The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 14 Chapter 27: new member

Zifeng lay lazily on the bed and didn’t want to move. It’s been like this since he returned from the Uchiha clan’s territory. The lazy attitude is that he has seen the emotions of Konoha’s No. 1 clan, and waited until Kakashi was carrying everything. When the vegetables and fish came back, he was too lazy to not even lift his eyelids, but moved slightly, making Parker squeeze into bed and snuggle next to him.

Kakashi made a meal in the kitchen, and then appeared in front of Zifeng. He scratched his mask, "There will be a gathering tonight, hurry up and eat, and come with me after eating."

"Is that why you came back so late?" Zifeng sat up and yawned. After he left the bed, Parker immediately occupied his original place and raised his paws, "Thank you, help me warm the bed. ."

"Go to bed early. You don't have dinner tonight." Zifeng smiled at Parker. "You can stay hungry only when you fall asleep."

Parker immediately awoke, looked at Kakashi, and then realized, "I don't need you to feed." After saying that, he lay down again lazily, the whole dog is lazy.

Sitting at the dining table, Zifeng picked up his chopsticks and ate two bites of rice, but his eyes were already cast out of the window. The dense dark night moonlight seemed to make the world enveloped with a thin layer of gauze. Suddenly he must move in his heart and smiled at Kakashi Said: "Is there a new member of our team to join?"

Kakashi lazily said: "You are not too slow to figure it out. That's right, I went to the Anbu before, and the list of members transferred to our team has come out."

Zi Feng held his cheeks, a little expectant, "Is there a beautiful sister?"

Kakashi glanced at Zifeng speechlessly, "The proportion of females in the ninja was originally out of balance. You can recognize Hong because of special reasons. This time, both are men, with good abilities and identities..."

There are a lot of beautiful women in Naruto World to satisfy the audience, but in reality they are obviously less, although the quality is still very good.

Hearing that there were no beautiful women, Zi Feng's mind faded, and he was not interested in the identities of these two people, but when Kakashi finished speaking, he felt a little funny again, squinted, touched his chin, and whispered: "Sarutobi Asma...I thought he would be in the red team." After muttering, he noticed Kakashi's puzzled look, and then he changed the subject with surprise: "Then you just said that the other one is The root person?"

"Yes, and it's not much different from your age."

Zifeng immediately had a bad premonition. It was not much different from his age. Could it be... Sai?

Often bad premonitions can easily come true. After eating, Zifeng followed Kakashi to the training venue No. 44. There were two people waiting there, all wearing Anbu costumes, just one with a mask and the other. Without a mask, those who did not wear a mask were still smoking, vomiting and vomiting, and at a glance, they could see that the other person was Sarutobi Asma, the teacher of Shikaze's friend Shikamaru in the future.

Then the other one must be Sai.

Sai was wearing a fox mask and a navel-bare outfit. Seeing this dressed Zifeng, he immediately knew that it was Sai, but at this time, Sai was actually a bald head, so he was short and thin. The shiny forehead is really funny.

The emotions of the two people seemed a little irritable, and it seemed that Kakashi had released the pigeons again. I don't know how long they waited here.

Sai himself had facial paralysis and said: "It's my hair that I didn't know how to learn art and was burnt by my seniors." At only seven years old, Sai can't be more powerful. I'm afraid it's only at the level of Zhongnin, but the secrets learned are a bit interesting and special.

Compared with Naruto's escape, Sasuke's gloomy coldness, this Sai is simply a three-five boy.

Zifeng couldn't bear to look directly at Sai in a few words and then quarreled with Asma. Unexpectedly, Asma, who left the country in five years, looked quite lively now. Seeing that the two of them were about to fight, Kaka As the captain, Xi finally came forward to mediate, and then read the list of tasks to be completed next.

As the captain, Kakashi's authority is unquestionable, and both Sai and Asma have shown the most basic respect.

Probably they have been wandering outside for a long time. Asma is a little strange to Konoha. It was the first time she saw a boy as old as Zifeng and Sai, and she was surprised, "Are you still in a ninja school?"

"Well, it doesn't seem to be popular to graduate early, just go there occasionally." After the first meeting, everyone chatted, none of them were fledgling ninjas. Their meeting was just a brief introduction to their abilities and abilities. Experience, personal preferences, dreams and the like in anime are all nonsense.

Sai looked at Zifeng, his eyes under the fox mask were cold and merciless, "At school? Have you heard of Uchiha Sasuke?"

Why is this guy paying attention to Sasuke so early? Zifeng suddenly felt a big head, "Classmate, it's not very familiar." He murmured a few words, and immediately looked at Kakashi, and asked for the task list. "These are probably enough for half a year. Why are they missing recently? person?"

Kakashi said: "It's not a shortage of people, but a handful of people, so the assignment of tasks is quick and quick."

Zifeng glanced at the corner of his mouth, pointed to a task above, and said concisely: "Then do this first, just come back and do the assassination task."

Most of the tasks on the task list are high-efficiency, either assassination, sneaking in to steal information, or solving the betrayal of the village. Zifeng naturally chose the task of assassination and resolving the betrayal, and pursued the betrayal at a high speed. Then come back for the assassination, the perfect route.

"Well, then set off at noon tomorrow, and try to come back at noon the day after tomorrow." Kakashi concluded, "disbanded."

In the middle of the night, this simple meeting was over.

The two people left, Zifeng touched his chin and looked at Kakashi, "Have you played against them before?"

"This is the responsibility of the captain." Kakashi shrugged, "Well, I'll give you time to take the exam in the morning." He didn't mention his opinion of the two new members either. He seemed to be very used to this. Relocation of personnel from time to time.

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