The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 15 Chapter 28: Sword Spirit Academy

As Ye Feng finished speaking, everyone in the Sword Spirit Academy looked terrified, and a few people even exclaimed.

Since Ye Feng was cancelled the position of chief by the Juque Academy, and was sent to the Sword Spirit Academy, this matter has been spread in the sword sect, and it can be said that no one knows, no one knows.

Everyone in the Sword Spirit Academy also knows that there will soon be a chief disciple named Ye Feng in their courtyard. Although the Sword Spirit Academy has never held the position of chief disciple before, it is okay to have such a position now. It cannot be compared with the chiefs of other branches.

However, the disciples in the Sword Spirit Academy are still very curious. After all, Ye Feng was once the chief of the Juque branch, and the chief represents the highest strength among the disciples in the branch. What is even more curious is that Ye Feng has one more. There is an inexhaustible spiritual magic weapon, and that spiritual magic weapon is still a waste magic weapon that can't be used. Together, it is really enough to attract attention.

So when Ye Feng appeared, everyone in the Sword Spirit Academy was very surprised and curious. Everyone wanted to know what Ye Feng looked like and how strong was it? Is it different from what I heard?

"He is the Ye Feng who was expelled from the Juque Academy?"

"Yeah, haven't you seen the magic weapon behind it? It's the spiritual magic weapon!"

"Is there a fart for Lingji Huanwu?! You can't even use it! I was kicked out of the Juque Courtyard."

"Be quiet, don't let him hear it!"

"What are you afraid of? It was originally! A guy who can't even use his own magic weapons, what qualifications does he have to be the chief of our Sword Spirit Academy? Although our disciples in the Sword Spirit Academy are weak, they can use their own magic. Wu, how does he look like him? You can't even use your own phantom martial arts, so what kind of face is there for us?"

"Okay! Don't say it, he heard it all..."

With the appearance of Ye Feng, the people in the Jianling Academy started to talk in a gossip. Of course, everyone's words were full of ridicule and disdain for Ye Feng. After all, the World of All Souls is a world respected by the strong, and only strong strength can be respected by people, and Jianzong, as a sect in the World of All Souls, has brought this into full play.

There is always competition in various places in the Sword Sect. Everyone hopes that they can be better than others and stronger than others, even in the weakest branch of the Sword Spirit Academy, but Ye Feng did not show any compromise. The convincing strength of others naturally inevitably receives some ridicule.

Ye Feng naturally heard the disdain from the people around him, but Ye Feng naturally would not take this small matter into his heart. Get angry.

However, Sun Ying's complexion standing in front of Ye Feng at this time was a bit awkward. Although many people in the Jian Ling Academy showed different degrees of contempt and disdain for Ye Feng, Sun Ying was not among them.

On the contrary, Sun Ying admired Ye Feng very much.

Sun Ying knew that Ye Feng had successfully condensed magic martial arts since he was ten years old. This alone is worthy of admiration. Sun Ying only reached the standard of condensing magic martial arts when he was thirteen years old. .

What's more, Ye Feng has served as the chief of the Juque Academy for five years since then. In Sun Ying's view, this also shows that Ye Feng has extremely strong strength, otherwise the Juque Academy will not allow it. Ye Feng served as chief for such a long time.

Although Ye Feng has now been removed from the position of chief by the Juque Academy, and even driven out by the Juque Academy, Sun Ying does not think that Ye Feng has no strength at this point, especially when Sun Ying sees Ye Feng's position. The determination of honor and disgrace has strengthened the thoughts in his heart. Ye Feng will definitely not be an ordinary person!

But at this time, Ye Feng was ridiculed by everyone from the Sword Spirit Academy, which made Sun Ying not only embarrassed, but also a little angry.

Sun Ying glared at everyone and shouted: "What are you whispering about here? What should I do now! Let me hear you chewing your tongue endlessly, and be careful that I tore your mouth!"

Seeing Sun Ying's anger, everyone stopped talking and went to do their own things.

Sun Ying turned around and said to Ye Feng: "Sorry, Brother Ye, these brothers in our courtyard usually like to talk about some things they don’t have. They have the right to be a pastime, which makes you laugh, but their people are actually very good. It’s just that on weekdays, I get too much anger from the other eight hospitals, and I have nowhere to vent. Whenever you have a chance, I will love to say a few words. Don’t take it to your heart."

Ye Feng smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I have heard a lot of similar things these days, and I am numb for a long time."

After hearing this, Sun Ying smiled awkwardly, and said, "Well, let me take you to your room first, and by the way, I will tell you about some of the conditions in our Sword Spirit Academy."

Ye Feng said, "This is the best."

With that, Ye Feng followed Sun Ying to his room in the Sword Spirit Academy, and listened to Sun Ying's explanation of everything about the Sword Spirit Academy.


The Ninth Academy of Sword Sect, the last sword spirit! ,, ..

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