The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 15 Chapter 2: Really crossed

"Mega, what are you doing? He probably just woke up and was thirsty." Zeng Xiaoxian took the water into the room and gestured to Chen Meijia with his eyes, and there was Lu Ziqiao outside. However, Chen Meijia couldn't understand Zeng Xiaoxian's gesture, tilted her head and said blankly: "Teacher Zeng, what's wrong with your eyes? Sand?"

Zeng Xiaoxian had a tragic look. While handing the water to Zifeng on the bed, he pulled Chen Meijia and whispered: "Mika is not what I said to you. You just got together with Zi Qiao, you are here to make trouble, Zi Qiao. It’s still outside. It’s not good to be seen by him! Although this guy is really handsome, although he is a little bit worse than me."

"It's okay!" Chen Meijia looked indifferent when she heard it.

Zeng Xiaoxian was a little surprised by Chen Meijia's reaction and let out an "ah".

Only when Chen Meijia remembered working with Lu Ziqiao to pretend to be a husband and wife, she hurriedly concealed: "I mean, Ziqiao knows me. The trust between me and him is indestructible!" She seemed to admire Lu Ziqiao as she looked into the distance. .

Zifeng on the side drank the water, feeling the cool liquid sliding across his throat, it was really super refreshing.

Slowly he coughed a few times, feeling that he was almost recovered, so he said aloud: "I want to ask, where is this place?"

"This is the love apartment." Chen Meijia immediately spoke, and then stared at Zi Feng with an idiotic look, and said with emotion: This is too handsome, it is at the level of a male god!

"Love apartment? Then why am I here." Zifeng frowned and tried hard to recall the previous events, but it seemed that he really drank the fragments and couldn't remember anything.

"You, I drank a piece at the wedding of Tie Zhu and Er Niu, we carried it back!" Zeng Xiaoxian replied.

Tiezhu two girls? Zifeng thinks this name is familiar, and seems to have heard of it in a TV series.

The suspicious Zifeng still stared at Chen Meijia and Zeng Xiaoxian in front of him in silence. He didn't believe that such an outrageous thing would happen to him. How could this be possible?

Zifeng didn't want to believe it and couldn't believe it. He suddenly remembered Fang Xiaoyuan, who was drinking with him, and said, "What about the girl with me, have you seen it?"

"Girl? No, you were drunk alone at the entire banquet! And no one said I knew you after I asked several times!" Zeng Xiaoxian replied, looking at Zifeng with a dumb look.

Having said this, Zifeng was still judging what was going on in front of him, he heard a girl coming from outside, and a sassy voice came: "Zeng Xiaoxian, is that handsome guy awake!" With a smile, Zifeng saw a girl with a tall ponytail coming in at the door.

He narrowed his eyes and muttered: "Is this Hu Yifei?" Zeng Xiaoxian on the side heard the tip of his ears, and immediately looked at Zifeng in surprise and said, "You still know Hu Yifei?"

Sure enough... Zifeng was a little upset that he just blurted it out, but he was also sure that he had really crossed it, because he also saw the phone in Hu Yifei's hand. This style definitely did not belong to their time.

"Do you know me?" Hu Yifei asked happily.

Zifeng thought for a while and started to explain: "No, I saw you at the wedding before, so I have some impressions."

Everyone suddenly realized that the name Chen Meijia cared about most was Zifeng's name, and immediately asked again with an idiotic expression: "I just introduced it, my name is Chen Meijia, what about you?"

"My name is Zifeng." Zifeng replied with a polite smile.

Chen Meijia looked at Zifeng's smile and immediately stayed where she was. In fact, her heart was almost crazy, this smile was too sultry!

Zi Feng looked at Chen Meijia with an idiot, but instead of the usual disgust, he felt a little cute. Hu Yifei on the side also greeted him, although it was not as obvious as Chen Meijia's performance, but it also made Zeng Xiaoxian on the side a little jealous.

"Ah, you two are really, Zifeng, ignore them, just this virtue." Then he went to ask Zifeng and said: "Where do you live, I will send you back later?"

Zifeng felt a little irritable. He rubbed his temples and said, "I have a headache, can you let me sleep again." He bypassed Zeng Xiaoxian's topic. Now he just wants to get a clear picture of everything. Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian on the side Zhuang immediately pushed Chen Meijia and Hu Yifei out of the door, and while pushing them, he said: "You two have a headache because of the quarrel, so go out."

He said to bring the door forward and said to Zifeng: "You go to bed first, and I will bring you something to eat."

Although Zeng Xiaoxian is humble, but also very heart-warming. Zifeng began to look around, but couldn't find his own clothes, but the clothes on him should be someone else's.

Who owns this room...?

He looked at the calendar next to the bed, where there was still a photo, and the silly smile on it immediately let Zi Feng know that this was Zeng Xiaoxian's room.

He needs to sort out his thoughts. He found that there seemed to be a mobile phone next to the photo. He turned over to get it and found that this mobile phone should belong to him.

And this phone seems to be the one that I had a few years ago, because I am a person who is nostalgic, so I have always kept it. Then why does he appear here.

He turned on the phone, the cover was his own selfie and let himself know that it was indeed his phone.

He flipped through the contents of the phone, and suddenly a text message came over.

"Tomorrow, I will send you your ID and bank card." Such a strange text message made Zi Feng frowned. He just thought that if he really crossed over, it would be in this world. How can I survive without ID card and money?

And this text message seemed to be solving his worries, but he thought it all seemed weird. He opened the text message and eagerly wanted to call the person who sent the text message. He wanted to know what was going on.

"The number you dialed is empty, please check before dialing..."

However, the cold female voice reminded herself that the call back was an empty number.

How can you send text messages to yourself if you have an empty number! Zifeng felt that all this was like a dream, but the exhaustion and discomfort of his body after drinking reminded himself that all of this was true.

At this time, a text message was also sent: "Let's live in the love apartment."

"Who are you!" Even if it was an empty number, Zifeng wanted to try to reply to the text message. The unexpected text message was sent out, but the other party did not respond to him. He tried to send it a few more times, but there was no response anymore. . ,, ..

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