As long as Yoshida and Longyan lose both sides, then Zifeng can sweep the rest of the family, and this time, Luo can win.

"Longyan, in this battle, we don't seek victory, but we can't let Yoshida win!"

Luo Jiajia, Longyan's voice.

Long Yan nodded and stepped onto the battle platform.

Yoshida also stepped onto the battle platform.

"Long Yan, a few years ago, you were not my opponent. Today, you will not be my opponent!"

Ji Tian's opening revealed a strong self-confidence and invincible belief.


Long Yan was indifferent, and then walked out, his whole body filled with terrible flames.

This flame is a very terrible flame law. It is called the Law of Fire Fighting, and it is also the rule of the king.

"Six prisons!"

Ji Tian whispered, there seemed to be six worlds around his body.

In the process of rushing out, his breathing became stronger, and the four-color rule changed the river into five colors.

This time, it immediately ignited the audience.

"Heaven, five colors, five rules, Zifeng has mastered the five rules, did I read it!"

"It's true, it's horrible, there are no limits, how is this possible?"

Everyone was shocked.

Previously, Zifengzhan revealed four rules, which is surprising enough. People guess that most of them are the limits of Zifeng.

But now, Zifeng has disclosed five rules. Where are his limitations?

Zi Fengzhan revealed the five rules, and the five rules merged, causing ripples.

Many people find it difficult to calm down. Zifeng has no restrictions.

Now there are five kinds, if you wait for it, you will show six kinds of things, everyone has no bottom.

Lu Xiangxiang and Ouyang Mo jumped up more excitedly.


Zifeng crossed the void, suddenly approaching fate.

The fate of destiny shrank, his eyes were extremely dignified, and his body almost merged with the fate of the river, becoming illusory.

At the same time, he kept pointing out and pointed out the shadow.

This time, the focus is on the shaded eyebrows.


The imaginary eyebrows were pierced, and the shocking Zifeng suffered terrible attacks and killings. An extremely sharp force killed Zifeng's eyebrows.

However, now that Zifeng’s five laws have been merged, the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, the laws have been shaken, and power has been blocked. Then Zifeng withdrew and bombed the attacking force.


With a thunderous roar, the void continued to vibrate. The attack power against Zifeng is amazing, but it is still defeated by Zifeng.

"Let me have a look!"

Zifeng rushed over and pointed.

Between heaven and earth, energy riots converged into a huge chaotic robbery, destroying the longevity of the river.

Oh la la!

This time, the fate of the river is irresistible to the power of chaos and robbery. The long river is rolling, shaking, and the river and the waves are throwing thousands of waves.


With the chaos and chaos, the fate of the river seemed to collapse.

At this moment, the scene was silent, and many people didn't even dare to breathe, because they knew that now was the crucial moment and it was time to win the game.

Who can win in the end?

"Fate is long!"

The fate of the tsunami, he is using the power of the fate of the river to turn into a ray of sunlight, screaming in the chaos.


There was a terrible explosion in the sky, the light of fate in the sky blocked the chaos, and the **** disappeared.


Zifeng also pointed out a few fingers, gathering endless energy, and there were three chaotic robberies, rushing to fate.

Fate can only resist.

Before the situation was completely reversed.

Just now, Tian Ming showed a long river of fate, and Zifeng fell in the wind, but now, the fate of life has fallen to a disadvantage, and the situation is changing rapidly.

Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity!

Three roars and three chaotic robbers were blocked, but the fate of the body was fading, the river of fate shook, and the light became a little dim. "You broke my defense!"


"But now, you are still so confident, and then break your confidence!"

Zifeng stepped on the void, he held his hand in the void, a huge sword light condensed in the air.

The sword of death!

This is a killing technique created by Zifeng himself. It contains death, devouring, martial arts and extremes.

This is not a simple legal fusion, but the various magical uses of these four laws are used to construct a magical technique.

This magical technique is more integrated than simple rules, and the power is not known how strong it is.

Although Zifeng could only exert the magical effects of the four rules at first, it could not be stopped. This style of magic had become one of Lu Ming's most powerful killings.


Zifeng drank, and the sword fell.

This sword directly opened the hole and swayed destiny.

Fate tried his best to resist, but it was useless. His fate swayed wildly, he was cut in half by the sword of death, and then burst open.

Fate is crazy, he vomits blood in his mouth, and the blood is stained with a white dress.

Fate was hurt, fate was broken, he was hit hard.

call out! call out! .

Zifeng didn't stop, cast chaos and robbery, and pointed out several huge fingers in succession, killing Destiny.

Fate was not driven out of the battlefield, nor was it recognized. The battle is not over yet.

Fate is reluctant. He struggled hard, but he was hit hard, his fighting power was weakened, and his fate was cut off. He couldn't fight Zifeng at all.

After some actions, he was shot directly and flew out a hundred miles, vomiting blood, and his face was pale.

He was shot and flew out of the battle platform!

"you lose!"

Zifeng stood in the middle of the battle platform and opened weakly.


Heaven has been defeated!

The whole scene became silent. When the reaction came, it was embarrassing.

"Zifeng is really in the sky, in the realm of the emperor, and actually defeated fate!"

"The myth of the law of destiny has been broken, destiny can be broken, and people will win this day!"

The scene was bombed, and no one thought that the fate would be defeated and defeated by Zifeng.

Zifeng defeated fate and truly stood at the top.

In the beginning, Zifeng was not optimistic. Even if Lu Ming did not break through Emperor Wu, he was mocked by Ms. Yang. At that time, no one would have thought that Zifeng could enter the top ten.

No one even thinks that Zifeng will win first place in the end!

"Master is invincible, I know my master is invincible!"

Lu Xiangxiang jumped up excitedly, don't forget to look at the elderly nearby. ,, ..

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