The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 14 Chapter 24: Lord Jiraiya

Although he still wanted to spend a while in the Valley of End, Zifeng had already read the sealed scroll he had brought, and he readily agreed to return to Konoha with Kakashi. Kakashi told Zifeng specifically that they rushed back. It happened to participate in the Konoha New Year’s celebration, and after a while, it should start to snow heavily. The heavy snow in the country of fire is accompanied by the hot springs. Along the way back, you can see many people wearing "oil" "The cloak of the character is very similar to Jiraiya's dress in the anime, so Zifeng couldn't recognize at first sight that the romantic white-haired uncle who stopped in the hot spring village was Jiraiya.

"Hey, I think he is a portrayal of you in the future." He simply pointed at the man to tease Kakashi.

"Who are you talking about? Your hair will fade when you are old, I just made it ahead of time." Kakashi looked at Zifeng without changing his color, and then looked at Zi Lai thoughtfully for a while, in view of self. Lai also saw Kakashi first, so he quickly pulled down the cloak on his head, covering most of his face.

It can be regarded as passing by. When Zifeng and Kakashi get closer to Konoha Village, the atmosphere of the New Year’s celebration will be stronger. When passing by a nearby town, there are many evening shows, and many people on the road wear them. The exquisite kimono is only passed on once a year, and many ladies like tour guides walk back and forth cordially, smiling and entertaining passers-by, occasionally inviting them.

"Izakaya is a big bargain, do you want to check it out?"

I couldn’t tell that this sentence came from Kakashi’s mouth. Zifeng glanced at Kakashi curiously, and then nodded to the tourist guide in front of him and smiled: "Then lead the way, tonight. live here."

The layout of the izakaya is very style and characteristic. A young lady walked over with a dinner plate, and Zi Feng sat up straight, and glanced at the man who walked in behind her. If she didn't notice much at first glance, but now There have been at least two encounters along the way, and he naturally wouldn't simply let it go.

Zifeng stared sharply at the white-haired man's hand, still wearing his cloak, took a pot of sake from the lady's dinner plate, and quickly poured himself a glass.

Kakashi whispered, "We may be targeted."

Zifeng's finger clicked on the table, feeling that the person on the other side looked more and more like Jiraiya, even though there was only one back, he casually turned his head to look at Kakashi, and was about to talk, but the lady's dinner plate arrived at them. Here, "Well, just a pot of sake."

A faint smile appeared on the young lady's face, and she took the hip flask with both hands. As soon as her fingers touched the hip flask, she quickly drew out the short knife hidden in the dinner plate and stabbed Zifeng.

Zifeng's eyes were quick, and he pulled out the shuriken on the table to block it, and then kicked the young lady into the air.

Kakashi also raised his hand and knocked another person who had secretly attacked to the ground with a punch. Then he stood up with the sake and frowned, "Who are these people?" There was no Chakra at all, although the technique was proficient but weak. .

Zifeng turned his shurikens and laughed happily, "Good luck, I am afraid it is a black shop." Because there were seven or eight people in the shop chasing out with weapons, and the white-haired man sitting at the door The uncle also pushed the sake into his arms very quickly and ran out.

When Zifeng and Kakashi solved the black shop thugs, he was gone.

Zifeng jokingly said: "I didn't expect that there is a black shop near Konoha. It's too dereliction of duty." He said and looked around, "Let's find a place to stay first, and then discuss why we were caught Watch, maybe... Kakashi left over from your previous mission."

In the anime, there are many interesting ‘enemies’ about Kakashi.

Kakashi sneered at Zifeng's remarks. His former enemies couldn't be so weak no matter how they said. They found the nearest soup bath and decided to stay here for one night.

Zifeng put on a bathrobe and chose to abandon Kakashi without hesitation. He was only seven years old and he was completely likely to get into the female bath, as long as he pretended to confuse an aunt, with a beautiful purple hair, With her delicate little face, Zifeng blended into the women’s bath very smoothly and soaked in the warm water. Before we had time to appreciate the girls’ wet appearance, they found someone peeking. Hey, it’s the white hair. Uncle.

The soles of Zifeng's feet slipped, wrapped in a bathrobe, and came to the side of the uncle Baimao. He observed this person up and down. He should be carrying a toad's psychic scroll behind him. It is undoubted that this person is self-reliant, but he Isn't Nian wandering around looking for the son of prophecy? How come back to Konoha?

"Eh!" Zifeng stretched out his hand and patted Zi Lai Ye, "Don't be like this, Grandpa Zi Lai Ye!"

Ji Lai turned his head back sharply, staring at Zi Feng with the small telescope, and deliberately lowered his voice: "Do you know me? Little devil?"

"Love heaven." Zi Feng smiled, "The person next to me likes your book very much, but I still think the love for heaven is too romantic. Although the heroine is beautiful, she is a supporting actress. It's not bad at all, the scenes given are too few!"

"What the kid knows is that she is so popular because she has fewer scenes." Jilai put away the binoculars, doing intoxication, "I succeeded in collecting materials just now. That lady is really like Xiangzi in my mind. The young lady is exactly the same."

Is this Conan's chaos? Seeing Jiraiya's red eyes, he floated into the female bath.

Zifeng twitched the corners of his mouth and shouted without hesitation: "Come here, catch the pervert!"

"Ahhhhhhh! There is a pervert! Someone is peeping!" Thunderclap, the ladies in the female bath beat Jilaiya, ten minutes later, Zifeng put on clean clothes and sat on the table. Looking at Jilaiya with a smile, "So, what are you doing with me all the way?"

Speaking of this, Zifeng suddenly remembered something. It’s not a secret that he killed the horns. Is it possible that Zilai also regarded him as the son of prophecy? It’s kind of interesting. Zilai is also looking for it with great pains. NS

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