The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 138: Eat it!

Having reached this point, Shayou's mood can be described as very complicated, a little shy, a little scared, but a lot of sweetness.

After standing in front of the door of Zifeng's room and quickly clearing up her complicated mood, Sha You took time to look at the stairs, and then pushed open the door of Zifeng's room with a face full of determination and walked in.

"Huh? Shayou? How are you..."

Although the soundproofing effect of the night attack headquarters is good, but the strength reaches the level of Zifeng, the five senses are very sensitive, as long as a small disturbance can be heard clearly, so everything that happens in the hall is not hidden from Zifeng at all. Ears, he even knew when Sayo was at the door.

To tell the truth, in terms of women, Zifeng has actually been evading, although there is no concept of monogamy in this world, but in Zifeng's heart there is always guilt towards Chitong and others.

It should be said that Zifeng himself is not ready to face them, so this time Zifeng is going to pretend to be confused, but obviously, Zifeng's idea is destined to fall to nothing, and he does not wait for him to say what follows. , Shayou immediately plunged into Zifeng's arms and stretched out his hand to block his mouth.

"Wind, will you want me? You know that, except for you, we can't tolerate anyone in our hearts..."

Very straightforward, without any obscurity, Sha You's words made Zi Feng completely stunned. ,

Yes, after getting along, their hearts have been completely filled by Zifeng, and they can no longer tolerate anyone. Besides, the contract signed at the time has completely tied them to Zifeng's side. There is no possibility of leaving.

Thinking of this, Zifeng breathed a sigh of relief as if helpless and relaxed, and the expression in her eyes gradually softened when she looked at Shayou.

"Yeah" without much words, Zifeng just nodded gently, then gently picked up Sha You, and slowly laid her flat on the small bed in her room... (Encountered by river crab attack!)

At this time, the room where Zifeng was still unknown had been smashed into the hall by Cornelia and others.

"Wait, it doesn't seem right!"

Finally, Taeko, who has always been attentive, found something wrong and said aloud.

When they heard Taeko's words, everyone's movements were stagnant, and they looked at her with confusion and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

However, Taeko didn't panic to pay attention to everyone's inquiries, but after carefully looking at everyone, he frowned and asked, "It's weird, where is Sayo?"

"Sayo is not really..."

Hearing Taeko’s question, Leo Nai habitually pointed to her back, but she was stunned before she finished her words. After looking at the empty space, Leo Nai's whole body was not well, Shen He said, "It's gone..."

"In other words..."

There is no need to think at all, everyone seems to have negotiated, and they moved their eyes to the dark stairway, and then everyone is completely messed up in the wind.

"Damn it, it was preempted!" X10

After a while, everyone came back to their senses and said as if they were in a good spirit, but it was obvious that when they said this again, they all seemed to breathe.

Regarding the matter of becoming Zifeng women, in fact, they all have the same mentality, shy and fearful, so even if they are preempted by Shayou, they will not feel upset in their hearts, but will only be a little lucky.


And just when everyone was rejoicing in their hearts, a cry of pain came out from the building, and the girls who heard the voice couldn't help but tremble, and their faces instantly flushed like congestion.

"That... it's okay..."

After a while, Cornelia first suppressed her shyness and asked in a trembling voice.

When he heard Cornelia’s question, Leonai also pretended to be nonchalant, holding his head and saying, "That, or... let's go up and see?"

"Hmm! Great idea!" X9

Hearing Leo Nai’s suggestion, the eyes of the other 9 people, including the naturally silly Hill, flashed a little. After looking at each other, they looked like thieves and touched the second floor lightly. Past.

Obviously, although their ideas are good, the reality is very cruel. When Shayou’s voice came out, Zifeng reflected it, and quickly expanded his own'Emperor Realm', combining his room with the doorway The aisle was completely sealed off, forming an invisible wall. Outside the wall, there was no sound inside, nor could it enter the wall.

No words for a night, early in the morning, the sky was slightly bright, according to the past habit, Zifeng got up from the bed early and looked at the ketone body lying beside him, the corners of Zifeng's mouth could not help but draw a touch of gentleness like spring breeze. Smile.

Perhaps it was because Zifeng's vision was too hot, or it might be the reason why Zifeng's waking up was too great. Sha You, who was still in her sweet dream, suddenly twitched her eyelids twice and opened her eyes in confusion.

"Um... Good morning, wind..."

Perhaps it was because she hadn’t been sober yet, Shayou’s eyes were full of confusion, and she greeted Zifeng in a daze, and then looked down at her exposed skin, about what happened last night like a movie. Shayou’s mind showed a side, and then...


A scream that broke through the sky suddenly came out, and the face that had appeared sickly because of the first time he had just appeared, quickly turned red, blushing like a drop of blood.

I have to say that although Shayou is usually soft and weak, her cry is not small, but fortunately, Zifeng has not removed her "Imperial Realm" at this time, so she is not worried that her voice will disturb the rest of the people. , Looked at her calmly with a smile like a spring breeze and said, "Morning, Shayouchan, are you still sleepy? Sleep a little longer?"


Hearing Zi Feng's words, Sha You also reflected, and after nodding her head shyly, she quickly retracted her body into the bed...

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