The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 65: Hallucination

A person who has not yet become an emperor will control the two most powerful laws, two kings of laws. In ancient times, ancient people never existed!

The other, the son of a rare fate in ancient times, controls fate, and the world is unparalleled.

Who is stronger?

Two numbers, each appeared in the air and landed on the platform, attracting everyone's attention.

Destiny, a white dress, is covered with mysterious light, such as dust, dust and dirt under the celestial body.

With a faint smile, he looked at Zifeng and said: "You are strong, but you are still destined to be defeated!"

"Briefly, my destiny, I control myself, no one can control my destiny, if it is, everything will be shattered!"

Zifeng is very domineering.

He didn't believe in fate at all, I was killed by life!

Only if you are strong enough can you change your own destiny or even reverse your own destiny.

"People used to believe that they could fight against fate, but in the end they did not escape from fate!"

God is not angry, still vaguely, as if to control everything.

"Oh, you see your own destiny, and then will I be my pig's destiny?"

Zifeng smiled.

"My destiny is doomed, undefeated!"

Fate whispers.

"Then I will change my destiny and let you lose it once!"


On Zifeng's body, four rules broke out, and the four rules merged. Zifeng's body was like a cannonball, smashed toward his destiny.

"You are destined to get hurt!"

Destiny whispered, reaching out a little bit.

There was no energy fluctuation, but at this time, Zifeng's hair was blown up and his pupils shrank. He felt a terrible force in the air, bombarding him and crushing him.


Zifeng's vibration law, four rules, gathered into a four-color law river, surrounded by the whole body, blocking the strange energy attack.

"Is this the law of destiny? This is just a law. Although mysterious and strange, it can't really tell the destiny, and it still needs energy attack!"

Zifeng has a little understanding of the law of destiny.


The purple wind broke out and broke the energy attack and killed them in one fell swoop.

"Fate, don't use these skills, use magical skills!"

Zifeng turned on, his body was like electricity, and his speed was close to fate.

"As you wish, destiny is great!"

The light of the gods is more intense, almost invisible, and shrouded in the rays of the sun.

His finger pointed out that the bright destiny turned into a sword, towards Zifeng.


Zifeng also pointed out that it showed the chaos of the robbery, a very cohesive sprint, and the destiny of destruction.

But then, the fingers of destiny kept pointing out that the light of destiny turned into various weapons and killed Zifeng.

The power of these weapons is amazing, and they have terrible killing power. The cultivation of destiny is also the pinnacle of two stars, but the combat effectiveness is absolutely amazing. Every fate of fate can kill an ordinary two-star virtual emperor, or even an ordinary three-star emperor.

Zifeng's operating rules covered his palms, playing into the chaos of the gods, and pulling them out continuously.

thump! thump! thump! .

The fate of the road was defeated by Zifeng and dissipated like fireworks.

Zifeng is brave and invincible, constantly destroying the fate of attack and death, and his figure is approaching fate.

In the end, Zifeng broke through the block and pointed out a chaotic robbery that killed Destiny.

The fate of the gods has shrunk, and under his feet, a fate is formed, and he is in the middle of fate.

However, Zifeng’s current attack power is stronger than Yuan Xin, and the chaotic robbers are crushed and passed, making the life of the river shake.

"Everything is under the cover of the fate of the river, Zifeng, give me a failure!"

The fate of the gods, reaching out from the fate of the river, grabbed a character.

This figure is exactly the same as Zifeng, but it looks very illusory, struggling in the hands of fate. It's like Zifeng's destiny is truly controlled by destiny.

call out!

Destiny pointed out that a ray of light penetrated the body of the phantom.

At the same time, a terrifying force appeared out of thin air, rushed into the purple wind with a bang, and Lu Ming's body hole was also inserted.

Zi Feng screamed, and the power of the Four Laws kept shaking, blocking this power.

thump! thump! .

Four rules, constant vibration, the slightest collapse, the power is too terrible, I don't know where it was born, even the four rules are incompatible.


In the end, Zifeng retreated, and the four rules were broken. However, after the power penetrated the four rules, he was almost cancelled out, but only Zifeng left a shallow trace. Zifeng was not injured.

"Zifeng will fail!"

"But this is enough to explain the terrible Zifeng. Just now Yuanyuan faced this move and was completely defeated and was directly hit hard!"

"However, the tricks of fate are terrible!"

Seeing that Zifeng was repelled, everyone guessed that the ultimate winner of this battle was still doomed.

Some forces that were hostile to Zifeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, Zifeng was not that bad.

"Fate cannot be violated!"

Fate is open, he stands in the river of fate, as if he is God.

call out! call out!

He patted **** in a row and pierced the hallucinations with his hands.

At the same time, Zifeng suffered a terrible attack, and the law was shaken. Zifeng was very angry, but after all, he was blocked and not injured.


Destiny is a continuous finger pointing to the phantom, Zifeng suffered a terrible attack, and there are several terrible powers attacking him.


The burly young man hugged the boxing, then walked out, his eyes glanced at Zifeng Shiren.

He has short hair with needle-like roots and sharp eyes, like a lion.

"I cultivated the Taikoo martial arts. Among you, you should practice the Taikoo martial arts."

The short-haired youth opened his mouth and glanced at ten people with a faint arrogance.

thump! thump! thump!

Violence, chelation, and ancient demons came out at the same time, and a strong breath broke out.

"I will come to you!"

Opening violently, the body is like an iron tower, full of infinite power.

"he's mine!"

The cheeks also opened, and there was a hint of cold on the eyelids.

He is the real dragon family, the royal family of the Zijin real dragon.

But on the other side, nine dragons came to pull the cart, which made him very unhappy.

The short-haired youth swept across the three of them, and smiled at the corners of their mouths. Contempt is contempt, and it is not hidden. ,, ..

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