As Lu Ziqiao took the rhythm, he threw the pot directly to Lisa Rong and then left room 3601, Zi Feng followed directly back to 3602.

Lisa Rong said this sadly while wiping her tears and her nose: "My little cloth... I didn't expect it to be like this!" Zeng Xiaoxian on the side looked at Lisa Rong disgustingly, and waited for Lisa Rong to sort out her emotions. Xiang Zeng Xiaoxian said, "I'm very sorry for letting you see this scene." With a little bit of crying as he said, he picked up a tissue and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. Zeng Xiaoxian on the side comforted: "I can fully understand it. Many young people. It’s only because you can't control it like this to go astray." Lisa Rong looked at Zeng Xiaoxian a little strangely, where is all this going?

"You won't tell me?" Lisa Rong looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with some suspicion. Zeng Xiaoxian said seriously: "No, absolutely not, my female boss will always be a perfect female image!"

"Great, it seems that you already have all the qualities that a good show host needs. What else can I say? You are the only support candidate for our new program." I have the handle in this Zeng Xiaoxian. In hand, he can only sell him a favor.

The candidate was decided, Zeng Xiaoxian thanked Lisa Rong thankfully, and Lisa Rong seemed to think of something and said to Zeng Xiaoxian: "By the way, your handsome neighbor, I wonder if he is interested in coming to our TV station." Zeng Xiaoxian Some doubts said: "But he doesn't have a host certificate, and he is not good at speaking, and he doesn't want to be a host."

"Who asked him to be the host, I just want to invite him to be a guest, maybe it can increase the listening rate!" He raised his eyebrows as he said this.

"That way, I will try my best to allow him to participate as you have ordered." Zeng Xiaoxian nodded and replied. Lisa Rong on the side took out a business card and handed it to Zeng Xiaoxian and said, "This is my business card, and there will be another business card." She turned her purse and took out another one, and said, "This is also because of Xiaobu's face. It’s also because your friend looks really good. It’s a good piece of material. This business card is the gold broker of the film and television company we cooperated with. You can ask your friend to think about it and try it."

Then Zeng Xiaoxian thanked him for sending Lisa Rong out of the community, and went back to the apartment directly to the Zifeng apartment. Chen Meijia on the side was still questioning Lu Ziqiao.

"Where did you put the fish? I have seen the water tank, but there is no one at all!" Chen Meijia said angrily with her arms akimbo.

Lu Ziqiao rubbed her hair and said helplessly: "I also forgot where I put the fish!" Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian come in and hurriedly pointed at Zeng Xiaoxian and said, "It must be Teacher Zeng. I am a bit amnesiad when I used a wolf guard to power me up!" Chen Meijia glanced at the wolf guard in Lu Ziqiao's hand, and said even more madly: "Wow, you still have my wolf guard, what do you want this big man for?" She snatched the wolf guard. Somewhat suspiciously, Lu Ziqiao looked at Lu Ziqiao and said, "You won't take the wolf guard to the electric fish, do you? No wonder I went to Teacher Zeng's room before and there was a smell of grilled fish! Asked if you secretly grilled the fish!"

Zifeng on the side couldn't help but say: "This power shouldn't be enough to grill the fish..."

"Yes, Mika, you don't have to think about it, it's because the fish squirted... Oh, Joe, your fish is in my refrigerator!" As he suddenly remembered what happened before, Chen Meijia immediately rushed out. The room went to 3601 to get the fish.

"Where is your producer? Are you going back?" Lu Ziqiao asked, then narrowed his eyes and said, "Is that producer called marry!"

Zeng Xiaoxian curled his lips helplessly and said: "No, she's Lisa Rong, marry is far from this!" Lu Ziqiao stayed for a while, looking into the distance, Zeng Xiaoxian was surprised: "No, you don't even think about my name. Get up..." Lu Ziqiao glanced at Zeng Xiaoxian, nodded and said: "I think it may be that the wolf guard really caused me to amnesia, but it's quite comfortable!"

"Zifeng, you really are the material for being a star. Our producer invited you to participate in our TV program and be our guest. He also left a business card of a gold broker of one of their film and television company partners."

Zifeng looked at the business card Zeng Xiaoxian handed him. The top one was Lisa Rong's business card, and the bottom one was also called judy in English. He looked at the English name and felt that there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and the film and television company above was also very famous, and the gold broker did not look bad from the business card.

After all, the title of gold broker is not something that everyone can have. He accepted his business card and said to Zeng Xiaoxian, "Let me think about it first." All kinds of smiles, all kinds of ingratiation, and a hundred times hard work succeeded in winning the position of the host. And when you face the invitation of the gold medal agent, you still consider it! I admire it!"

Zifeng smiled and said: "It's nothing, you still have the right to choose before you enter the industry, you rarely have the initiative when you enter the industry, so you must choose carefully before entering the industry."

Guan Gu nodded magically and said, "Zifeng was right. For example, today I became an encyclopedia salesperson inexplicably because Lin Wanyu filled in the name incorrectly."

Everyone laughed. Lin Wanyu usually looks smart, but in fact, he was confused and compared with Chen Meijia's.

"Zi Qiao, are you not afraid of Mei Jia being jealous when you are so jealous outside?" Zeng Xiaoxian thought of Mei Jia and couldn't help asking Lu Zi Qiao.

Lu Ziqiao was about to say why she was jealous, when she suddenly remembered that she and Chen Meijia were staying in the apartment as a couple. After a while, she replied: "Mika knows, I just love to play. I will come back when I get tired. The love for Mika is unique, and making girls is just a bad habit left over from the past."

Guan Gu miraculously said, "But I think Meijia also likes soaking guys. The day I went to the bar with her, she almost followed a handsome guy." Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Ziqiao's expression as if nothing had happened, and thought it was right. Couples are really weird.

But as long as two people have a good time, Zifeng knows that they are pretending to be lovers, but he also knows that the relationship between Lu Ziqiao and Chen Meijia always makes him feel like a pair. Maybe they used to stand outside this world. I have seen the world from an angle, so I feel different.

Zifeng looked at the business card in his hand, and actually had some plans in his mind.

This Judy should meet by herself. ,, ..

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