The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 15 Chapter 32: Reluctant to let the child catch the wolf

"Gu" seemed to be the first time to eat such delicious food. The golden holy python cub rolled his throat, and then spit out the small scarlet tongue very humanely, looking very excited.

After eating, the golden holy python cub raised his head again and looked towards Liu Fei, seeing that he hadn't eaten enough.

Liu Fei, who was staying in the distance, saw the golden holy python cubs like this, and the smile on his face suddenly became richer. Apart from anything else, he raised his hand and tore off a small piece of barbecue and threw it over. Seeing its appearance, it was obvious It's a posture of reluctance to bear the child and can't hold the wolf.

The golden holy python cub naturally did not know the wishful thinking that Liu Fei had played in his stomach. Seeing that Liu Fei seemed to have no evil intentions, he no longer had any scruples. Once again, he pounced on the barbecue Liu Fei threw over and gobbled it up. Up.

The appetite of the golden holy python cub was obviously far beyond Liu Fei's expectation. In Liu Fei's stunned mouth, half of the roasted rabbit meat was quickly eaten by it and there was not much left, and Liu Fei felt quite surprised. The strange thing was that after eating so much roasted rabbit meat, the golden holy python cub's body did not seem to have changed at all, and it was almost the same as when it hadn't eaten.

Although Liu Fei was a little puzzled about this phenomenon, he did not go into it. Just staring at the golden holy python cub with excitement. After eating so much roasted rabbit meat, the golden holy python cub's alertness to him is obviously lowered a lot. Liu Fei, who approached it, ignored it.

"Here, this is the last piece. It's gone after eating." Liu Fei cautiously walked forward two steps, squatted down, and smiled at the golden holy python cub who was begging him for rabbit meat. He stretched out his hand and put the last piece of barbecue in front of the golden holy python cub.

Looking at the roast rabbit meat that was put in front of him again, the golden holy python cub excitedly spit out his tongue at Liu Fei, and immediately rushed to the barbecue again to eat.

"Oh, you have eaten so much rabbit meat, I really don't know where all went." Taking a look at the unchanged body of the golden holy python cub, Liu Fei shook his head and smiled.

The development of things unexpectedly went smoothly. Liu Fei did not expect that the Golden Sacred Python, who had won it so easily, would like him. Now it seems that it is not impossible to let him go with him.

The last piece of barbecue was quickly eaten by the golden holy python cub. At the moment, the golden holy python raised her head and looked at Liu Fei. Liu Fei looked at the golden holy python cub looking at him and shook his head helplessly. , Smiled and spread out his hands and said: "It's gone."

Seeing Liu Fei’s meaning, seeing that Liu Fei didn’t give it any more barbecue, the golden holy python cub’s head suddenly drooped. With that pitiful appearance, Liu Fei couldn’t help but laugh. .

"If you like to eat, follow me, so you can eat barbecue every day," Liu Fei saw that the golden holy python cub didn't seem to have very low intelligence, and wanted to be able to understand some of what he was expressing. He pointed to his sleeve and said.

Although he didn't understand Liu Fei's words, the Golden Sacred Python understood Liu Fei's movements a little bit. After a while, under Liu Fei's surprised gaze, he "slipped" and got into Liu Fei. In the sleeves.

Seeing the golden sacred python got into his sleeves, Liu Fei's heart suddenly burst into ecstasy. He didn't expect things to be so easy, and just rely on some barbecue to coax the golden sacred python cub into his hand.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you one thing just now." Just when Liu Fei was excited to conquer the golden holy python cub, Qin's voice suddenly came from Liu Fei's heart, causing Liu Fei to frown slightly. .

"What's the matter?" Liu Fei asked in his heart.

"I don't know if you have thought that the golden sacred python usually lives in the demon realm, how can one suddenly appear in this small mountain forest? This is very strange!" Old Qin said in a puzzled tone.

Hearing what Qin Lao said, Liu Fei thought for a while, and was a little puzzled, but immediately smiled and said, "Hey, what about him? God may take care of me, and send me a high-level pet with such a terrifying potential! "

"Hey," Old Qin sneered disdainfully when he heard that, and immediately reminded: "I mean, I don't know if the parents of this golden holy python are here. If you let their parents see you If their children are caught as pets, I think you should be unlucky."

Hearing what Old Qin said, Liu Fei's originally excited expression stiffened in an instant. The parents of this golden holy python cub were definitely not ordinary in strength. If they were to let them know that they had deceived their children to be Pets, I have to swallow myself in one bite. Thinking of this, Liu Fei broke out in a cold sweat and tremblingly said: "Then, what should I do, or let it go.

"Look at what you are doing." After glancing at Liu Fei, his face paled with fright. Old Qin shook his head and said, "What are you afraid of? I haven't found it yet. Get out of here as soon as possible.

"Yeah" Liu Fei's face flushed after listening to Qin Lao's words, and he gradually calmed down. Even if he didn't procrastinate anymore, he raised his head and discerned the direction for a while, before rushing towards the path quickly.

After successfully deceiving the golden holy python cub, Liu Fei hurried back to the family. In the next few days, Liu Fei's life became more leisurely. ,, ..

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