomit. One sentence.

But this time, Brand didn't refute anything, but his face became flushed.

Well, no one needs to say now, everyone knows that Brand is still thinking about Zifeng, which can not help but make Chi pupil frowned tightly, thinking in his heart, "It seems that I have to find time to remind the captain. , Let him and Brand keep a certain distance..."

Of course, Zifeng, as the person involved, didn't know it at this time, and was still immersed in a dream.

In the morning, because a small disturbance caused by Brand did not attract too many people’s attention, after letting Zifeng come to the headquarters lobby, Brand heeded the proposal of Chitong and asked Zifeng. How to improve one's own strength.

Regarding the methods to enhance strength, Zifeng does have, and there are many more, and none of these methods to enhance strength have any side effects, which can directly improve a person's strength.

However, these methods are without exception, that is, a large number of exchange points are required. For this, if it is his woman (the default?), Zifeng will naturally not be stingy, but Brand...

Forget it, Zifeng didn't plan to play with Ji, so he didn't answer him immediately, but frowned and asked, "If the improvement of strength requires a lot of effort, even... your life, are you willing?"

"Life..." Brand was stunned when he heard Zifeng's words, and his face changed constantly. It was obvious that after hearing Zifeng's answer, he was fighting fiercely in his heart. .

"Yes? Or not?" Brand kept thinking in his heart, "Yes? But the strength is improved, but the life is gone. Then what is the use of the strength improvement? But, don't..."

Thinking of this, Brand saw the scene of being kicked by his guard when he assassinated the Marquis of Auston a few days ago, and a kind of nameless anger rose in his heart, and he said in a deep voice, "I want it! Just be able to improve the strength!"

"Really, can you tell me the reason? You know, this way of improving my strength is not just for fun!" Seeing a trace of anger flashing across Brand's face, Zifeng couldn't help frowning slightly. Mao asked again, staring at Brand with a serious expression.

Hearing Zifeng's inquiry, Brand did not conceal anything, and said very seriously, "I want to become stronger, and I don't want to drag you back!"

I don’t want to hold back, yes, what a simple reason, but because the reason is simple, it is easy for people to accept. Therefore, after hearing Brand’s words, Zifeng’s face showed a trace of helplessness and lamented, "Oh, let’s go. You’re here, but I hope you don’t regret it."

With that said, Zifeng took out a scroll from the system space and threw it to Brand and said, "Before looking at the contents of the scroll, I hope you can think about it."

"Well, I have already considered it clearly!" Brand took the scroll, nodded affirmatively again, looked at the scroll in his hand, and found the four ancient characters'Eight Door Dunjia' written on the scroll.

Eight-door Dunjia, yes, it is officially derived from the ultimate body art in Naruto. However, this eight-door Dunjia has been systematically modified. Although its ability is not as abnormal as that in Naruto, it can be controlled by the rules of this world. Accept, so Brand can practice'Eight Doors Dunjia'.

After the system modification, the ability of the Eight Door Dunjia was weakened and one of them was not saved. Opening the first door and opening the door can only increase its own speed by 20%; opening the second door and closing the door, on the basis of the first door, Physical strength will increase by 20%. However, when you open the second door, your physical strength will be greatly increased. Even if it is Brand at this time, after the physical strength has increased by 20%, he still can't hold it for 5 minutes.

The third student can increase his recovery ability by 100%, and his strength will increase by 20%.

The fourth door injury door allows one's own speed, strength, physical strength, and self-recovery ability to be increased by 50% again on the basis of the first three doors, and because it is slow to adapt, the injury door's physical damage is extremely low.

The fifth door Dumen, this is a qualitative change in the Eight Door Dunjia, which can directly double the original strength of oneself. It can be said that if Brand opens Dumen to fight, his combat power will even be encountered by a character in the middle of the general. , All must retreat.

However, in exchange for such a powerful strength, the price will be extremely heavy. After the time of the Eight Door Dunjia, the user's own pain will be magnified 10,000 times, even a slight touch will make him feel painful. , This state will last for half a month.

The sixth gate, when this gate is opened, the flow of blood throughout the body will increase. When fighting, no matter what happens, you can maintain this clear mind. At this time, your own reaction ability And the speed will be doubled.

However, the cost is the overload of the internal organs. If the user's body is not used to the acceleration of the blood flow after 3 uses, then the internal organs will explode and die.

The seventh door, the shock door, can accelerate the reproduction of the cells in the body, and the recovery ability reaches an astonishing level. It can be said that at this time, as long as the heart or head is not exploded by the enemy, the user's injury will be healed in an instant, saying that it is immortal. It's not an exaggeration.

In addition, when the seventh gate's Ouyi Shuhu took a punch, it pulled the air into a translucent tiger shape and slammed into the enemy. Its destructive power was amazing. Facing this move, even Zifeng would have to retreat.

However, the price of opening the Seven Doors is that the muscles and veins of the whole body are broken. If there is no effective medical treatment, you will have to live in a hospital bed for the rest of your life.

As for the last dead door, just like its name, after opening it, the user will undoubtedly die, and even if it is with Zifeng's god-level medical skills, it is impossible to return.

However, the cost is so high, but after opening this door, the user's strength can be directly increased by 5 times. It can be said that this trick is close to invincibility and insoluble, and it will return with the enemy. charm

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