At this point, the combat effectiveness of the bubble has qualitatively changed to a terrifying point.

Under the ancient tree of enlightenment, Zifeng is still practicing.

In the field of chaos, for the law of chaos, this step is very difficult to cross.

In the beginning, the reincarnation of the emperor gave Zifeng a real chaos. After Lu Ming's refinement, not only the strength of the spiritual body was greatly enhanced, but Lu Ming truly realized chaos. The understanding of Chaos Law would be great. help.

But at that time, Zifeng still did not break through the past.

One month after the bubble burst, they entered the reincarnation of the grave for six months.


The chaos surrounding the body finally changed.

The rich chaotic field disappeared suddenly, disappearing without a trace. At this moment, Zifeng had a clear understanding.

He opened his eyes and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The mind moves between the sky, there is an invisible wave, and then a chaotic air current surrounds the purple wind.

"The law of chaos!"

In Zifeng's eyes, a strange light shone, like chaotic gas flowing.

After half a year of hard work, Zifeng finally mastered the law of chaos and entered the second stage of semi-sacredness, with his strength soaring.

Zifeng himself didn't know how powerful the chaos was.

"It's time to go out now!"

Zifeng got up and walked out of the mountains and rivers.

Then I walked across the bridge, but found that many people formed a circle and seemed to be paying attention to something. Zifeng walked over and came to Ye Dongfang.

"Brother Lu, have you broken through?"

Feel the breath of the purple wind, the leaves' eyes are bright.

The original combat power of Zifeng is amazing. If it breaks through, I am afraid it will be even more terrifying. They will be more sure of rushing out.

"Well, luckily!"

Zifeng nodded.


The phoenix rang.


Zifeng's eyes remained motionless.

Facts proved that there was a flame burning in the crowd, and the phoenix danced in the flame, but Huang Ling could not be seen.

"It seems that Huang Ling will become Nirvana. Once she succeeds, I am afraid I will no longer be her opponent!"

Ye Dongfang sighed.

"Phoenix Nirvana?"

Zifeng whispered.

"Yes, the blood that Huang Ling awakened before was the undead phoenix, one of the top ten beasts. It is not the same as the little soul. After practicing as a spiritual body, at first, it was just an inferior spirit, but it did not die. A trait can be reborn constantly. Every time Nirvana, her spirit will rise to a level, which is amazing. After the success of this Nirvana, her spirit, I am afraid I will reach the middle spirit of the stage!"

Ye Dongfang explained that his eyes were envious.

"This is similar to my Kowloon ancestry!"

Zifeng's heart was moving.

When the blood of Jiulong had just begun to condense out of the spirit, it was also an inferior spirit. It needs to devour refinement and the spiritual essence of true dragons, and can continue to improve.

Without death, the body can be reborn and evolve through Nirvana.

Perhaps it is not easy to awaken the top ten people with beast blood!

Moreover, between heaven and earth, when infinite years come, it is not without it that it can compete with the first ten kinds of beasts, or beasts that surpass the first ten kinds of beasts. Once they awakened the blood, it was also terrible.

It seems like Dragon God Fight, the spirit of continuous evolution is not without.

After all, spirit is not blood.

Blood is born. Once awakened, it can be improved, but it can be improved through Nirvana.

The spirit is cultivated from the blood. It is not born. I am afraid that the limit is not that big. It can evolve, which is normal.

The flames of this group of people are getting stronger and stronger, and the phoenix is ​​getting bigger and bigger. However, after a day, the burning flame seemed to burn to the extreme, and quickly converged, revealing Huang Ling's figure.

At this time, although Huang Ling's restoration was still the semi-sacred third stage, the pressure on people was stronger than before.

Even Zifeng felt a little pressure, and Huang Ling's spirit had successfully evolved and reached the middle spirit.


When the flame turned off, Huang Ling got up.

"Phoenix, congratulations!"


Ye Dongfang, Xia Ding and others congratulated Huang Ling.

In their opinion, they are envious, but they are not discouraged.

High-level spirit means stronger talents and stronger strength at the same level, but future achievements may not be stronger.

They are also the existence of celestial spirits, which may affect the emperor and will be cultivated into the realm of Wudi in the future. After this, its achievements are even higher, which is hard to say. Although the spiritual level represents talents, in history, some people have embarked on inferior nature.

Huang Ling nodded, thanking everyone, and then she looked at Zifeng.

"Ding Ling, I just broke through, just right. Today, we will rush out!"

Lu Mingdao, a sharp flash in his eyes.

"Okay, hurry out today!"

The others nodded, and a murder flashed across their faces.

They are all arrogant figures, and they are very proud. This time, the locals were forced to hide here for half a year. This makes them feel angry and want to explode.


Immediately, Zifeng took the lead to go out.

There are nearly 500 people, followed by Zifeng, with amazing momentum.

When I was out, the journey was unimpeded, and soon I came to that section.

Of course, when you are out, the time required to cross the channel only takes a short day.

When they crossed the passage, there was a loud noise outside: "They are out!"

Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity! .

Suddenly, outside the passage, in all directions, an unpleasant smell erupted.

This is the atmosphere of the great sanctuary.

There are about twenty or so.

These people really didn't give up, and actually waited here for half a year.

More than twenty people came out of the sky, shrouded in light, and the atmosphere was as heavy as a mountain, and it was a sacred prestige.


Zifeng screamed and killed him.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The other young men rushed forward and rushed forward, making a terrible attacking sound.

Compared with six months ago, their strength has improved too much.


A strong man of Mingsheng Xiaocheng stared at Zifeng, and then went to Zifeng to kill him.

"you are dead!"

Zifeng was indifferent to his voice, he showed his imperial power and punched it out.

This punch contains the power of the law of chaos.


A punch hit the palm of the opponent, the face of the other face went crazy, screaming, his palm burst open, the terrible power, ruined and ruined, and continued to bombard the opponent.

"do not want!",,..

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