The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 46: can not stop

The only temple in the temple is sneer.

This made Ziyan Villa and Ouyang's incomparable heart more depraved.

Yu Yu, the only temple in the Holy Sepulchre, isn't it the strongest? How could this be?

Yu Yu's fighting power is almost invincible in the same class, unless it is the body of the king who controls the king's law, or the super spirit, but these characters are not Chinese cabbage.

In the only temple, the great **** is stronger than Yu, no wonder the only temple is so arrogant, no wonder Ouyang is promising and so confident.

"Nine brothers, very strong, you have seen it!"

Ouyang had a weak whisper.

"The discussion has just begun, what is the sixth brother's urgent need?"

Ouyang didn't have two roads.

"Oh? Then continue, because no one dares to fight in the great sacrament, and then change the peak of the great saint!" Ouyang Wu Song screamed coldly.

Yu Xia walked off the battle platform. On the other side of the temple, another person stepped onto the battle platform. Revealed restoration is the peak of the great Holy Spirit.

Ouyang Wuji, this is a complete smash of all levels of Ouyang Wushu.

"Who is the most important sacred peak, who will fight?"

The temple’s only heavenly arrogance is full of pride and self-confidence.

The Tianjiao of Ziyan Villa is very dignified. Finally, there is a Tianjiao on Dashengfeng, stepping onto the battle platform.

Unfortunately, the arrogance of the only temple was completely defeated. As before, it was basically a one-sided battle with dozens of moves, but the Tianjiao of Ziyan Villa had been defeated.

Then, Ziyan Villa sent another Tianjiao, but still lost.

The great sacred, the great holy peaks were all swept and crushed.

"Nine brothers, I said, even if you take the exam, there is no chance, you better help me!"

Ouyang Wuji continued to speak.

"These are only two levels. It is too big for a sacred world. It is too early for these six brothers!"

Ouyang didn't have two roads.

"Do you still need to fight in Dasheng Dacheng? People in this field have little influence on this test!"

Ouyang Wou-ki showed a contemptuous smile.

This time, the Tianjiao they invited was the top Tianjiao. Not only is the spirit strong, but the magical power of the magical power is very high, at least the pinnacle of great holiness, and more importantly, the perfection of the great sacrament.

Dasheng Dacheng has no effect on the situation of the battle.

"Don't fight, how did you know?"

Ouyang didn't have two roads.

"Since the nine brothers insist on this? I have a great divine priest here, I can accompany you!"

Ouyang Wuji Road.

Then, on the other side of the temple, a great holy priest stepped onto the battle platform.

"Grand St. Dacheng, who is going to fight?"

This person is drinking.

The Tianjiao of Ziyan Villa face each other. Among them, there is no great saint.

"This war, let me come!"

Long Chen got up and stepped on the battle platform.

Long Chen's restoration is great and sacred.

"Nine brothers, I heard that you invited a few Tianjiao to help the ancient temple, wouldn't it be them? The repair is a bit low!" Ouyang Wuji laughed, sneered.

Tianjiao He invited great saints in the ancient holy land, such as Molang, Prince Jinwuer and so on. Although the battle at the same level is not as good as the only proud temple in the sky, the combat power cannot be underestimated.

"The factor that determines combat effectiveness is not the decision!" Ouyang had a weak response.

"Oh, isn't it? Not everyone, there are talents like Nine Brothers!"

Ouyang said with a smile.

On the battle stage, Long Chen stood up holding his hand, with extraordinary temperament, but it was not good for him to fall into the eyes of the only temple.

"Do you want me to accept it? I suggest you push it down!"

Said proudly, the only heavenly arrogance of the temple.

"If you can pick me up, I will give up!"

Long Chen opened vaguely.

"What? Pick up your three moves? Hahaha!"

The only proud temple, haha ​​laughed, not only him, but also under the platform, everyone else laughed.

In the same level of war, the temple’s only heavenly arrogance is almost invincible. Now, Long Chen said, it is absurd to defeat the only temple of Tianjiao with three moves.

"Nine brothers, your friend, really..."

Ouyang Wuji just wanted to laugh at a word, but when it was halfway, it got stuck there.

A voice rang, and it rang in the sky. Long Chen has an arm, which swells sharply. Walking out, the platform vibrated, and then hit Tianjiao to the only temple.


On the ground of the boxing, the sky vibrated wildly, and the air immediately evaporated, forming a terrible vacuum.

The terrifying power of the celestial temperament of the only temple.


The only heavenly arrogant temple exploded with full force, but it was useless at all.

Long Chenquan slammed, and all resistance burst.

The only scream in the sky, the body flew out directly, and fell on the battle platform. Half of his body was smashed and almost killed alive.

"how so?"

The only other celestial priests in the temple got up, full of breath, and some were unbelievable.

The only arrogant temple in the sky, is called the only one in the world, the invincible existence of the same level, but now, at the same level of the First World War, it was defeated by Chen Long and shocked everyone.

Long Chen said that these three tricks are all polite. In fact, every move cannot be stopped.

"The law of power is the best rule of the king's law!"

In the only temple, someone recognized Long Chen's law.

"This person is the king's body, controlling the ultimate power, is it so terrible?"

"Like the Nine Emperors, they are all kings!"

The only paradise arrogance of the temple is talking to each other.

"This guy is too strong?"

Looking at the arrogance of Long Chen's Ziyan Villa is surprising.

"Hey old dog, alone!"

The middle-aged man left a phrase, the shape of his body rose to the sky, and he left.

This middle-aged man is naturally composed of Zifeng.

Before the Yuanshan Palace, he saw the contradiction between the two emperors He Wei and Hengjia. For the rest, Zifeng speculated that He Wei should rely on him and took away the treasure of the Heng family. The person wants to return, and does not return.

At first, the two real emperors of Hengjia, but Daxie wanted to pay the price of the family. Now, Zifeng took advantage of this and began to attack the He family, causing conflicts between the two parties. ,, ..

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