The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 12 Chapter 141: Mid-calculation

Because of the news that Najetta brought back, the members of the night attack took action. The next day was light, everyone took their weapons and took to the flying dangerous species, and made an agreement with Najetta and the two deputy leaders. A good meeting point flew to a small town on the edge of Anning Road.

Anning Road is a religion with a large number of believers. Based on the creed that doing good deeds can lead to happiness and longevity, a powerful force similar to religion has formed on the east side of the imperial capital.

Such a force, whether it is the empire or the revolutionary army, is unwilling to provoke it. It is not that it dares, but it is unnecessary. However, the empire has been trying to control Anning Dao. Now the most trusted leader of Anning Taoist Master Berlik is the spy arranged by the minister on Anning Road.

Pulling a bit far, An Ning said, this force Zifeng currently does not intend to have any contact, and the flying dangerous species Zifeng and others followed Najetta to the designated meeting place.

"Is this the Anning Road? Sure enough, even the corners of this power are so peaceful, and the people's faces are filled with sincere smiles."

While walking on the road in the small town, Taeko said in all exclamations, but Zifeng didn’t agree with what she said, but raised her eyebrows and said, "Perhaps, but just like Sister Najetta said, no matter where it is. Indispensable scum..."

Sure enough, it seemed to confirm Zifeng’s words. A fat man dressed richly and slightly bloated, saw Zifeng’s group of people, and a strange light flashed in his eyes, especially when he saw Crimson Eye, Leo Nai, Behind Black Eye, Hill and the others, a trace of licentiousness flashed across their faces, and they stepped up.

"Everyone, you should not be locals. I am the son of the current leader's right-hand man. My name is Beria. I am glad to meet you." Then, the fat man bowed very gentlemanly and continued, "I need me Do you take you to see this beautiful town?"

"No, I've been to this small town, so I don't need a guide."

Seeing this fat man with an obscene face, a touch of disgust flashed across Zifeng's face, but it was obviously not the time to start, so Zifeng could only wave his hand impatiently.

Sometimes, people are just like this, and they obviously spare your life, but you don’t cherish it. You have to hit your head with a knife. This is how Beria is at this time. After hearing the words of Zifeng, Beria I couldn't help but frowned, and shouted sternly, "Where is the kid from? Ben Shao is in a good mood now, hurry up and get down and crawl away from me, or he will kill you!"

As the son of Belik, when was Beliah ever rejected on Anning Road? So after hearing Zifeng’s words, Siberia’s nature instantly became unintentional. At the same time, while shouting angrily, he thought happily in his heart, "How about these beauties, these beauties should be attracted by Ben Shao’s domineering? , Hurry up and hug you..."

However, although Siberia’s thoughts are very beautiful, the reality is very skinny for such a brain. Can, Zifeng apologizes for the strength to reply, and a flash of red light flashes through his eyes, and then he takes Najie with him. The tower and others left the place.

Regarding the departure of Zifeng and others, Siberia seemed to have not noticed at all. His eyes were slightly squinted, as if he was enjoying something, but after Zifeng and others had completely walked away, Siberia suddenly raised his eyes. The man fell to the ground convulsively, convulsing constantly, and at the same time, white foam was constantly spitting out of his mouth, like a sheep having a seizure.

"Sure enough, such scumbags exist everywhere!"

What happened just now completely destroyed the beautiful impression of An Ning Dao in everyone’s hearts, but Zi Feng shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "Compared with the Empire and the Revolutionary Army, An Ning Dao is already very good. , But Sister Najeta, are you sure that the two deputy chiefs said they were meeting here?"

"Yes, I'm sure, but after so long, how come no one has come to meet us? Is something wrong?"

At this time, Najta didn’t seem to be almost confused. After wandering in the town for a morning, as agreed, someone should have come out to pick him up. Jetta was puzzled.

However, when Nadeta was puzzled, Zifeng's face suddenly became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Sister Nadeta, it seems that you are still too naive, you are completely calculated!"

"Huh? mean?"

Najeta is not stupid. On the contrary, she is still very smart. After hearing Zi Feng's words, she immediately reacted, her entire face turned gloomy, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Aren't they even going to target us?"

"The surrounding area of ​​the town has been completely surrounded, by the leader of the revolutionary army and the two deputy leaders. It seems that the infighting between them is entirely acting for you, Sister Najetta."

Looking at Najeta, whose face was gloomy and dripping with water, Zifeng couldn't help but say meaningfully, and then rubbed his head with some distress and asked, "What should we do now? If we break through alone, there will be no problem at all, but If you add Hill, Lubbock, Marin and Brand, it will be much more difficult."

"...Well, maybe this is all fate. In the end, he didn't die in the hands of the enemy, but died in the hands of the person he trusted the most. This is really a mockery..."

Hearing Zifeng's words, Brand said with a gray face, looking at Zifeng very seriously and said, "If you can break through, please go quickly and leave us alone! I just hope you can complete our work later. ..."

"Hey, hey, I said, can you not be so depressed, although it is a bit troublesome, but I still have a way to take you away!"

Seeing Brand's gray face, Zi Feng couldn't help but said quickly, then raised his eyebrows at the crowd and said, "But don't you think that if we don't leave them some gifts, it would be unkind to leave like this? ?"

"Um... you mean..."

Everyone was taken aback by Zifeng's words, and then the whole person relaxed, especially Brand, thinking of his unfinished'will' just now, the old face couldn't help but blush, and he turned around very shyly. .

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