"Damn, rob my clothes, now send someone to kill my Jiaheng, intimidate in a good family. Today, who are you!"

The eternal tyranny of the Hengan family, the power of the world, the crazy operation, a terrible lightsaber, and the true emperor of his family calmed down.

"In order to fight, don't think your family will be afraid of you!"

The real emperor He Jia was also very angry and launched a counterattack.

"Do it!"

The entire body of the Heng family was also shot, and the terrifying sword light broke out and killed the strong man of the He family.

However, the powerful people who came to this place were all characters in real life, and they also launched a counterattack.

This area was directly shattered, and the horror of the entire emperor's city seemed to be trembling.

The real emperor fights, this scene is terrible, countless people panicked and flew happily to see.

"Heaven, the real emperor, this is the Heng family and the powerhouse of his family!"

"Two years have passed, is there still a great battle?"

In faraway places, many people look scared.

From a high place in the distance, Zifeng became a dark-skinned young man, observing him from a distance.

Zifeng's mouth sneered.

In fact, his strategy is not outstanding. This is a chaotic law, which has become a family cross and Hejiagou, who kills each other, inspires contradictions between the two sides.

With this strategy, although the two people calmed down and negotiated, it was not difficult to see and even doubt the person in charge of Zifeng.

However, both have a deep inherent hatred, which burns at a certain point like gunpowder.

What's more, just congratulations, it is impossible for two people to sit down and get along, they did not say a few words, and they did.

boom! boom! .

That territory, the terrifying light of swords and knives, covered the entire sky, the space was not opened, revealing a terrifying dark space.

However, this is Hengjia.

On the one hand, in the Heng family, there is a strong breath, and there are very strong people. They woke up from retirement and participated in the war.

The true emperor of the He family suddenly fell to the bottom.

"Get out and go home!"

The He family of a real emperor, He Jialai is here, there are five real emperors, five people unite, and a crazy influence. However, there are more and more real emperors in the Heng family, and they are completely at a disadvantage. For a while, they could not leave.

"Assault other people in the Heng family!"

In He Wei's eyes, the color of the scorpion is revealing, and the knife is violent. It is not suitable for other real emperors, but for the temples of the Heng family, and also for the people under the real emperor of the Heng family.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

The real emperor of the Heng family roared, and the two real emperors ran out to rescue them, but it was too late.

The one-hundred-mile-long He Wei's knife fell, and countless people in the Heng family were under this knife, and the smoke and smoke disappeared. In the Hengjia temple complex, there is a crack that is hundreds of miles long. elongation

"Hey, you are looking for death!"

Emperor Hengjia was very angry, and someone killed him.

However, He Xiao's face was full of sadness, and several knives ran towards the rest of the Heng family. Several royal emperors had no choice but to stop He Wei's sword.

Generally speaking, the true emperor will not fight the weak.

However, He Hao's theft is approaching. This time he didn't have confidence, so he was very crazy, there were no rules at all.

Emperor Hengjia went to rescue others, but there was a gap in the siege. He and the other five emperors of He Jiazhen rushed out of the siege and rushed to the He family.

"He Jia, you have to pay for blood and blood!"

The real Hengjia family roared fiercely.

In the distance, Zifeng laughed, his body glowing, he went to Yuanshan Holy Temple.

Next, you don't need me to do this, you just have to look at it.

There is bound to be a great battle between Hengjia and the He family.

Soon after Zifeng returned to the Tianshan Alliance Sacred Mountain Court, Xinghe held a sword and killed the Shenhuo Alliance. In the "covenant", he killed the powerful king He Jia on the first day.

This incident shocked Yuanshan Shengyuan!

That He Family Tianjiao, there were ten sacred kings, and his talent was terrifying. He was the second person in the Shenhuo Alliance, but he was killed.

In the Shenhuo Alliance, no one dares to stop Galaxy!

After hearing the news, He Jia threw the pot directly.

On the first day of Hejia’s arrogance, the king’s powerful body and talents are absolute, and the family is considered the hope of the future and is expected to reach the emperor’s kingdom, but now, the one being killed, He Xing.

"The war has begun!"

At home, there was an angry voice.

"The war has begun!"

The same is true for the Heng family.

On this day, Jia Henghe, his hometown, sent out a terrible strong man at the same time. Both were in the central region. There was nothing to say. The two suddenly broke out in a terrorist war.

He Jia and Heng Jia, each of them sent thousands of strong men, and a terrible war broke out in an area between the two places.

This battle shocked the Emperor Castle!

The battle was fierce, the sun and the moon were muted, and the area of ​​the Emperor City was razed to the ground.

That battle, a whole day's battle!

The last two failures were injured and everyone retired.

It is said that there are so many masters of war and death in this war. Even Emperor Wudi fell more than ten, and even the real emperor also fell.

In the Imperial City, for a while, the environment was extremely depressed.

Because everyone knows that these two wars will not end, on the contrary, they are just the beginning. Indeed, after the war, the two began a thorough battle.

Both sides sent personnel and attacked each other's industry.

The two sides faced each other often, and at any time, the strong were killed.

The hatred between the two sides has reached an irreconcilable level, and the fighting is intensifying. Even true emperors often kill each other.

Strong men fall every day.

This fierce battle took three full months, and Hengjia and He Jia were countless powerful.

However, this did not stop both sides, but the hatred became more intense.

On this day, a piece of news shocked the entire world, and even the entire Yuanshan Holy Garden.

The great emperor of the Heng family, the great emperor of the He family, settled on Tiandi Mountain half a month later.

The huge confrontation shocked the world!

Countless people are surprised and surprised.

Unexpectedly, this time the confrontation between the two families will eventually lead to a confrontation between the big powers. ,, ..

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