The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 14 Chapter 37: Illusion Class

Ding Ci immediately threw half of the potato chips into his mouth, looking very impatient, lest Ya regretted saying that Chi Wan could eat potato chips.

Ya immediately stopped, and took Akimaru back to her arms. The kid who owed a bit of EQ and IQ seemed to play and didn't want to be the "lover" of the public by virtue of this.

Zifeng looked at Akimaru and thought it was a little cute. After all, Akimaru is only four or five months old. He can't even open his eyes and his nose keeps bulging. It is a rare cute creature. Perhaps the sharpness of animals is better than that. Humans are too much stronger, and Chimaru, who was dismissed by all the boys, behaved very well when Zifeng approached and wanted to touch it, and even the teeth were a little surprised and tasteful.

A puff of smoke appeared on the podium in the classroom. Mr. Iluka grabbed Naruto Uzumaki’s figure and appeared in everyone’s field of vision. Mrs. Iluka seemed to be anxious for tomorrow’s exam. Naruto would beckon everyone indifferently and laugh. Said: "Haha, school is about to start again, guess what good things I did in this great day?"

"You also know that you did a good thing!" Iruka took the eraser angrily and wanted to teach Naruto a lesson.

Zifeng squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Naruto amusedly. Teacher Iruka's actions surprised Naruto, and then Jieyin immediately used the seduction technique. A beautiful woman with a lordosis and bowing appeared in the classroom for the first time. Teacher Iruka had a natural nosebleed, and the other students were also dumbfounded.



The former is Sakura and the latter is Sasuke. It seems that the seventh class has the most rudimentary understanding.

Zifeng stroked his chin.

The chaos soon calmed down. Naruto, with a big meat bag on his head, was ordered by Mr. Iruka to sit in the first row, and the last row near the window was naturally Zifeng and Shikamaru who didn’t want to skip class all the time. Ding Ci also occupies this best location because he wants to steal food.

"Today we are going to talk about the solution of illusion." Teacher Iluka blocked his nostrils, took a chalk and wrote two large characters "illusion" on the blackboard, and then uttered: "Illusory is a method of mental attack. His own powerful mental thoughts, and some seemingly inadvertent but hidden actions, sounds, pictures, drugs or objects make the other party into a trance state and produce various hallucinations in consciousness. The most famous of Kinoha Village Naturally, it is Barabara, a generation of Naruto's dark journey art...Therefore, there are only two ways to unlock the illusion, one is to use a huge amount of chakra shock, and the other is to restore the normal flow of one's chakra."

Sitting in the front row, Ino whispered, "Why is it so complicated."

Zi Feng twitched his mouth and looked around the classroom. Except for most of the girls and Shikamaru, almost no one had any intention to listen to this class seriously. Naruto was caught in the battlefield of his inner conflict. Sasuke Uchiha was normal. Gao Leng didn't know if he was in a daze, and the remaining Xiaoqiang were also doing their own things.

So are children who are full of active and distracted ones who have the most potential to become strong?

This lesson passed in the splash of Iruka's saliva. On the way, Zifeng also noticed a special energy fluctuation but did not stay for too long. This is similar to the one on the third-generation Hokage desk. The crystal ball of the village scene is related, this old man... really is a peeping king.

This afternoon the girls had a flower arrangement class, but the boys were able to go home collectively. After class, Zifeng couldn't help but grab Shikamaru, and he had to take this guy to the rooftop.

"Zifeng, Shikamaru, where are you going?" Naruto was unwilling to catch up with loneliness. He clutched his head, his blond hair swayed everywhere, and squatted: "Let’s train together, train... what? Cracking something, what did Teacher Iruka say today?"

"I'm afraid it won't work today." Zifeng has a little regret. It is a little guilty for him to refuse Naruto. After all, this guy has always lived like a little pitiful as the son of a hero, and he has what a normal person can't. Zifeng appreciates the healing aura and Naruto's undead spirit.

Naruto's eyes dimmed as expected. Zifeng was still very friendly to him last semester, but Zifeng often didn't come to class. During the holidays, Konoha didn't bump into it. Is this friend really bad?

"But how about you can come to my house for dinner tomorrow?" Zifeng turned to invite Naruto, grinning and said: "Although I am not too depressed, but I am definitely a chef. The cooking is very delicious. A sort of!"

Naruto's blue eyes lit up immediately, and even his orange hair seemed to be blazing in the sun. He nodded vigorously, "Well, I must go!"

"Then see you tomorrow." Zifeng smiled, patted Naruto on the shoulder, and then continued to pull Kamaru who wanted to slip away to the rooftop. "You must be on the stage to say this, don't think about it. Let’s run away, okay.” Although you are the number one to escape, in many cases, as a man, you can’t escape.

Zifeng tilted his head slightly, and saw the short dark blue hair that was still exposed behind him in shock and hiding. It should be Hinata.

Didn't follow Naruto but followed him instead, is there any gratifying change? Zifeng thought happily, ignoring the fact that he wants to see Ning Ci after ignoring, and there are a lot of shocking conclusions to reveal. No matter how hard it is, Hinata is also the heir of the Zong family. Although the current fireworks show the potential of genius , But Hinata has not been completely abandoned by the family, that is to say, behind Hinata, in fact, there has always been an Anbu of the Hyuga clan to follow.

Immediately before stepping onto the rooftop, Zifeng cast an illusion on that Anbe, and let him see that his eldest had a crush on Zifeng, and Zifeng and Shikamaru had been playing chess. As for Ningci, he never came. Isn’t it great to cross the rooftop?

Ning Ci sat on the railing of the rooftop, saw Zifeng and Shikamaru, stood up, approached and asked, "You said you want to surprise me, what is it?"

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