The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 14 Chapter 40: conversation

"Huh? Why, can't I remember her?" After a teleportation, Zifeng has already circled behind Kakashi, just for a hesitation time, and Zifeng's favorite intimacy paradise has been held in her hand by Zifeng interestingly. Take a closer look.

Kakashi didn't speak up, but had a vaguely ominous feeling. There are a few people around Dashewan who are not insidious and profitable. When I remembered the last time I met with red beans, it seemed like a long time ago.

"Zifeng, don't get too close to the people around Dashewan, it's not good for you." Bian said, the intimate heaven in Zifeng's hands didn't know when he had properly slept in Kakashi's pocket. .

"I don't think that Sister Hongdou is very enthusiastic." And the figure is really not average, of course, the last sentence is just thinking in my heart, but it is a pity that Chakra is still weak, and occasionally find someone to practice. It is also one of Zifeng's rare hobbies, and there will always be a joyful feeling when interacting with masters, and he enjoys this feeling very much.

Seeing people is not superficial. This sentence was not really spoken, but it was actually passed to Zifeng's mind. It seemed to be Kakashi's exclusive Mind Ninjutsu. This type of ninjutsu is specially used in battles between masters. In many cases, it does not speak out, but it can know all the commands issued. In many cases, it is of great use to their tasks.

Wooden heads! Zifeng cursed fiercely in his heart.

"Should there be more than one person?" Kakashi continued unexpectedly. Zifeng and Mitarai red beans? There really is no reason for these two people to be alone. Sometimes as a ninja, logical reasoning ability is also indispensable.

"Kakashi, even if I don't say it, you should know it." Obviously, Zifeng didn't plan to say it all at once, after all, it should be regarded as a manifestation of not doing business properly.

"..." No answer, it doesn't mean Kakashi knows. It was just using his own ninjutsu to silently probe the situation just now.

It quieted down for a while, but Zifeng was a little uncomfortable. It's better to find a reason to hide! Thinking of it, it seemed that it was time to take a bath, Zi Feng hurriedly hid in the bathroom after a few vague words.

Who knows what Kakashi guy had had with Red Bean before, but he didn't know. But I don't want to worry about these boring things. It's better to have a beautiful soothing bath before going to bed!

Here, after Kakashi probed everything. You Zai Yuzai took out the intimate paradise that I had just watched from my jacket pocket. I just saw the part of interest. The kid wouldn’t want to make any big moves recently. It’s better not to be too much.

The hammock on the beam swayed, and Zifeng had just come out of the bathroom, and Kakashi was already asleep there. This guy is strange to say, the bed on the flat ground actually said that he was not used to sleeping, and he had to make some hemp rope hammock on the house. Having to feel wronged so much, Zi Feng returned to her nest leisurely, and the soft pillow on the high bed didn't know where she would be unaccustomed.

When going out on missions on weekdays, it is common not to sleep for a few days. It's rare to be leisurely now, it must be so wasteful. I really don't understand Kakashi's thoughts.

The next day, when it was still light, I had already practiced writing round eyes in the back mountain, striving to get to the next level as soon as possible. The enemy's strength cannot be underestimated. As the captain, he really can't afford to slow down. You can no longer lose any player because of your lack of ability!

"Come out!" Even though the opponent used the hidden technique to hide his chakra, Kakashi still detected the opponent's existence. This kind of aura, which is totally inconsistent with the surrounding environment, has actually betrayed her a long time ago.

"Kakashi, long time no see. You are still so keen." Adzuki bean slowly walked out from behind the stake, without any shame of being discovered, it seems that Kakashi should have known her existence.

Thinking of what happened last time, I still remember it still fresh.

"Huh, what are you doing?" Kakashi obviously didn't want to talk so much nonsense with her. This morning is the best time to absorb Chakra. I'm not happy to be interrupted, let alone this woman.

The last time I fought with Oshemaru, I was almost injured by her sneak attack. This time I came back and knew what the ulterior motives were. I didn't explain to Zifeng last night, I was just waiting for an appropriate time. Unexpectedly, this woman came by herself!

"Well, how come I can't come to see you anymore? Or, you're already afraid of me?" Hongdou seemed to take it for granted. After all, they are their own owners. It's just the last account, she can't easily calculate it.

Kakashi didn't intend to pay attention to her, but sat cross-legged in place with concentration. At this time, all the senses except the eyes became abnormally sharp. In many cases, Kakashi will try not to use his own writing wheel eyes as much as possible. In addition to this talent, most of the time, he hopes that others will see his achievements in other ninjutsu.

Even though, he was already very good.

Six o'clock in the morning is the best time of the day. It is not a pleasant thing to be disturbed when someone who is most suitable for his kind of cultivator absorbs the aura of the weather to improve his Chakra.

"The technique of invisibility!" Adzuki swiftly formed a seal on his chest. It's so unbelievable, it's unbearable! Suddenly, Kakashi's side was surrounded by red bean substitutes.

However, apparently Kakashi did not take it seriously. Still meditating in place and practicing quietly. However, almost instantaneously, all the substitutes close to him three meters away were fried into meat sauce. And he still hasn't lifted his eyelids.

Bachelor apartment.

Early in the morning, Zifeng had already felt the fluctuations of the surrounding chakras. He wiped his eyes lazily. Whoever started fighting so early in the morning, don't you know that it will affect others' rest?

The ninja is more sensitive than anyone to the changes in the chakra around him. This is already an instinctive reaction, even Zifeng himself does not want to wake up so early. But his own crisis consciousness has been quietly activated.

I really can't sleep anymore. He already felt that it was Kakashi's Chakra, and the other one was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while. Shaking his head vigorously, Zi Feng reluctantly changed his pajamas and put on his usual casual clothes.

He also knew that Kakashi would go to the back mountain to practice, but the feeling today seemed a bit bad. After thinking about it, Zifeng still used ninjutsu and arrived quickly.

Unexpectedly, when she just showed up, she was almost affected by the ninjutsu light of Sister Hongdou. Fortunately, she almost escaped with her eyesight and hands.

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