The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 41: Chamber of Commerce

How to say, Xie Nianqing is retreating, this is a shit, it is deceiving to him.

"damn it!"

Sephiroth was embarrassed and slowly forced himself to calm down and continue to look down.

Next, I looked at several photos in a row.

Suddenly, in a photo, there are many people who are not like Tianyu Demon Sect.

"There is no soul without a knife, no one does not have a knife!"

After careful observation, Sephiroth discovered that these people were actually people without knives.

There is no heart knife, it is hidden in the Tianyu Demon Sect.

There is no doubt that Tianyu Demon Sect also relies on evil souls.


At this time, the force of destruction became more and more violent, directly breaking through the blocking method of the circuit, even the law of time and space was difficult to stop and was slowly broken.

Sephiroth's soul retreated directly from the magical sun soul. Then, the power of destruction will drown the souls of the martyrs.


Mo Yang hugged his head, screamed frantically, struggling on the ground, seemingly painful.

After a while, Magic Yang stopped struggling, and the whole person fainted.

Obviously, the soul of Magic Yang has been destroyed. Even if it wakes up, it is an idiot.


Sephiroth clenched his fists, eyes screaming at the startling murder.

According to the content of the soul search, Xie Nianqing should be fine now and should not be taken.

But the situation is changing rapidly. No one knows what will happen next. One day, Xie Nianqing stayed in Tianyu Demon Sect, which was even more dangerous.

Xie Nianqing must be saved.

It seems that we must take a look at the Tianyu Demon Sect.

Relying on his own cultivation is certainly not enough, but he has a reincarnation and may not have a chance.

Taking a deep breath, Sephiroth calmed down and came to Qiu Yingying and Qiu Hao.

Qiu Hao still hugged the body of a young woman, as if she was a fool.


Sephiroth sighed, but unfortunately, they were one step late, otherwise it would not happen.

"Yingying, let us take your brother back to Longgu!"

Sephiroth Road

"it is good!"

Qiu Yingying nodded, and then whispered: "Brother, let us go back to Long Valley, Jiajia girl has passed away, we want her to enter the earth!"

"Yes, Brother Qiu, you have to cheer up!"

Sephiroth Road

Qiu Hawa nodded, picked up the body of the young woman and stood up.

Although he was hit hard before, he was not injured. Emperor Wu's spirit is strong, and his resilience is very strong. At this time, he was able to take action.

"Luko, thank you!"

Qiu Hao looked at Sephiroth and walked forward with the body of the young woman.

"You can't go!"

At this moment, a sound came from the distant air.


The Falcon has been sealed, unable to exert a certain strength, it is difficult to resist. It was shattered by chaos. It hit the wall of the valley, and the wall kept bursting. The valley is coming, the Falcon has split, and the spirit is gone.

On the first day in the Antelope Palace, he could not imagine it, and he will die here today.

He was invited by Wan Zhengyang. He heard that he was going to kill Huang Ling. He agreed without hesitation. He has been a phoenix for a long time.

It turned out that he thought that with his cultivation, together with Wan Zhengyang and others, dealing with the Phoenix spirit, wouldn't it be a hand?

He never thought that he would meet Sephiroth here, Sephiroth's combat effectiveness reached a terrifying level, and he could kill him.

"Wan Zhengyang, you can't go!"

Sephiroth looked towards the direction of Wan Zhengyang's escape, and it was very cold.

"Brother Luo Ming, give it to me!"

Bubbles appeared on Sephiroth's shoulders, manipulating the laws of time and space, and enveloped Sephiroth's body.


When Sephiroth was in shape, he disappeared in the same place, chasing Wan Zhengyang at an extremely fast speed.

In the place where Sephiroth passed, the space was surging, and Sephiroth seemed to walk through the void, fast.

Soon after, I saw a few numbers and flew quickly before.

However, I did not see Wan Zhengyang. Obviously, Wan Zhengyang was the fastest. He had already driven the others and flew to the front.

Those few people, seeing Sephiroth chasing, were terrified and couldn't escape, biting the attack towards Sephiroth, wanting to fight a battle.

But the result is doomed, Sephiroth kills and kills, without some tricks, all these people will be killed.

"Brother Sephiroth, that direction!"

The bubble points to the right.

Bubbles can pass through space and perceive the situation in the distance. As long as it is not too far away, Wan Zhengyang cannot escape.

Once the character moved, Sephiroth flew to the right.

"Quick, fast, not far away, a mine with ten thousand families. There is an emperor in the town, as long as I escape there, it will be fine!"

"I hope some waste can be stopped for a while!"

Wan Zhengyang increased his speed to the extreme, flew at a certain speed, and flew towards the mountains.

Wanjia has trained thousands of soldiers and needs too many weapons. Therefore, Wanjia will take all means to obtain weapons.

For example, the creation of the Wan Ling Exchange, the creation of various chambers of commerce, and the walking around are mainly for the purpose of earning rough stones and purchasing various weapons.

It will open up all kinds of mines and improve all kinds of weapons.

In the ancient Holy Land Moon, Wanjia has many mines. There is a large mine near Wanyan Mountain. Precious oil refining materials were unearthed, and there is an emperor in the town.

Wan Zhengyang is going to the mine to seek refuge.

Soon after, a large mine appeared in front, and Wan Zhengyang's eyes lit up.

"Safiros, sooner or later, I want you to die in my hands!"

In Wan Zhengyang's eyes, there was a vicious light.

But at this moment, his face changed, because of terrible fluctuations in the rear, a figure quickly chased him at an incredible speed. "Safiros, how come so fast, run away, run away, run away!"

Wan Zhengyang was almost scared to death. Sephiroth chased after him, which meant that the Falcon had been fierce. He was naturally afraid, exploded with all his power, and flew to the big mine desperately.

Seeing that the mine was getting closer, Sephiroth's figure was also approaching, not far from him.

"Help, ancestors, help!"

Wan Zhengyang screamed frantically, his voice being pushed by Shengquan. The speed is much faster than his flying speed, and he flies very far.

In the mine, many mining and smelting workers looked up at Wan Zhengyang.

"That's Wan Zhengyang, the arrogance of the first day!"

"He is running away, who will kill him?"

Many people speculate that they look at Wan Zhengyang's back.

"Ancestor, please help, Sephiroth wants to kill me..."

Wan Zhengyang screamed again, shocking many people.

Sephiroth is actually Sephiroth. ,, ..

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