The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 14 Chapter 17: Undead duo heads-up

In the open space under the tree, Zifeng looked at the battlefield below.

Although Kakashi has been suppressed miserably, he still has to say that he is still that genius. The more crisis the place is, the more he can grow. Maybe he should wait a little longer to help, at least he can see Jiaodu. The momentum was stunned by Kakashisha, and victory is also the best supply for geniuses.

The power of Jiaodu lies in its full attributes and its immortality.

Kakashi has exploded his fire-attribute heart, but the horns are still intact, at least it looks intact. Not everyone can be killed twice and the heart is still alive, which is comparable to the IQ of the shoulder Shikamaru Actual combat experience Kakashi thought secretly, already had a look.

"Come out!" Horn shouted, "Konoha is really decayed. Has the Hagiki family become a small character who can only blindly hide?"

The horns seem to have something to do with Konoha.

Kakashi breathed inaudibly. He knew that he could not hold it for long. He looked at Zifeng frequently with worried eyes. He had lived enough and had enough pressure on his shoulders. If he could, he would be willing. Change your life to Zifeng to live.

He tried to use Rachel again, for the sixth time today.

It was probably at this level of battle that Kakashi realized that he had fallen behind too much. The genius who had amazed Konoha in the past was already decadent to the point where he could not use his nirvana, and Rachel had been too long and too long. NS……

But this time, his Reche didn't come in handy.

The moon in the dark night is covered by a thick fog, and the jungle has reached the point where it is invisible. The white knife and the red knife can see clearly.

After obtaining the heart of Jiaodushui attributes, Zifeng stepped back and ran behind Kakashi, bent over, and threw a package on his back to him.

"Zifeng, what are you doing?" Kakashi took the package, sinking in his heart.

Zifeng grinned at him, "The other one has been tripped by me with illusion. His illusion is obviously very poor. I am afraid that the previous village could not hand it over. As for this one..." He glanced at the corner of his eyes disdainfully. , "No matter how many hearts he has, I have already exploded two of them, and so are you... Then he won't be able to hurt me."

Kakashi gritted his teeth, "This can't be your reason for letting me go first! I'm the captain!"

Now age seems to have no meaning. For the strong, age has never been meaningless. The weak eats the strong and obeys the strong is the only law in the world.

Zifeng tilted his head and said with a smile: "How long can your Chakra last? A little longer, you should faint too?" He figured out the battle between Kakashi and Never Slash in the anime. Cassie has reached the limit now, I am afraid that she has secretly eaten a lot of ration pills.

Kakashi was speechless for a while, but he was also tough and did not move.

Next to him, Jiao Du’s heart began to beat again. He still has two attributes of the heart, but this loss has made him anxious enough, "Fei Duan! Fei Duan! Where are you this bastard! Can't you come true? Want to betray the organization? He even released that little devil head to attack me! Humph!"

The corners of Zifeng's eyes were raised slightly, and he smiled happily at Kakashi, his blade was purple without any bleakness.

"Aren't we partners? Trust me, I will catch up with you soon."

Kakashi still disagrees.

Zifeng licked his lower lip and turned around pretending to be compromised, but the next moment, the back of the knife slashed at an incredible angle and hit Kakashi's neck, causing him to faint, "It's really disobedient... forget it. , I'm the same." He muttered to himself, took out the psychic scroll, sprinkled the blood from Kakashi's body on the scroll, and formed the impression of the call.

The largest of the Eight Dogs, Siba stared at Zifeng. Among the Eight Ninja Dogs, only Parker could speak.

Zifeng blinked at him, "Help me bring Kakashi back to Konoha."

Brazil snarled, and he also had some injuries. It seems that helping Kakashi in the fight just now has suffered a lot.

Zifeng patted his head comfortably, and released a powerful aura in an instant, "Well, I will catch up soon, and this box, you also take it." Put Kakashi on the Ninja Dog On his body, he put the box on the Ninja dog's mouth and seemed to hear a harp vaguely.

This octopus is very special, but Zifeng is so cold that he has no intention of wanting the other party to be a psychic beast. Rolling his eyes, he walks towards the opposite open space with a knife, and the horns are looking for the flying section. Falling, and have seen the flying section that is still blankly fighting with the air.

"Idiot!" The corner of Jiao Du's eyes twitched, and he hit Feiduan's face with a punch.

"It's really not gentle." Zifeng's fluttering voice came from above. He squatted on the trunk, looked at Jiao Du, and laughed: "You must think that the flying section is more handsome than you, so you want to destroy him. Have a handsome face, oops, wouldn't it be dangerous for me to do so." He grinned and touched his cheek. He has always been praised for his charm since he was a child.

The corner snorted coldly, "Don't be smug boy."

Feiduan stood up swayingly and looked at Jiaodu, "What's the matter? Who beat me? How dare to hurt the followers of Cthulhu! I must give him the most powerful curse!"

"Stop talking nonsense." Jiao Du scolded. After stopping Fei Duan, he raised his right hand and looked at Zi Feng with a sneer: "You will beg for mercy next!"

Zifeng frowned slightly looking at the blood on Jiao Du's hand.

Ah, forgetting the horns can also get the blood from Kakashi's body. It's a bit troublesome now. I wanted to spend some time playing with it. I might not have this leisure now.

"Whose blood is this?" Feiduan said, while licking the red blood, he began to draw spells, "Chakra is very good, and it is just right for rituals!"

Zifeng sighed, "Don't just use blood for rituals, you can't tell, what if it's your own blood!" He said, he suddenly raised his hand and chanted: "Bound The road is blocked!" After controlling the flying section, he walked without a pause, and walked behind Jiaodu, "Thirty-one red artillery cannon of the broken road!"

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