The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 13 Chapter 3: Snake Ji's Scales are visiting! Noisy guild!

"Hey! Zifeng boy! Where have you been in these seven years? And what happened to the assessment that day?"

Faroulid ignored Laxus in Tsundere, and instead asked Zifeng in surprise. When he heard his inquiry, Makarov smiled bitterly and replied, "Sleeping, the black long Roar..."

Listening to Makarov talking about the scene at the time, the guild hall suddenly became quiet. Although they were not present, it was a black long that could bring an end to the era! It has to be said to be a lucky thing to survive his attack.

Just as Makarov was talking, suddenly a row of dark shadows appeared at the door of the guild, and a very frivolous voice suddenly came in from the door.

"Fairy Tail, nothing has changed, it's still noisy..."

"This voice is... Leon!" Upon hearing the voice, Gray instantly recognized the owner of the voice, turned his head to look at the door, and then a trace of murderousness flashed in his eyes and said, "Why are you here? Do you want to fight?"

"Grey, are you back? So Xiaofeng is back too?"

Just when Gray was about to fight, a black-haired loli suddenly stopped between Gray and Leon, her eyes constantly scanned around, and finally settled on Zifeng.

In Lyon's team, Jie Li couldn't help covering Xiao.'s mouth with her hand. Her eyes quickly became rosy, and she whispered, "Master Zi, Zifeng, you are finally back..."

"Well, Ulu, Jelly, I'm back!" Looking at the two people who were stunned in place like a wax figure, Zifeng couldn't help rubbing his nose in embarrassment.

Hearing Zifeng’s voice, Ulu couldn’t help crying with a'wow', and then the whole person flew into Zifeng’s arms, intermittently saying, "I...I thought... Never see you again." It’s you, you badass, faint-hearted kid!"

The same was true for Jie Li at this time. She ran to Zifeng's side and buried her head on his shoulders, holding his arms tightly with her hands, for fear that he would run away again.


Seeing the tears of Ulu and Jieli, there was a sound of'hush' in the guild. After hearing the sound, the two remembered that this was a public place, and their faces were flushed. He simply buried his head firmly on Zifeng's body, and refused to look up at people alive and well.

Looking at the people in the guild, Zi Feng couldn't help asking with some doubts, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Anna and Granty? Why didn't you see them?"

"They, haven't come back yet..."

Hearing Zifeng’s question, Macao sighed and said, "Since I learned about your disappearance seven years ago, the two of them are like the same people. It's the same, constantly running through various dangerous commissions..."

"The last time I came back, it was three months ago, oh... no matter how you persuaded them to listen..." As he said, a little self-blame appeared on Wakaba's face.

"However, rest assured, in the past seven years, their strength has improved very quickly and there will be no problem."

"That's it again, because without your relationship, our Snake Fairy Scale has climbed to the second largest guild in the Kingdom of Fiore, and now your fairy tail can only rank sixth."

With that, Leon looked at Gray’s face with a hint of arrogance, and when he heard Leon’s show off, Ulu, who had been lying in Zifeng’s arms, finally raised his head at this time, regardless of whether Leon was his former disciple. He directly attacked and said, "Cut, if I wasn't too lazy, the first place would be Fairy Tail."

"Uh...this, master..." Leon didn't dare to refute Ulu's words. Leaving aside Ulu as his master, he could not be disrespectful to Ulu, but in terms of strength, as his strength continued to increase, Leon Now I have touched the gate of Saint Ten, but it is precisely because of this that I can feel the power of Ulu. If Ulu makes a move in the Demon Martial Arts Conference, I am afraid it is really hard to say who is the first.

"Okay, don't talk about this topic anymore." Seeing Leon's'withered', Jura couldn't help but patted his shoulder and said, and then continued at Zifeng. Then we will be relieved."

At this time, Wendy seemed to have discovered something, and pointed to a painting on Lisorda's drawing board and said, "This is..."

"Oh, this, I used Wendy in the world of Adras as the prototype to draw the future of you..."

Seeing Wendy's inexplicable excitement, Lisorda, who had lost a lot of weight now, showed a trace of pride, but before he could finish speaking, Wendy's ‘Roar of Heaven’s Long’ was ushered in.

"Go to death for me, why my **** are still so small!"

Well, although Wendy usually looks cute and cute, just like the little sister next door, but when she touches the chest problem, she will immediately go into a violent state, just like now...

And after Kana looked at Wendy who was mad, she couldn't help covering her head with a headache, then picked up a bottle of dry red next to her and took a sip and said, "Really, there is no change at all."

"Well, let me tell you, Karna is my daughter! Daughter!"

Just when Kana was complaining, Kildas' voice suddenly came out from the side. Upon hearing his voice, Kana had a bright red'#' on her head inexplicably, and then she ignored the contents of the bottle. Whether the wine was finished, he directly swiped it and smashed it on his head.

Boom! With a sound, the wine bottle exploded directly on Kildas' head, and the bright red wine stayed along the top of Kildas's head. In this regard, Kildas seemed to say to Kana with a comfortable face, " Oh, daughter, don't be like this, don't be shy..."

"I'm going... can your character settings be normal!"

Seeing the weird father and son of Kildas and Kana, everyone in the guild was surprised at the beginning, but only slowly.

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