what! what! what!

Screaming screaming, more than a hundred people, most of whom were pierced by black light, screamed on the ground without sound.

Only a dozen people escaped life.

Suddenly, nearly 100 people died.

Zifeng saw that there were nearly a hundred people, half of whom had become emperors through martial arts robberies. The others are still at the highest level, but they are all dead.

The emperor’s mystery is really not easy, and it is always dangerous.

Not only must we face the killings of others, but the exploration process itself is also dangerous.

"I just saw someone sitting inside!"

"Really, it seems to be someone, but there is no life, it is dead!"

"Absolutely cherish it!"

The dozen or so people who survived did not leave, but wandered around.

"This is a battle, but in the past few years, it has been incomplete, there is no need to find the gap!"

Young people who cultivate inscriptions are studying the defects formed.

LuMing saw the same around the temple.

Although the second corpse hadn't recovered yet, Zifeng couldn't sculpt the array, but the knowledge of the second body was shared with him. In other words, the subject with the knowledge and vision of the second body cannot be broken. With this large array, it is still possible to find defects.

"You follow me!"

Zifeng is talking to Qiu Yingying and Qiu Hao.

Then walk forward, Qiu Yingying and Qiu Hao, followed by Zifeng. On the other hand, other young people also started to take action, looking for ways to break the law and enter the law.

"Zifeng, you still know the way of the inscription, but you don't think you have a mental fire, it's weird!"

On the one hand, Qiu Yingying looked at Zifeng curiously, which was very strange.

Zifeng smiled, and didn't explain much.

The three men wandered around, and after a while, they finally passed the battle and entered the hall of the temple.


Qiu Yingying made a sound.

In the hall, a man sat cross-legged.

This is a woman who looks like forty years old, but unfortunately, there is no vitality. Obviously, this is a corpse.

"This is the emperor's secret person, and Emperor Cang has been missing for 60,000 years. Wouldn't this person fall 60,000 years ago?"

Qiu Hao guessed it.

Some people were shocked. If this person fell down 60,000 years ago and his body still hasn't decayed, the cultivation of this person is surprisingly high.


At the same time, the trio believed that only a strong holy land man could maintain his physical body for a long time. Otherwise, even if the emperor's peak exists, his body will rot for 60,000 years.

"How did this man die? No wounds!"

Qiu Yingying made a sound.

Looking at it carefully, no wounds were found on the other side.

"The storage ring has disappeared. It was killed by people and the storage ring was taken away, but how come there are no wounds?"

Zifeng also frowned, somewhat incomprehensible.

Several people looked at it, in the hall, some chairs, tables, etc., but in so many years, it had rotted and turned into ashes.

Finally, several people's eyes fell on the woman.

On her body, there is a purple feather coat, which is an invisible treasure. Even after so many years, it still shines with spiritual brilliance.

This is definitely a treasure worn by a saint, perhaps a sacred soldier.

Holy soldiers, several people raised their heads to illuminate.

At this time, the sound of footsteps sounded, and several young people rushed in.

When some people came in, their eyes fell on the woman.

"Holy soldier, this is definitely a holy soldier, worthless!"

Some young people, their eyes were very hot, and then their eyes fell on Zifeng, and the flickering colors passed.

"How many of these people did we kill?"

A young man speaks.

"were able!"


At the same time, several young people screamed and killed them on this land, and various powerful methods broke out.

These people are very powerful, otherwise, they can't get rid of the previous big formation and shoot together, the power is amazing.

"court death!"

Zifeng's eyes were cold, he walked out step by step, his body was full of violent breathing.

Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity! .

Zifeng continued to punch as the road passed through the void. Under the impact of Zifeng, the attack of several young people was unbearable and suddenly collapsed.

The fist moved on and continued to explode at several young people.

"do not want."

Some people are angry and want to run away. It was too late, and the scream was drowned. When the boxing force disappeared, several young people had been smashed by the purple wind and fell on the spot. "Yingying, this down jacket is for women, accept it!"

Zifeng opened.

"How about this?"

Qiu Yingying wanted to refuse. After all, they just follow Zifeng, and they all rely on Zifeng. They entered this hall. They just killed those people, they also rely on Zifeng.

She has no power at all, but the treasure is hers, how happy she is.

"No problem, women's affairs, we can no longer use them, you accept it!"

Purple Wind Road

Qiu Yingying indulged, nodded, bowed to the woman, then took off the woman's feather coat and put it in the storage ring.

Then, the three people left the palace along the original road.

"There is a palace ahead!"

"Go, go and see, there is definitely a treasure!"

Once the three people walked out of the palace, they heard the message that a rainbow of light passed through the cavity and flew toward the depths of the building.

"The Underground Palace?"

The three looked at each other and saw the intention in their eyes.

"Shall we go see it?"

Qiu Hao opened.


Zifeng nodded, and the three of them soared to the depths of the building.

Below, vast buildings are passing by.

Soon, the three saw thousands of people standing in the air ahead.

Among them, one after another, exudes a strong breath.

More than half of it is the fragrance of the emperor.

Most of the young people who came here this time have been restored, and they are all at their limit, especially the local young people. So when they came in, they broke through and reached Wuhuang.

For the rest, its repair has not reached its limit, so there is no breakthrough.

A group of people, looking ahead.

The three of Zifeng moved forward and looked forward.

In the front, on the plain, a place collapsed and a layer of weak light penetrated. This is a corner building.

In terms of shape, it should be a corner of a huge palace. The rest of the palace is buried underground. ,, ..

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